i was trying to play 3 box at the same time....and i always find that it is very diffcult to use / follow command to follow my own char, as soon as the following char client are not the one currently using(in other word i alt+tab to some other client)....the char start to spin and not working in stright line.... once i get back to the spinning client....it stop spinning and get back on track right away... is it something to do with cpu usage for client in background...or something like that? is there anyway to fix that?
i am trying to write up a few marco to reduce the workload for my hand is there any website teach how to make marco in eq? any good marco example website?
btw got a few ks questions just want to clarify Trying to KS but failed still count as KS right? and also someone is camping, but afk ( eg: boxing and using other char check other spwan / facebook / toliet etc) and i attacked the mob first, mean i have the right to have the mob, no matter how many hours he have been sitting here right? and what about thous people afk but sitting right on the boss spwan? ( boss auto attack the him since he is sitting next to boss )