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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T5 stuff and thoughts.. on: March 03, 2011, 10:35:05 am
Yep, that's why I haven't bothered to start playing around in there much yet myself Pimpn. The risk vs reward is laughably low. The time sink is way too long to worry about that kind of a reward for one tier of armor and extra augment slots. The zone concept is great, it would be a lot of fun with no crashes and rewards that were worth spending two hours to clear trash to spawn one boss, only to have to run across the zone to find it, killing two more hours worth of trash. Takes me about 5 minutes to get enough stones to spawn a boss in t3, 10 for t4, t1-t2 is random, but t5 2 hours guaranteed to spawn a boss you NEED to kill? And then get a 3k HP upgrade? Not worth it, especially when the trash doesn't even hardly drop any money unless you're lucky, pet buffs can't be used yet, and there's no instances.
2  General Category / Berserker / Re: Let zerkers use Anger V! on: February 22, 2011, 10:35:22 pm
Berserkers already out-AoE warriors even with just their epics and sorcers of equal rank. They don't need any additional AoE DPS.
3  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Ez Economy Fix? on: February 19, 2011, 01:02:34 pm
The reason people do not want to sell a t2 BP for 50k is because the time and effort they put into killing a boss that the buyers (presumably) cannot kill for themselves or at least are having very poor luck is not even worth it to zone out to invite them to their instance, CoH them/clear, and slow down on what they are doing to make sure the customer can reach the area and pay them with no hitches. Augments cost at the minimum 741k platinum to make. That is a huge investment for anyone, and making 50k off of an item is not going to cut it there.

 I think the problem just is that people don't have platinum anymore; creating guild instances is a HUGE cut into the plat of the server. By far the best place to farm it is HoH. Guess what you need to get there? That t2 BP. The problem is, we're trying to buy a Lexus on a $14.00 an hour salary, which is possible, it just takes a very long time.
4  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Ez Economy Fix? on: February 18, 2011, 01:30:47 pm
Plane of Sky is at 10k because it only has boss spawns in it. HoH will earn you money and boss spawn gems, 3.5 pages and charm upgrades. That is why it costs so much compared to Sky.
5  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Ez Economy Fix? on: February 18, 2011, 05:28:29 am
The straight plat that drops from Avatars in HoH is very low; in 4 hours of farming I end up with maybe 10,000 platinum from avatars, hardly anything to even shake a stick at. Again, not sure if that's how you intended it or not, but suggestions are just suggestions.
6  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Ez Economy Fix? on: February 18, 2011, 05:17:00 am
I think what might work would be adding a zone where you can only get money on corpses, maybe make it bosses that drop varying levels of platinum with difficulty that scales with tiered content; the higher the boss, the more platinum it drops. That, or some new quests that reward platinum for doing specific events, kinda like the starter quests. The amount of plat generated per hour should be greater than what you can make in an hour in each specific tier, but not by too much. However, I think there should be a way to farm just money rather than money and stones or money and ores or money and quest pieces, etc etc. We have a zone tailored to RoA so why not one tailored to making money?

Or maybe the zone can have random decreasing chances to drop rare gems/items that sell for a buttload of PP. You kill a boss and you get X amount of platinum, and there's a rare chance for you to get a gem that's worth maybe 10k, 50k, 100k, etc. This can easily be scaled at Hunter's discretion; he knows the rate plat enters and leaves the game. If he did this, he could make T5 instances cost more but people would have an avenue with which to pay for them without spending 12 hours in HoH farming gems. The cost of making augs was reduced just recently, but t3 plate still only sells at 100k at best if it isn't a breastplate. Epic 4.0 books (Which are what Hunter is thinking of making t5 flags) sell for under a million now. I think with more plat in the economy people would be more willing to part with it to the players that actually kill the bosses they need to get their higher gear/flags and progress quicker. Maybe we can find other plat sinks that work just like augs- maybe armor/jewelry slot augments that cost platinum to buy and are improvements over the rank 5 augments.

