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General Category / General Discussion / Re: ninjastrike Vlll
on: January 23, 2015, 06:40:52 am
im trying to make NS8
book said its either
NS7 + 2 SLS + 2 Anguish + 2 Magical Blue Diamond
2 x IS8 + 2 Magical Blue Diamond
first receipe work, second not working, but use to work, i did it with at least 4 toon
General Category / General Discussion / ninjastrike Vlll
on: January 21, 2015, 01:47:57 pm
book said for recipe icestrike Vlll X2 and Magical blue diamond X2
i use to did this combine for other toons and was working now its no longer working ?
i also tried with 2 sls and 2 sls with 2 Anguish still not working
this reciepe is no longer in game or just a bug?
im using UF client and like i said i use to create NS Vlll with this receipe before
General Category / General Discussion / daily mini Dranik
on: January 16, 2015, 09:36:16 am
this morning i have complete Dranik but i didnt get Underboss kill credit, so no reward i remove the quest from quest windows and i wasnt able to get Abyss daily
how can i complete dranik qithout killing all the boss ? why i cant get daily if i have none in quest windows ?
General Category / Updates / Re: What do ~YOU~ want to see in EZ?
on: July 23, 2014, 11:56:26 pm
if you want to keep people playing this game, make some drop/spawn more high been 2 week im in ToFs floor 5 , i have kill about 150 enraged relative and not a single essence drop, 2 week for a single item this geting rediculious, you can check my log im not lying, ive been there 2 week for real, beside during DBL i spend 1 day on floor 5 and 1 day in hoh/poa
General Category / Updates / Re: Website Changes
on: May 07, 2014, 08:36:32 pm
im not posting much but i come to see the forum everyday by the way i realy like to say THANKZ for all the great work your doing for this server
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Shadow
on: December 30, 2012, 01:13:13 am
Is the situation here that people who have all their toons UC'ed are happy with the current lousy drop/jump rate and think others shouldn't complain, while people who still need them aren't happy? most of all high end player get thier xtra UC toon from shadow when he was still droping v1 im pretty sure about it
General Category / General Discussion / Shadow
on: December 29, 2012, 07:43:18 pm
what with shadow been only droping shit lately ? farmed him saturday got like 10 charm of 13 shadow kill and 3 were v1 got a couple of shadow that didnt drop anything
General Category / Updates / Re: RoA Quest Fix
on: November 20, 2012, 07:47:33 am
another way to see us, the casual player, the high end game getting almost out of reach. when not all but most of the hardcore player dont realy mind those change cause they already have thier ROA.
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