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1  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: D III open beta this weekend on: April 23, 2012, 09:55:02 pm
Am I the only one not excited about this? I loved D1 and D2, but .. D3 looks disappointing to me even on paper.

I'm not sure I can take this level of disappointment so soon after ME3.
2  General Category / General Discussion / Re: 6 box composition questions on: February 23, 2012, 02:53:44 pm
Well if you already have them, throw them in and see how they work for you! Smiley Certainly they'll do more dps than melees that don't have augs or UCs/sorcs.

I haven't parsed it, but iirc 4.0 pets do something like 30k dps. I'm sure it's on the forums somewhere...

You could also consider using them until you get enough augs, and then swapping them out.
3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: 6 box composition questions on: February 23, 2012, 02:03:42 pm
Have you considered pet classes for DPS? You're going to need a lot of augs and UC to max out an all melee group...
4  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Kick Starting the Economy on: February 22, 2012, 12:21:38 pm
I wonder if a simple addition that might help the economy would be to add some Vaniki style mobs to the low level zones (paludal, mistmoore, dulak, etc). The mobs could drop trade-able essences that low level toons could sell.

Because of the way Vaniki-type mobs spawn, they're fairly farm proof.

The idea would be:
- add 3 static place holders to a low level zone
- the PH's are invisible, untargetable mobs
- each PH has a 5-10% chance to spawn the named (unless the named is already up)
- the named has an equal chance to drop any essence (qvic, gods major, etc)
- the respawn time on each PH is about 3 days
- named mobs are of the difficulty of normal mobs in the zone
- named mobs spawn only in public zones, not instanced zones

- can't farm because it's impossible to kill the PH's and they don't spawn in instances
- low levels can kill the named during their normal leveling, should they be lucky enough to see it
- low levels will be able to sell the essences
- shouldn't flood the market with essences, depending on the respawn rates

- will decrease the rarity of essences, depending on respawn rates
- might encourage people to leave bots in low level zones with alarms that go off when the named spawns?

5  General Category / Necromancer / Re: 4.5 Epic Pets same as the 4.0 Epic Pet on: July 27, 2011, 08:01:28 am
6  General Category / Updates / Re: Crafters Guild Completed on: July 26, 2011, 06:51:48 pm
Obviously such a loan would have to be backed by collateral covering the value of the items loaned, and obviously such a business wouldn't work; that was my point. (But it's interesting: there are a few in-game businesses running on p99 -- amazingly!)

And I didn't mean to imply that craft armor should be a priority for fixing, I'm just curious what the actual numbers are.
7  General Category / Necromancer / Re: 4.5 Epic Pets same as the 4.0 Epic Pet on: July 26, 2011, 09:55:35 am
They're one louder.
8  General Category / Updates / Re: Crafters Guild Completed on: July 25, 2011, 12:29:05 pm
Hi Hunter -- how much of the crafted armor has been made now (at the various levels)? (Digging up this thread in the hopes for an answer to that question.)

My guess is not very much, since I can only think of a few markets for the armor.

One would be RoAers / twinkers. Since the value of plat on EZ represents RL time, if it takes much much longer to farm the plat for a set of armor that provides the same HP as a shaman 3.0 buff than it does to simply level a shaman to 70 and get the 3.0 (about 10 hours?), then there should be essentially zero market for the suit of armor. If I take the benchmark of plat earning to be about 1 hour in Velks to get 100k pp, then if a suit of armor giving the equivalent of a shm 3.0 buff costs more than ~1 million plat, an efficient market should have everyone making shamen. Smiley

Another would be people who might want such armor in order to advance through content completely solo (no guild, no pugs, no asking for help from upper tier players). The idea being: farm cash for crafted armor and augs until you can tackle whatever tier you're on. The problem is that service costs are essentially non-existant on EZ -- you can always /ooc for help and almost always receive it (esp. at the lower tiers). So in an efficient market, everyone should be going for the low-cost help services rather than the high-cost suits of armor.

