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General Category / Warrior / Re: Warrior T3 Pet
on: September 16, 2011, 10:51:03 pm
I bet if he would have made a new thread someone would have piped up and said "there's already a post about this why make a new one?"
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Just a thought.
on: October 23, 2010, 08:45:30 am
I've never understood people that harp over someone posting a question/statement that has been talked about before. So what if it's been brought up before? It keeps the board moving. If it means so much to you then be proactive and create a FAQ.
Think of it this way, after you posted your "sarcastic" response and he reads it, maybe he'll think twice about posting anything again since he doesn't want to get called out and ridiculed by some random dude. Either that or he'll think it's the cool thing to do and perpetuate the same type of response later on. That's the type of stuff that can kill an online community.
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