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General Category / Suggestions / Re: HOT BUTTON: Buff Level Restrictions and ROA/SOA/UW/Aug Level Requirements
on: April 14, 2016, 12:15:16 am
I'd say make uw 1 lvl 70 req, uw 2-4 lvl 71, uw5-6 lvl 72, uw7 lvl 73, uw8 at 74, uw9 at 75, uw10 at 76, uw 11 at 77, and uw12 at 78
General Category / General Discussion / Re: MQ2 macros
on: March 02, 2016, 04:24:14 pm
since you must turn in 1-2000 t4 tokens for 100 god major's, can you make a npc for mass turn in's combining all your t3 tokens to t4 tokens like the roa mass turn in?
General Category / General Discussion / GSOA
on: January 13, 2016, 07:42:23 pm
I know gsoa's drop very rarely throughout all the tiered zones qvic and up, but is there a place to specifically farm for them and if not would the GM's consider making one.
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: T5 Open-Raids Ending
on: May 16, 2012, 01:04:47 am
Gonna keep this short Stated when i got in raid i was just here for 4.5 run there were 95?ish corals on map when i started, asked if any cared no one said anything. i also said i am not rolling on any loots. killed all the corals killed white looted book and ring he dropped if napoleon killed corals he never mentioned it i didnt keep track all i got from the raid is kill credits and i know i killed almost all the corals based on the time it took me to kill them
General Category / General Discussion / Attn: Hunter (port rings)
on: March 27, 2012, 11:01:23 pm
hunter is it possible to color code the port rings: ring or dragons,ring of abyss, ring of gods etc... so its easier to locate and maybe add a secondary ring to each vendor to port group like airplane?
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