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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Our condolences to Hunter's family and friends. on: March 02, 2014, 06:35:54 am
I am absolutely floored to hear this news.  You will be missed boss man.  Rest in Peace.
2  General Category / Updates / Re: Moving Server on: February 09, 2014, 08:10:05 pm
Moved to the Greenbrier in WV, congressional super nuclear war bunker, under the hotel!
3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: EQ1 to give everybody ~5k AAs, end powerleveling abilities. on: February 09, 2014, 07:52:56 pm
I love the idea of exchanged essence rates even if they were ridiculously bad. I am in t6-t7 content and hate going back to HOH for tokens to do t3/t4 essences ; and while yes everyone has to do it I just think a different option would be pretty neat that way I can mass farm t5 or something for character flaggings and have an exchange rate to trade t5/t6 essences for t3/t4 essences

Yeah seriously, if the drop rate on tokens wasnt so bad and the essence rate wasnt so bad HoH farming wouldnt suck dick.
Last double loot I spent way to much time farming the stupid zone and barely made my goal.

Just a few numbers for you guys on the HoH tokens, as i am back farming these for more strike augs.  10 clears of hoh 239 T3 tokens, and yes that's counting MCP.  So about 24 tokens per clear here.  on average with the 50 mob limit it takes most people about 30 min per clear.  So 10 clears is taking 5 hours worth of time, and that's going at it constantly.  However, if your going after Gmajors, your looking at only 12 T4 tokens per clear, on average.  So it would take about 90 clears to obtain about 1000 t4 tokens, still counting MCP, so more like 100 clears to get a full 1k T4 tokens for turn in.  100 clears is 50 hours of farming just to get enough tokens to roll stomp the t4 mobs for a good full days worth of Gmajor grinding. This is of course assuming your going for enough to get your UW.  On the flip side the gmajor essence drop rate is a whole other story, personally i think it's fine where it is currently set. But the token drop in HoH is a huge thorn in my side anytime i'm having to back farm them.  I would like to see a small bump in the token drop rate, the essence drop rates in T3/T4 are both fine in my opinion.


Small after thought if the token drop was upped a bit, then we might see newer people selling these more often.  As it stand right now i hardly ever see anyone selling these, but i do see several t7/ t8/ t9 people buying these, not sure if their getting any but i would doubt it with severe need to horde these by almost every player on the server, and if your not hording these you should be! Or, you just haven't made it this far yet.
4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T5, T6 lagg on: January 15, 2014, 11:04:24 am
I have been noticing a small bit of lag in t7 also, t6 has always been laggy for me.  The lag seems to warp mobs around on a pull, and then when they are about to die they sit at 0% for a second or two before the exp message comes across and the next mob gets on my target.  So pull 5 mobs, after they stop warping around for a sec, target the first one it gets to 0% in about 3 swings of the group, then i gotta wait about 2 seconds before it dies and the exp message appears and i can start killing the next one.
5  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Epic Effects Revision Thread on: January 15, 2014, 06:06:26 am
Currently i am happy with the cleric epic click heal, with my pally and cleric firing off there epics, it's saved my butt countless times during my oh $#!^ moments.  If the heal click is taken away all clerics have left is the word of vivication group heal from level 69, which is 12k group heal, and with uc's V1 or V2 is nice but nothing like the 50k on the cleric 6.0.  Perhaps if the epic click heal were to be removed then we could see more appropriate level group heal spells implemented also?  If these spells are added then it would be nice to have the cleric epic do a combat proc hp buff with small mitigation boost, or divine arbitration returned and or things like marxist suggested.
If you really wanted to change cleric click, could bring back the 2.0 click (divine arb, small group heal, cure and threat reduction).  Was always a defining ability on live

I would also like to see the shaman epic click hp have the wunshi over the stat limit added, as you currently can't have the wunshi focus and shaman epic hp buff up at the same time.  Perhaps the the wunshi effect could be scaled by epic level also, like 2.5 roughly equal to the level 70 wunshi focus, and go up from there. I don't play my shaman much so if this is already the case just disregard.

New pally epics rock! great job there.

The monk epic could maybe be traded for small group melee increase, like extra crits, crit damage and flurry and such if your looking to remove the proc self cure from it, other wise it seems fine to me.

only suggestion for pet class epics is a faster cast time for the pets, but other than that you guys have done good work beefing the pets up with other things implemented recently. However, i still don't play pet classes enough to know much about them.

Bard epics are fine imo i click them when they refresh constantly, usually large pulls or namer mobs.

rogue epics seem fine as well although, i have seen talk that there BS numbers are messed up, like roll over damage?  i really don't know i rarely parse anything i just go by what i see.  I know its a bit lazy but that's my play style, i'm not huge into the numbers.

Zerkers are fine like you said.

I like the fact the warrior epics are the same one handed and two handed makes it less of a grind in the early game for those new and coming up.

