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General Category / Updates / Re: FG/CG Items No Drop?
on: July 14, 2010, 04:08:06 pm
I originally thought they should stay tradeable and voted no because of economy and the fact that you can still camp them with alts, but since then I have thought about it some more and think that maybe they should become no drop. Here's my thought: if they were no drop, even if you could camp them with an army of alts, why would you? If you are already past the guild stage in progression, wouldn't you just completely forget about camping the items? Would anyone actually level up a box that they didn't intent to play for the sole purpose of having it pick up guild items?
If anyone has a good answer to that, I think it may be the crux of the argument.
General Category / Updates / Re: FG/CG Items No Drop?
on: July 11, 2010, 06:45:41 pm
I think no drop is a bad idea because the guild items are basically the only form of currency on this server from what I've seen; they trade for other guild items, for runs, for PLing, and maybe now even for cash since instancing requires plat. Reminds me kinda of stones of jordan from diablo. I'm not really sure what would happen if they became no drop, but my gut feeling is that removing all forms of currency on the server would lead to problems. Plus, even if they are no drop, that doesn't stop someone from bringing in 6 toons and camping the spawn for just as long as they used to. So the upsides seem slim and the downsides may be quite large.
Personally, I just think if the instance price came down some, it would solve most of the issues. I'm relatively new (still working through ldon on my first set of chars) so I don't know how much 100k is to a long time player, but for me, I don't see this as really assisting me in getting guild items. I guess if the intent is that the high end players go to the instance because they can afford it for their new alt, and the progression players go to the real zone, that might make it play out alright as well, only time will tell really.
In sum, I think you should drop the price to maybe 50k, but other than that, just leave this implementation in for awhile and see what happens. Give it a few weeks to sink in and maybe the problems will alleviate.
The real solution in my mind is to add another spawn or two for each guild item somewhere else in the world, kinda like how Quill and Terror are both 1.5 bosses. That would do alot to spread out the camps. But its also alot more work so I can see why it might wait awhile.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ideal 6 box?
on: July 09, 2010, 09:20:48 am
Here is a run down on mage, bst, and necro 3.0 pets.
Quick follow up question to this: I assume the mage pet is using CG fireblades in your comparison. What about beastlord pet? Does it use weapons, and if so, do these comparisons assume CG fireblades also (assuming beastlords can even get it)?
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ways to help you box.
on: July 05, 2010, 12:05:19 pm
Turning off hw vertex shaders may actually slow things down? Same for the other shaders, you can probably leave on the 1.x shaders unless you are using a VERY old video card (ie.. pre Geforce 4).
Any consensus or testing on which shaders should be turned off (given Geforce 9XXX or better) for maximum speed?
General Category / Warrior / Re: epic question
on: July 04, 2010, 05:57:02 pm
Do the increased hate focus worn effects on the epics stack with each other? For example, I just got my two 1.5s, and I'm wondering if dualwielding them results in 30% hate or stays at 15% (ie, no stacking).
General Category / Beastlord / Re: Late-to-endgame
on: July 01, 2010, 03:49:33 pm
So it seems pretty established that BST 3.0 pets with 2.0 buffs top Mage 3.0 pets.
How about at epic 1.0 and 1.5 levels? I am boxing up war/clr/rng right now and am looking for more dps to get through ldon/DS. How does a BST at this stage, with just the cast pet, compare to the other pet classes? What about when it gets the 1.5 buff?
Thanks, insight is appreciated on which pet class to choose.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ways to help you box.
on: June 30, 2010, 04:58:25 pm
setting actor clip plane down to 0 will practically eliminate your boxes from viewing the mobs, just an fyi for those who manually box.
/assist macro /stick /attack /assist /autofire /target and don't forget F1 - F5 Can you clarify a bit please? Basically, the problem I have with my ranger is that if I /stick to the warrior, then /assist, /autofire when i have a mob, he rushes up to the mob since he's stuck to it and won't shoot his bow. If I /stick hold, he will keep sticking to the warrior and not be far enough away from the mob either. I was thinking of trying to set a stick distance, but then on corners and such he gets lost sometimes. Is there an elegant solution?
General Category / Ranger / Re: Bow question
on: June 28, 2010, 03:01:28 pm
Another bow related question:
When can you start turning epic blades into bows? (1.5, 2.0, etc?) How do you do so, just hand the epic quest npc your sword?
General Category / General Discussion / Stacking of effects
on: June 19, 2010, 08:47:56 pm
Do effects like strikethrough, avoidance, combat effects, etc. on gear stack, or does the gear with the highest value take effect? I know haste only takes the highest, but I wasn't sure if these other types of effects stacked.
General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Titanium Vs SoF/SoD
on: June 16, 2010, 10:51:50 am
I'm actually running it now, and on a dual core with Win 7, it actually runs better than Titanium did. But I do have alot of RAM to spare...
The graphics, especially particle effects, look alot better. And its nice to see mana bars in group, and be able to swivel around your character in 3rd person view like in modern MMOs.
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