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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: What Class? on: October 06, 2010, 03:31:03 pm
You'll want to stay away from rolling a cleric main.

Their complete lack of DPS will have you tearing out your hair.
2  General Category / Cleric / Re: Cleric and Masters Ring? on: September 16, 2010, 07:07:13 pm
I have a handful of 3.0 characters. Included are Druid, Cleric, Ranger, Paladin.

Comments are based on my experiences.

I'd count CLR with their hammers way more pet-oriented than druids with their cosmetics bears. Srsly those cubs are like lvl5 or something.

Cleric hammers are terrible. The first is very low level, the second doesn't even work.

How low? Low enough that when you get into CG, the pet can't proc the summoned weapon.

Druids on the other hand, have a second pet summon that not only works, but suprised me with its survivability when farming everything I needed to get into CG in the first place.

Clerics used to be on the ring. They were removed because it made them too powerful. Granted now there are things that would wipe out the ring pet in one shot it still would make the cleric more powerful than other classes that are pet dominant. Kinda like blending roles too much.

With the changes and improvements that have been made to a number of classes, I think that perhaps putting the cleric back on isn't such a bad idea, if only to give the cleric some actual DPS. As it is now, you NEED to either box or group to have a hope of killing a mob anywhere outside of Crushbone.

I don't understand the comment that it would be more powerful than the pet dominant classes though. The CG pet is only so good for so long. Send one against a trash mob in Qvic and let me know how long it lasts.

The Necro pet has a lifetap that heals the group, the Mage epic pets are monsters with (comparatively) massive melee DPS, and I've seen the Beastlord pets take on MoW and his friends.

Sorry Xigs, but it really hard to argue that point since druids get heals, insane regen, DS AND can output hefty damage themselves.   But arguing it is moot.

It might be that you haven't gotten far enough into the beginning of the endgame. I haven't ventured past T2 in Plane of Dragons but this is what I found regarding the druid.
- The heals are mediocre even with Focus and Oracle, and with Paladins getting the heal proc on epics, those heals aren't worth the time to cast.
- The DS is the same one given by the buffbot and CG/FG pet. Which still isn't as good as a Mage DS if I remember my numbers correctly.
- If your DoTs aren't resisted, once you get them ALL stacked, you're doing a whopping 5k or so per tick. The DDs aren't any better. With long casts and long cooldowns, that 2k blast is less and less impressive.

The sad state of Druids is that they've been relegated to being a regen bot for RoA.

The sadder state of Clerics is that they can't go anywhere alone and you might as well change their epic graphic to a purse for as hard as they can hit.
3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UPS & VS Advice on: September 05, 2010, 02:44:03 pm
As far as the antivirus goes, you need to keep in mind that what was once good doesn't always stay that way.

There was a time when McAffee was one of the best on the market. Since then, they've become the Fox News of antivirus software. Norton then took over as king of the hill and once they became popular and widespread, took their foot off the gas and just lost their cutting edge. Kapersky, from what I hear, is among the best these days. Solid protection and very stable.

The rest of the tools you've mentioned are probably in the e-toolkit of anyone who knows how to take care of their computer, but they tend to really be of any use once you actually have a problem.

The ABSOLUTE best way to avoid virii on your computer is to not let anybody else use it. And know what you're clicking.
4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: General Weapon Graphics on: September 01, 2010, 06:55:03 pm
I decided to roll a paladin just like everyone else.

I got him up to his 3.0 just after the model change and was entirely underwhelmed.

Consider the graphic for other melee classes. Warrior has the big beefy blades. Rangers have a pretty nice look. SK has the big mean looking black sword. Even Monks have something a little swish going on.

Paladins? Well. Not so much.

I don't care that it doesn't glow. I'd just like it to look meaner than Fine Steel. Even the 1.0 has a more impressive look.
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Druid T4 Spell Naming on: July 26, 2010, 02:07:04 pm
Nature's Beast of Excessive Carnage.

