I appreciate the time and effort Hunter and Hate put into this server. I am all for putting in some hardcore items for the hardest of the hardcore. That being said, I would like to also see more mid difficulty items implemented say half as tough as a UC or something for maybe an ear or neck slot. This would also make it possibly more fun and exciting for the mid range folks who still can remain casual and see a great item or two out of it. Nothing crazy game breaking but perhaps something that makes progressing a little easier on those that can't/don't want to 12box a group to progress. It could be something for the t3-4 range as I've found that can be a big obstacle now with the recent changes and up to that point most of it is easily doable by one group or a 4.0+ necro.
We already have the XL shield, Scepter, and possibly this UW who are for the top elite of the server (arguably UC as well but it's mostly just time consuming and not too gear intensive for folks to achieve).
P.S. Thanks for listening to the tiki crystals becoming stackable Hunter +100