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General Category / General Discussion / Re: Making a DPS box for my paladin.
on: October 16, 2011, 01:37:51 pm
Do as Xiggie says, roll a pet class. It will be the best dps until way later in game, and very easy to box. Mages bring COH, which is a nice utility, necros can FD and rez, while offering about the same dps as a mage. Beastlords pets are gimp (hitpointwise) and die easily, but do great damage, and the beastlord itself has great improvement potential once you get to the point where you can spend millions of PP on augs.
Later on you need to either run 4-6 chars or join a guild that regularily group to progress anyway, and you can fairly easily roll up more chars once your have your first two chars established and at epic 3.0+ level if that is your wish.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Unknown DB String Paladin Class AA
on: October 05, 2011, 12:16:41 pm
SoD or Underfoot (I use SoD) should both be good, missing LoH on my pallies mean nothing since you get so much healing from epics anyway. I only keep a Titanium installation around for two things - farming PGT in Highpass and augmenting the items that cant be augmented in SoD (range slots with 1h aug, ninjastrikes on some weapons)
General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Fighter's and Caster's Guild Quest Guide
on: September 15, 2011, 02:29:39 am
The ring is just a way to port in, the real benefit is the trainer NPC (guild melee trainer or something) that maximise all your melee/combat skills (needed for all melee chars), and the hitpoints food + resurrect clicky you can buy from guild vendor.
For casters guild the benefit is the CG ring with pet clicky, mana regen food, manastone from vendor, and maxed casting skills at trainer. Also with CG you can hail your pet to equip fireswords which are needed for all pet classes.
And of course, for both guilds, you get access to the hushed bankquet zone for your epic 2.5 books and buffs by hailing your pet.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ways to help you box.
on: September 07, 2011, 08:57:30 am
MQ2 shows you all mobs on map etc, and players (a bit laggy for players information often). Useful for seeing what mobs are up, finding froglog forager etc etc. The information on mobs/bosses in standard EQ maps are just placed there by players, and does not show if the mobs are actually spawned and alive, MQ2 does show this.
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