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General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 04/28/14
on: May 01, 2014, 06:48:03 am
![](http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x206/Bobtheamerican/resist_mockup_zps49886574.png) - HateThanks Hate for the update. I know you spent a lot time yesterday working on TOFS - Is it possible to add it to the list for the various floors?
General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 04/28/14
on: April 29, 2014, 10:00:17 am
Can the Google spreadsheet be updated with all the changes made to the various items to include Resists and High Point Regeneration? This will help us appreciate the accumulative effect.
Thanks ..
General Category / Updates / Re: Server Code Update
on: April 20, 2014, 06:56:11 pm
Character Mover needs to be updated
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server in /home3/tpw/public_html/charmove/index.php on line 51
General Category / Updates / Re: Ultimate Weapon Discussion
on: April 12, 2014, 05:01:07 pm
this entire discussion boils down to one thing:
Time and Effort
time and effort put forth for an item in game VS time and effort put forth for what we are going to end up with for the progression of the server
I highly doubt anyone cares that much about the item as much as they care about the hours/days/weeks/months they spent obtaining the item.
never underestimate the gamer. Hunter put this item in as a carrot, not something he thought everyone would stop everything to get.
what happened is a few people got the item, linked it and everyone else saw an item that they had to have. So we all dropped all other projects to obtain said item.
this single carrot stopped the progression of everyone that wanted it. stopped aug progression, tier progression, everything.
so no one cares about the item as much as they want a representation of their time.
its kind of like buying a new car. we want XYZ car, so we work towards getting XYZ, then the car manufacture company says, well the car goes to fast so we are going to have to install whatever to limit that. well, that's not what I paid for. I paid for the fastest car on the market, thus, I want the fastest car on the market. if I paid X amount for the fastest car on the market and now its not then I want X amount back because its not what I paid for. *paid for is not referring to RL $$*
HP's have been addressed many times in this thread, mostly saying, its ok that the HP's are taken away if the mobs are dumbed down as well.
damage however is not something people want to see go away because then we have to add toons, or up toon power to equal
UW is an ultimate farming weapon above all else. its very nice to be able to back farm items without having to log in all of your crew to do so. Take T5 for example. its nice to solo T5 vs logging in 6 toons to do the zone. I believe this, above all is what the butt pain is about.
I farmed the UW to make it easier to back farm for augs, plat, etc. Take that away and why do I have the darn thing? Why do I need it anymore?
900 essences, 90 million plat and time could have net my crew full strike 9 augs easily. If my UW9 is going to become UW5 then id like to have 400 essences, 40 million plat, 4 EONs and 20 SLS back to make strike augs, or shields, etc.
current stats - future stats = net refund for a product I have to settle for, not what I purchased.
Time can not be given back, we all enjoy playing and that is not in play, but items are in play.
just thoughts
+1 to what Rent said. I would also add much of this is around expectation management. If the UW is nerfed because it appears to be game breaking, what about ROA 1000, Experience Mask, Ultimate Charms, Shield of Ages, and the mitigation from the buff pet and warrior epic. Do these also require balancing to "fix the game"? Will there be future changes to these items as well?
General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 05-02-13
on: May 03, 2013, 03:29:25 pm
why not just make it easy to remember and such? its a custom server, can do anything you want, why not simplify it, streamline it, fun for all
+1 None of us playing on EZ are playing EQ, we are playing EZ! If it was truly like EQ I wouldnt be playing here period. Lets be honest, the grind on EZ is not much different than live. In fact, may be more of a vertical climb when considering tiers and number of characters it takes to progress. Any of the top players can testify to the time required to progress. Grind is one thing, EQ dynamic is another. EZ is not EQ. Would you mind clarifying what "dynamic" means? Also, how is EZ not EQ?
General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 05-02-13
on: May 03, 2013, 02:49:25 pm
why not just make it easy to remember and such? its a custom server, can do anything you want, why not simplify it, streamline it, fun for all
+1 None of us playing on EZ are playing EQ, we are playing EZ! If it was truly like EQ I wouldnt be playing here period. Lets be honest, the grind on EZ is not much different than live. In fact, may be more of a vertical climb when considering tiers and number of characters it takes to progress. Any of the top players can testify to the time required to progress.