Finally, I could imagine someone wanting to start a "business" of renting out suits of armor. The problem is that the startup costs are extremely high and they would have unbeatable competition in the form of Foreign Legion sitting in Nexus casting shm 4.0 buff on everyone for free. Smiley This could only work if they were (a) able to charge enough to recover their startup costs in a few months and (b) they could keep their fees low enough to be competitive with shaman buff services. Currently, it seems impossible to do this, since one-time shaman buffs can be obtained from other players for free, and permanent shaman 3.0 buffs can be obtained in about 10 hours (or the equivalent of about 1 millioin plat).

So I am really curious about how much of this armor is out there! Smiley
9  General Category / Suggestions / Alternate zones at equal/similar levels on: July 18, 2011, 10:43:28 am

Let me start off by saying that the content created for this server by a tiny group of people working for free in their spare time is amazing, and I'm enjoying it a lot!

So I thought I would post this with the idea that you want to continue making content, and that feedback from the playerbase might be useful for that.

Basically, the progression in the extended zones seems to be linear, in the sense that first you finish zone A, then zone B, then zone C, etc., with each being progressively more difficult and more rewarding than the last.

But what would be fun too would be to have the content of a level spread out a bit, or even (this is a lot more work, I know) alternate content at the same or similar level.

The easiest way to do this is something like PoFear + PoHate in old EQ: main armor slots for half the classes + alt armor slots for the other classes in zone A, and vice versa in zone B.

What would be even more fun (and a lot more work to create), would be to have multiple zones at the same level. Again, drawing an analogy to old EQ would be lguk / sola / kedge. Obviously this is easier to do with "dungeon" type zones than with true "raid" zones intended for multiple groups.

But as the T1-T3 (and below) content is effectively "dunegon" level at this point, expanding these tiers to include alternate zones and mobs -- or even alternate gear -- should be doable in a balanced way, and I think it would still be appreciated by a significant portion of the server population. Some examples of alternate gear could be (a) items with very similar stats (i.e. one has a bit more hp but less ac, one has a penalty to mana regen but a focus that ups dds/heals, etc) that are all upgradable to the next tier or (b) items with a very nice proc/clicky/focus for its tier level, but which is not upgradable to the next tier.

I understand if you want to / have to focus content creation on only extending the end game, but I just thought I'd throw this out there.

Anyway, thanks for the fun!

Curious to hear other players' thoughts.
10  General Category / Shadowknight / Re: Oracle or Sorc charm? on: May 31, 2011, 10:38:28 am
Thanks for the responses. Very helpful in learning how the mechanics work on this server.

It kind of sounds like it might be worth doing just oracle v1 or v2 (in combination with the flux staff) and to then start working on a sorc charm.

... last night I was trying to farm gems / cards in level 3 when a guardian upgrade dropped (!). I should have sold it, but instead I cubed it. Oh well. Smiley

11  General Category / Shadowknight / Re: Oracle or Sorc charm? on: May 30, 2011, 02:04:44 pm
Wow, genius. Thanks very much.

Now I'm curious why the SK dps parsings from http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=1403.0 were done with a sorc charm...
12  General Category / Shadowknight / Oracle or Sorc charm? on: May 30, 2011, 07:16:53 am

I'm currently saving LDoN credits / cards to buy charm upgrades. I'm curious whether the oralce or sorc will be better for qvic (right now I'm working on getting epic 2.0 before going there).

At the moment, my tanking ability is quite good with AA's and lifetap procs, so I was wondering if it's worth upgrading my dps via a sorc charm.

But I was curious whether the the oracle charm is really a must-have as far as tanking in qvic and T1.

Also, how do they affect tap procs exactly? Is it the case that sorc ups the dmg & heal by 50%, where oracle ups only the heal part by 100% while leaving the dmg alone? Or does oracle up both sides of the tap (in which case I guess that's the clear way to go)?

I read somewhere that there was a stacking issue between the Soul Abrasion AA and the sorc charm. Does that mean that the lifetap procs simply use whichever modifier is better (in which case it'd take a high level sorc charm before lifetap procs would benefit)?

13  General Category / User Interfaces / Fixing your spell gems on: May 19, 2011, 03:19:11 pm
Does your feign death look like a purple leaf?

Then you probably made the same mistake I did -- you copied some UI files for a specific server without bothering to backup.

If you want to get the modern UI back, with spell gems that work, you can download this file and unzip it to your uifiles directory:


(Huge thanks to Drakana for uploading this!)

Here's a sample of what this UI looks like:

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