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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Last Stand on: May 20, 2010, 08:20:54 pm
I realize that my post about the tikis was over the top and not needed e-drama.

Ive apologized to vendetta and transendence as a guild for my actions.

Cant we all just get along  Cry
2  General Category / General Discussion / Re: PoD Tikis on: May 19, 2010, 12:32:15 pm
Depends, Can I play it while camping tiki's I dont have crystals to spawn?  Tongue
So let us know if its worth all the damn hype

Ive already apologized to all parties involved...Stylos/Vendetta/Transendence/And Reed (told stylos to tell him)/ and these forums

There isn't an issue anymore, Ive apologized and admitted my fault.

So can we move on from the anonymous bashing?

Im not anonymous at all. Sorry if you took it like I am attacking you. If I was attacking someone I would name them and say something like "XYZ is a fucking piece of shit and here is why i think that"
Im poking fun at the situation in general while poking at the idea that SC2 wont live up to the hype about it.

I see the sarcasm know, lol, im patching as of this morning we will see if it is good, apparently its unbalanced as of the moment. Terran Marauders are incredibly OP.

3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: PoD Tikis on: May 19, 2010, 10:37:30 am
Depends, Can I play it while camping tiki's I dont have crystals to spawn?  Tongue
So let us know if its worth all the damn hype

Ive already apologized to all parties involved...Stylos/Vendetta/Transendence/And Reed (told stylos to tell him)/ and these forums

There isn't an issue anymore, Ive apologized and admitted my fault.

So can we move on from the anonymous bashing?
4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: PoD Tikis on: May 19, 2010, 07:00:48 am
I got SC II beta anyone else playing?
5  General Category / Enchanter / Re: Charm? on: May 16, 2010, 11:00:01 pm
Population of enchanters on server goes from 5 to OVER 9000!!!!!!!!
6  General Category / General Discussion / Re: PoD Tikis on: May 16, 2010, 08:23:13 pm
no video yet?

titanmaster = a joke.
reputation = ruined.

The video you all requested.


Im currently done talking about this situation. I said i would post the video and here it is.

Stylos, i apologize for jumping to frapsing you but at the time it did come off rather bad from my point of view.

With the rule clarification by hunter, i apologize to you and in no way was every trying to ruin your name.


I really dont care what you think of me or my reputation on a hacked server where half the population of people are boxed.

Sorry to bring this to the forums it would have truly been a waste of time but i feel some what redeemed that there was a ruling on Tikkis.

7  General Category / General Discussion / Re: PoD Tikis on: May 15, 2010, 09:52:16 pm
I've updated the rules and added about Tiki's.

Thank you for the rule clarification
8  General Category / General Discussion / Re: PoD Tikis on: May 15, 2010, 07:17:38 pm
It sounds like you were refusing to let someone spawn the tiki because you were camping the mobs around the tiki. That's kind of a dick move if that is the case. Really I would be careful about involving Hunter on this. Again, not trying to take sides because I was not there but hoarding a camp with no crystals is a quick way to really really look bad to the rest of the community.

We let transendence have the tikki spawn. I really dont care what the rest of the community thinks, im not here to people please.
9  General Category / General Discussion / Re: PoD Tikis on: May 15, 2010, 06:49:19 pm
Sorry Titanmaster & crew but you really were wrong in this situation. You can't just claim a tiki and camp there killing trash when someone else actually has crystals to turn in. Common courtesy implies that you should give up the camp in this situation. Not be a jerk about it and refuse to leave and throw a tantrum in /shout.

For all you know, you could have killed trash for hours without getting an earth crystal to drop, just screwing someone out of camping the tiki.

I think we are missing something very vital here. When someone says there camping fire they are currently camping that area where the tikki is. Camping doesn't have to mean you have a crystal or not.