Any other class i don't play enough of to really know.  Great job with all the recent updates, keep up the good work!!
6  General Category / Berserker / Re: Berserker on: July 12, 2013, 08:40:58 am
I agree with Hateborne, mpano66, and Orthanos serkers are fine the way they are.  They are a great at melee AoE but not the main dps of a group. 
7  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UW and essances on: April 03, 2013, 03:07:24 pm
There are 3 types of instance too, solo, guild, raid.

Yes i know there are 3 types of instance.  That is why i'm asking for a reduction of the deletion timer.  So i pop a solo instance, full clear of tacvi 2 min, then i pop a raid instance 2min for full clear, then i pop a guild instance 2 min for full clear.  With the instance deletion timer set to 10 min or 600 sec, i have to wait 4 min just to delete the solo instance i first created in order to start the process over again.  Can we reduce the deletion timer from 10 min or 600 sec to 5 min or 300 sec?  This way we aren't stuck waiting a full 4 min just to start the process over again.

8  General Category / General Discussion / Re: UW and essances on: April 03, 2013, 04:14:07 am
I'm calculating per clear since you don't have to clear trash, and can kill all the bosses quickly.

So far the drop rate seems about right, 1/6 clears.

I just finished 60 full clears of tacvi and walked away with only 3 essence, trying to farm some essence for my SoA's, thats 1 essence in 20 clears. I'm not seeing anywhere near a 1/6 clears drop rate here.   

Well in my case I farmed all 100 (except a few that I bought) after the change and I did around 1100 instances for 80 essences. I lost count after a while...

Doing the math here is about 1 essence in 13.75 clears.

Now with the time limit of 10 min, or 600 seconds, for instance deletion, i can only get 3 clears every 10 min. As my warrior is full t-6 with a uc v2 i can get 3 clears in 6 min, and i have to wait 4 min just to get another instance.  Any chance we could get a reduction in the instance deletion timer down to 5 min?
9  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: 2handed warrior epic Slot 7 Dot on clickie? on: March 01, 2013, 08:34:43 pm

If you are mezzed the dot will break the mez effect on the next tick.  So, while you have the dot on you you're effectively unmezzable.

Ok thanks for helping me to understand why this is a good thing.

Close this stupid thread. Fugitive already told you guys to stop crying. Enjoy the game and stfu

Thread here: http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=3638.0

Yes i saw his thread, but hey thanks for linking it in my thread.  No one answered me when i asked in ooc so i asked here hoping to get an explanation why this dot was on the click. Now i know.  Tongue
10  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: 2handed warrior epic Slot 7 Dot on clickie? on: March 01, 2013, 01:34:13 pm
dont remove this it makes ae mezzing mobs manageable and the dot is 100% neglectable

How does this effect help ae mezzing mobs?  Please explain.
11  General Category / Rants and Flames / 2handed warrior epic Slot 7 Dot on clickie? on: March 01, 2013, 09:17:30 am
Can we please remove the Slot 7 DoT on the 2handed warrior epic click.  It seems very counter productive to decrease melee mitigation by -XX% then take away hp by XXXX every 6 seconds.

I've attached a screen shot of the Slot 7 Dot for the 2 handed warrior epics 4.5, 5.0, and 7.0, so we can all see what i'm talking about.

"Slot 7: Decrease Hitpoints by XXXX per tick"
12  General Category / General Discussion / Re: RoA Poll on: November 23, 2012, 01:14:11 pm
Like the idea of using AA's for pre 100 RoA, and after reading more into the new zone/zones your talking about, that sounds cool also.
13  General Category / Updates / Re: RoA Quest Fix on: November 20, 2012, 03:16:52 am
After thinking about it more i actually disagree with a limit on amount of turn ins.  Why limit a person on turning in the RoA if your going to put an hour timer on it?  That's like a double whammy. Even if someone plays until their eyes bleed you get maybe 24 to 36 turn ins in a session then the person sleeps for a day to make up for the lack of sleep.
14  General Category / Updates / Re: RoA Quest Fix on: November 20, 2012, 02:09:19 am
With the new system in place tonight i was able to get the RoA run down to about 50 min.  That's as best i could do it.  So the one hour turn in timer is a great idea.  I don't think there should be a limit of 5 turn ins a day, because of days off for people that don't get to sign on everyday. Someones day off could be purely dedicated to an RoA grind if that's what they decide to do.  Could we have an 8 turn in limit instead, like an 8 hour work day?

If one starts in a low level zone with kraken then the ability for the proc to work starts immediately, then move on to a higher level zone, etc etc etc.  There are a ton of low level zones and mid level zones to work with without having to create any zones for just RoA's.  Less work for Hunter and the dev team. 

15  General Category / General Discussion / Re: 153am CST on: November 20, 2012, 02:01:08 am
yeah server go boom, and i was on a RoA run.  Got it to about 50 min with the new system not using any DS.  Oh.
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