Knowing how useful druids are on EZ, it probably isn't that great but at least the name sounds uber.
6  General Category / General Discussion / Guilds on EZ on: July 10, 2010, 03:25:20 am

As of late, there's been an explosion of new guilds on EZ, including mine.

Who is the biggest guild, and which is the oldest?

Just cuz I'm curious.
7  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: No topic on: July 05, 2010, 02:18:19 pm
Probably the worst thing i ever did as far as /ooc trolling goes is when i got some guy to look for the Velks kobolds in Blackburrow for the better part of an hour because he spammed "were kobolds in velks?" 4 or 5 times consecutively in /ooc.

You were still helpful. After all, you did tell him about the scrawny gnoll PH.
8  General Category / Updates / Re: Solo Box Guild on: June 27, 2010, 02:52:34 pm
I missed the drama too   Angry

I hope someone got screens.
9  General Category / Updates / Re: Solo Box Guild on: June 22, 2010, 07:06:28 pm
One Box Army was originally intended for solo players.

Once word got out that there was a new guild, I started getting asked if boxers were allowed to join. I shrugged and said sure. Since then, some of the original solo players have experimented with boxing and some of the boxers have pared down to a single character for groups and raids.

Today, OBA stands at 90 members including alts and boxes. After countless 1.5s and a handful of 2.0s, we've successfully raided Qvic for multiple 3.0 epics.

We have very little in the way of requirements. They pretty much boil down to:

1. Don't be an ass.
2. Enjoy the game in the spirit it was intended.

While the concept of OBA was a good idea, its turned into a great guild.

And yes, we're still accepting applications.

Guildleader of <One Box Army>
10  General Category / Updates / Re: Solo Box Guild on: June 16, 2010, 05:37:08 am
<One Box Army> was created with the intent of giving solo players some grouping options and assistance with level 60+ content.

Due to my computer's limitations and the scaling of difficulty once a character reaches level 60, I was at a standstill. I couldn't progress and I couldn't push myself through content with another character. I figured that I couldn't be the only one who was in that situation and the idea of OBA began to come together.

I imagined people banding together to accomplish together what they couldn't do alone. One box at a time.

(Since Hunter's post, I've not only been approached by people who are in the position I've already posted above, but also by some able to run multiple clients, but who would rather play the game with others.)

All are welcome.

Send a tell to Costa for an invite.

11  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Beginners Guide to Quick & Easy Cash (Platinum) on: June 01, 2010, 04:19:44 pm
I stand corrected.

I bought a Pegasus Cloak and went into Velks. Clicked it and it worked fine.

I was under the impression that it was just like Live as I had gone in before with a Spirit of Eagle and had had it stripped from me when I zoned in.
12  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Beginners Guide to Quick & Easy Cash (Platinum) on: May 28, 2010, 05:53:33 pm
I haven't had a chance to log in and find out so casting Lev may actually work once you're in the zone. It seems I may have made the error of assuming.  Tongue
13  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Beginners Guide to Quick & Easy Cash (Platinum) on: May 28, 2010, 01:58:50 pm
I've watched many people slipping around velks trying to get to the upper kobold camp, falling off like noobs, when all they had to do was grab a Pegasus Cloak and lev on over.

In theory, a great idea. In practice, Velks is a No Levitation Zone. On EZ, as on Live, you lose whatever levitation as soon as you zone in. I haven't tried to cast a lev after zoning in, but I would assume you get the same spell failure message as you do on Live.
14  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Technical question! on: May 07, 2010, 12:47:18 pm
I don't think its a video card problem. I've boxed a couple of times and using /follow I've had the following character run in huge circles.

The only complaint I've heard about /stick is that it will sometimes trigger a warp warning. Depending on who is looking at logs, it may get you banned.
15  General Category / Suggestions / Re: SoF on: April 21, 2010, 02:35:32 pm
Fighter's guild - The Polished Granate Tomahawk cannot be obtained by yourself due to the zone not loading. there should be an alternitive location for this for people want to do it themselfs.

Not tested, but...

If you go to the Non-Custom porter in SFG, there's an option for oldhighpass.

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