As far as the video goes, im going to let hunter look at it first then i will link it on these forums. I dont know if what he did constitues as a ban/suspension. I guarantee its very close.
10  General Category / General Discussion / Re: PoD Tikis on: May 15, 2010, 06:28:19 pm
so we arent getting a link to the video? sounds like a hoax to me.

Its no hoax, the video is on youtube
11  General Category / General Discussion / Re: PoD Tikis on: May 15, 2010, 03:57:01 pm
Is it possible i can see it as well?

If your nice Tongue
12  General Category / General Discussion / Re: PoD Tikis on: May 15, 2010, 03:53:33 pm
About this Video? When are we going to see it? I use DSL as well, and could have already posted it 3-4 times and then posted a Direct Link here, Id suggest you try a different way of uploading it.

Posted on youtube just sent hunter the link in an email.
13  General Category / General Discussion / Re: PoD Tikis on: May 15, 2010, 03:40:47 pm
Fact is you cant sit at a camp if you don't have the tank to tank it, and you cant sit at a tiki if you don't have the crystal to spawn it. 

For the 4th Time........
This isnt your server, its hunters. Your posting rules that you remember off the top of your head. Rules that are reiterated by other players, just because you heard it from a lot of other people doesn't mean its correct.
14  General Category / General Discussion / Re: PoD Tikis on: May 15, 2010, 03:31:44 pm
If your not wanting drama then why post here when 10-12 people told you that its wrong to sit at a camp with no crystals.
It just doesn't look very good.

Agian.... for the third time....Who said it was wrong? Players or hunter??? Hunter is the only one that matters. Sorry

I'm glad you brought it up tho, it is an issue that needs to be addressed on the Forums and i hope hunter posts it soon , like what he said before, Tiki`s are to be treated like a named on a 5 min timer.

Yes i agree about it being addressed on the forums, but its stupid to think that you can come in and take another persons camp just because they have no crystals..Getting those crystals is luck of the draw. Be thankful you have so many.

Even more to the fact, that once we gave you the tiki.... you still tried to take our camp. That's the part im pissed off about, you pulled to our camp even after you had the tiki.

hopefully he fixes this, but i didn't train you and you know it. That is the only argument on here that is flawed and extremely annoying.

Hunter will decide if its a train.

Anyways back to playing seriously, You want to sit on a camp for 9 hours without having a crystals that is fine do so. Its not worth the time it takes to type all this out.

I can stay at a camp that is UNPOPULATED for as long as i want thats why its called a CAMP. I fail to see your logic in that just because we have no crystals means you get the camp, instead of just the tikki. Can you explain this too me.

This also going of the premise that we are kind enough to not hold the tikki for that particular instance that it is up if we do not hold a crystal, this doesnt mean that just because we gave it to you once that you have the tikki from know onw because we  aernt lucky enough to get a crystal.
15  General Category / General Discussion / Re: PoD Tikis on: May 15, 2010, 03:05:23 pm
I was figuring you were tankzilla sorry. And i've seen hunter say it personally in World chat or whatever its called. I'm sure its posted somewhere and if a tiki spawns a named, I'm pretty sure it falls under the characteristics of one.

It's Np. I can see how you would get confused as too who i am, since my character name is Titanmaster, and my forum name is Titanmaster.

As far as the rule goes, just thinking that hunter said something doesn't really count unless its written down somewhere.

Anyways seriously i'm not here to argue, but your trying to trash me because you dont know how to farm crystals.

Im not trying to trash anyone, but i hate trying to have fun in a game and have someone harass me like a whiny baby because they aren't getting their way.

I'm dropping this argument and not posting again, this is retarded and more uneeded bs to put onto the forums..

I Agree 100%, i'm not here to Troll, but have my voice heard.

I dont even care bout the video considering i know what went on.. Anyways peace hope you feel awesome for bringing drama.

Drama? I rebutted all your claims... that's why your leaving and saying your not posting anymore...Don't try and act like your self righteous and turn the other check non-sense your fleeing from the obvious truth.
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