Thank you guys for the help. Got things figured out just had to download the AMD Overdrive and underclocked the cpu by 100mhz and that solved the problem.
Hey everyone. I just recently downloaded the rof2 client and have everything setup(have server files too) and can get logged in but my characters are moving at the speed of light and my mouse clicks are acting like a click/hold so if I open my inventory and left click a bag it makes a hotkey and if I right click it brings up the bag info rather than opening the bag.
Everything on my pc is up to date driver wise and I have no issues logging in its just the slight character movements are rapid and constant. Can't target npcs or other players and when I move with any characters just tapping a movement key will shoot them halfway across an area.
first of all I did not ninja loot anything from you. The only thing I was looking for from T2 was cleric legs. my other characters have been full t2 for almost the past month.
I have only been playing on this server for a couple months and I have read and understand the rules. I would not ninja loot anything for any reason. I am not that type of person.
I really do not appreciate being blamed for something I did not do.