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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: New to server, good duo? on: May 07, 2011, 08:28:50 pm
I'm semi new to this server myself, but I've found there to be two mentalities on this server. The first is to get the absolute farthest you can, in which case a War/Cleric would get to a higher tier without the aid of a bot (or four). The second and often forgotten mentality is having fun and enjoying the journey. In that case I agree that a SK would be great with your Druid. The life taps are amazing on this server, and get better with charms.

Don't forget to have the Druid cast his Focus for Damage over Time under the Poison folder in his spell book. It's a level 1 spell that doubles his DoT damage. It goes along with Focus of Healing, same deal. Both of these spells require the "EZ Spell File" txt from the EZ Server Downloads on the left side.

A lot of n00bs (like me) miss that bit at the start.
2  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: adding a 4th, what should it be? on: May 03, 2011, 04:53:33 pm
Hi Cowtipper,

I really appriciate the offer, but those times would be hard for us. Work in the week and sleeping in on the weekend Tongue

We actually fell in with a real nice bloke from The House of Strix, who gave us a nudge in the right direction.

I think we've broken the shell on our little group, and we'll soon see you all in the tiers Smiley
3  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: adding a 4th, what should it be? on: April 30, 2011, 09:02:45 pm
Thank you Chunkumss, Brokyn and Barrettd04.

We gave it a go last night and she got a SK within grouping range. She found that It takes a little more strategizing as a tank, but she'll get used to it.

Bummer about the Mage pet only buffing the mage, Rogue's need their speed as much as casters need their crack.

So that is our new group, SK and Mage for her Pally and Rogue for me. And to get her up to lvl 50, I started a Druid, thinking I could keep her healed... I found that I never needed to. She was only using me for my damage shield Sad I might try and get my computer to bring up a third window and auto follow with the druid for spot heals and utility. But that can wait until things start to get tougher.

See you guys in Game Smiley
4  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: adding a 4th, what should it be? on: April 30, 2011, 05:10:03 am
LoL, I hadn't considered a SK in a group with a Pally. Who woulda thought? But the wife is all excited. She started reading up on them, and I explained that her new role would be to tank and her eyes lit right up. Apparently getting all up in a mobs face and swinging a sword is what she wanted to do all along, but thought that she had to be a robe wearer because she's a girl...

So, new question. Can we give her 2 pets (mage and SK) Pally epics and let them spam group heal?
5  General Category / Quest and Guides / adding a 4th, what should it be? on: April 29, 2011, 11:30:23 pm
First off, the wife and I live in Australia (and the server resets at 6:00pm every day our time, /grumble /grumble). We play on a set of laptops. I'm playing a Rogue and made a Pally to tank for me. She made a Mage and wants to bring a 2nd char in to help our little group. We're only at level 57, and would like to take the slow and steady path as far as we can get. We don't really want to bring in a 5th, but I'm considering hosting a 3rd on my laptop, depending on what she goes with. I played many years on live, many years ago, and this is where all of my preconceived ideas come from. I've been reading posts for weeks now on these forums, and it seems that recent changes have made some posts even only 4 months old, irrelevant. It would be nice to have a little up-to-date advice, please.

1. Thinking about a chanter. Mez was broke, now it's fixed, bosses are immune (as they should be) but I don't know if that applies to all mobs in a bosses chambers or mobs part of a boss event.
1a. Can we effectively lock down mobs with a Chanter and how far with that get us?
1b. I read a lot about tank and spank, but not a lot about Slowing. Is Chanter slowing an effective method for keeping the tank alive? How far could we get slowing mobs without a Priest Class?

2. Thinking about a Bard, many of the same questions apply.
2a. Can we effectively lock down mobs with a Bard and how far would that get us?
2b. Would a combination of Bard slowing and Regen songs get us not as far, or father than the Chanter slowing option? How far can we get without a Priest Class?

3. It seems by reading that the best group option is to forget the CC and slows and add a War and Cleric to the group (with the Mage, Pally and Rogue) . How much farther could I get with a healer and off tank combo opposed to the Bard or Chanter support? I want to do the CC/Slow as I find it more fun than Tank/Spank, but I don't want to handicap myself to stuck not getting passed Epic 1.5.

4. Side question. After getting into the CG, I understand that my toons can hail the mage pet for buffs? and that these buffs are better (or as good as) any of the chanter buffs (haste and clarity), which devalues the Chanter even more, correct? But I guess that Chanter still has Rune...

It's hard to conceptualize what works and what's worthless when you will be wearing 30k hps worth of gear. A 1k Rune was amazing on live 6 years ago, but that was when Complete Heal truly was a Complete Heal (No one had broke 10k hps). Now, I don't know.

5. Open to suggestion. Any other favorable options for the 4th spot in a Pally, Rogue and Mage group?

All the best!

6  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: Armor sets on: April 24, 2011, 07:17:01 am
First, Duh me! I just realized that those are all the epic weapons and I need to do the epic quests to get them. But the question still applies. Say I want the wood elf illusion mask.... do I get that in the same place I would get that in live?

Next, Hey Skinny! Smiley Ya, I'm a little older and a lot farther from home (got married and moved to Australia), but I'm that same guy. I'll message you in game as we don't need to hijack this thread...


Atops (and Stufer, main on EzServer)
7  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: Armor sets on: April 23, 2011, 09:12:01 pm
Thank You Stad!

Server question. As a rogue, I love piercing weapons, and I see them all listed out in your first post (So Cool!), but i wonder where to find them. I can research and don't expect you to fill in every detail for me, but how closely does this server follow EQ Live?

Is is safe to assume that in an EZServer "Non-Custom" zone, the loot table is the same as live? Therefor, if I want some specific drop, I can use Allakhazam's to find the mob who drops it as only the "Custom" zones have altered loot tables? OR, are the weapons you've listed dropped in "Custom" zones and therefor accessible at lower levels and by my duo which couldn't get the item from the original mob who is out of my league. If that is the case, do I just stumble upon things by dumb luck? 

Half the fun of EQ back in the day was going out on a mission for a specific item. I like fantasizing about what I want offline, and tackle that goal when I get online.

Sorry for the n00b ramble  Embarrassed
8  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Solo Progression Advice on: April 23, 2011, 08:45:27 pm
Glad this thread got started. Thank You all for posting  Grin
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