General Category / Updates / Re: Update 02-09-13
on: February 09, 2013, 04:01:40 am
Not sure if the spell file is required to see the updated rewards list, but right now it says, "Invalid Item ID in varlink" for a few items.
General Category / Suggestions / Re: Essence and UW
on: February 04, 2013, 05:50:19 am
I think the only essences that need upping are dragon minors. In a day where I got 1 dragon minor, I could kill the same amount of t2 and get 8 dragon majors. Just seems weird to me. All the other essences drop rates seem fine to me, it's just drag minor that is ridiculously low.
I could also just be *really* unlucky every time I have done t1.
Dragon minor drop rate is low compared to the others. However it is Hunter's choice as to what the percent chance is for the stuff on his server. Don't get me wrong, I bitch about it more then the rest of you but thats how I blow off steam, I bitch to my online friends and keep on trucking.
UW rank 1 and rank 2 and *MAYBE* rank 3 will be common. When you start seeing Rank 4's you know people are serious. Also damn near no one had/has 100 essences banked. A lot of people were close, in the 80s and were able to get their UW rank1 within a couple hours of logging in but thats to be expected.
If Hunter wanted I would code a scaling version of each rank but that defeats the fun of the item.
I have not notice any issue with Dragon Minor Essences being having a lower drop rate than others. The higher demand and people desires to have a UW asap is likely the perception of a low drop rate. Just my 2cp. Then you are dumb. I have no desire for a UW and I am not farming the essences for one but when I was backgearing alts I ran 250 T1 tiki a day for 3 days in a row and I pulled out 5 essences. I understand RNG plays a part in it but I am not the only one to notice it. Do I really care? Nope, it's just something I gripe and bitch about with my friends because I like having something to bitch about. The rate is whatever Hunter sets it at. Now for the people that want to see 20 essences out of 100 boss turn ins, I tell those people to gtfo. Oh and FYI I generally run 7-12% per 100 for essences for every tier except Dragon Minors. That is my consistent spread and it seems fair. Days I run lower and days I run higher but I generally fall inside that range. Ouch, someone hit a nerve. Drop rates were fine in T1 before the recent change. Proof? Look at the number of players who have high end gear requiring that very essence: SoA, Augs (loads of these out there), and now UW. enough said.
General Category / Suggestions / Re: Essence and UW
on: February 03, 2013, 05:34:09 pm
I think the only essences that need upping are dragon minors. In a day where I got 1 dragon minor, I could kill the same amount of t2 and get 8 dragon majors. Just seems weird to me. All the other essences drop rates seem fine to me, it's just drag minor that is ridiculously low.
I could also just be *really* unlucky every time I have done t1.
Dragon minor drop rate is low compared to the others. However it is Hunter's choice as to what the percent chance is for the stuff on his server. Don't get me wrong, I bitch about it more then the rest of you but thats how I blow off steam, I bitch to my online friends and keep on trucking.
UW rank 1 and rank 2 and *MAYBE* rank 3 will be common. When you start seeing Rank 4's you know people are serious. Also damn near no one had/has 100 essences banked. A lot of people were close, in the 80s and were able to get their UW rank1 within a couple hours of logging in but thats to be expected.
If Hunter wanted I would code a scaling version of each rank but that defeats the fun of the item.
I have not notice any issue with Dragon Minor Essences being having a lower drop rate than others. The higher demand and people desires to have a UW asap is likely the perception of a low drop rate. Just my 2cp.
General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: New weapon Delay / DPS parses!
on: January 05, 2013, 05:08:30 am
Any parsing done since the DPS changes should be taken with a big grain of salt when doing short parses. Due the weapon delays and big damage, the parsing time will have to be much longer to get an accurate number. The possibility of having a few good rounds can drastically effect the numbers on short parses. It probably needs to be 30-60 minutes to get a reliable number.
General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 12-28-12
on: December 28, 2012, 09:30:12 am
This can be addressed by checking for the shield during the combine of the ores to create the original.
If shield found, raise an error: "Shield already exists, only one is permitted"
No flag or intervention (hunter) required if for some reason it gets destroyed.
General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 12-28-12
on: December 28, 2012, 08:25:11 am
This can be addressed by checking for the shield during the combine of the ores to create the original.
If shield found, raise an error: "Shield already exists, only one is permitted"
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