I dunno, these are just some ideas to throw around. Maybe the economy is the way Hunter wants it, maybe he isn't too worried about it at this specific point in time, etc etc. With t5 looming just around the corner, though, if epic 4.0s are the flag people will be trying to buy them to see what's up in the new zone.
7  General Category / Updates / Re: Transfer Charms on: February 17, 2011, 11:26:10 pm
It is certainly fair to say the usefulness of warriors was nerfed heavily, which I did mention they are replaceable from the get-go. No, they did not get nerfed in a conventional sense, but bringing a different character beyond the abilities of another nerfs the class it went beyond. We saw that with clerics versus paladins, firestrikes versus icestrikes, etc etc. I know what the conventional MMO definition of nerf is, but it doesn't have to simply fall under a direct destruction of a class's abilities or damage. If you're running a business and selling light bulbs for 3 dollars each and another guy sells his for two, everyone will buy the ones for two dollars except a few people who have an emotional investment in you and your business. Same thing here for warriors, people still use them as main tanks because that's what they know, but when it comes out that paladins are MUCH better tanks, people will play their paladins for that. Much like paladins are getting replaced in groups slowly by clerics.
8  General Category / Updates / Re: Transfer Charms on: February 17, 2011, 06:25:28 pm
That wasn't the point of my post, Paladins were nerfed (replaced) as the top healers and top DPS. Warriors were nerfed (replaced) as the top AoE damage dealers. Paladin DPS has not been nerfed much anyways, just their ability to heal groups the best. Sure, the amount of healing and damage the epic proc did was reduced, but paladins still tank just as well as warriors, still DPS better than them, and heal. Warriors only have the advantage in aggro capabilities. If you have a close mind about nerfs and view them as only a reduction in abilities to certain classes, then that is your cup of tea and it would be a correct notion to say Warriors were not nerfed. I view them as classes being replaceable now. Wizards are replaceable as DPS with the new change to the spell. Warriors are replaceable as AoE characters because of Berserkers now. Knights can hold aggro with dread gaze and a crafted scepter of time- I clicky incredibly easily. Paladins tank better than Warriors with their stonewall.  They do more DPS. Warriors as a class are underpowered at best now, and the one purpose they had over paladins matters not if you make a berserker now. I view that as a nerf, if you do not, that is your own opinion.
9  General Category / Updates / Re: Transfer Charms on: February 17, 2011, 06:03:32 pm
If you take the direct route to consider nerfing, then yes, warriors were not nerfed. However, they are only marginally the best tanks around, stonewall is the only thing that helps at all and paladins get that too. Warriors were still good for being by far the best AoE DPS. Berserkers and druids are better now on that front as well. Warrior DPS is pathetic compared to the rest of the classes now. I am for making them able to be traded from all classes. Letting people situate themselves to be able to play any class they want rather than trying to pick maybe one or two cases to pull them off of is what the point of the changes were. Not many people have more than 1-3 paladins sitting around with UCs on, and paladin healing at least still makes them useful to groups.
10  General Category / Updates / Re: Transfer Charms on: February 17, 2011, 10:11:03 am
I don't know of anyone who'd give up an UC for plat unless it was like 50 million or something and they were set for the rest of their EZ lives on buying augs and stuff. Transferring of charms is not just giving players a chance to take them off a previously OP class, it's giving new classes higher playability. The changes are great but what good is the DPS on a monk if you have a sorcer's rank 1 with your 4 icestrikes and 2 ninjastrikes? Who wants to play their monk in that situation over, say, an UC paladin? Who wants to spend ANOTHER 6 weeks farming an UC for the monk just so they can be useful?
11  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Pet parses 16/02/2011 (Yes! EURO TIME!) on: February 17, 2011, 06:30:41 am
No, charms have no effect on pets. The pet itself is healing itself, not you healing it. Also, Necros are intended to be able to solo their own stuff throughout the game. The DPS they pull is going to be less than a regular DPS class by a good margin, so putting one in the group especially since their group functionality now is absolutely zero outside of DPS means they need huge boosts for soloing, which is what they got.
12  General Category / Updates / Re: ** Recent Changes ** on: February 10, 2011, 05:30:33 am
The solution for Casters might just be a second "epic" item; a shield item or something. Or maybe just a caster only item that drops in high end content somewhere to go in the shield slot that has a focus effect. I don't know, but Necros definitely need a big boost in DoTs; the DoT focus buff that druids and shamans get would do a lot for necros; their dots currently hit for 1500, 900, 600, 1100, and that's it for the ones worth anything. No reason to even cast those and sorcer charm doesn't improve their DPS. 4.0 Necro and Beastlord pets have no problems with staying alive right now, so the HP is fine for doing DPS, but the pet itself doesn't do much DPS. The biggest issue with casters is there isn't a "one size fits all" fix to them, because each one has a different role, unlike melee dps where an augment can solve their woes.
13  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Caster DPS issues potential fix on: February 03, 2011, 12:47:13 pm
I have a Mage in full t3 gear who has about 35k mana. One cast of the nuke spell mages get puts her under 30%. I haven't bothered to farm mana augs or mana regen augs yet, but even in t3 gear she can use the spell once. The Necro spell is a bit better, but the damage it does is about 5000 per cast and takes roughly 12% of her 42k mana. The term "Casters" was given to silk classes a long time ago on live and I'm simply used to referring to classes as melee, hybrid, priest, and caster. Melee encompasses warriors, zerkers, rogues, and monks. Hybrid incorporates beastlords, sks, palys, bards, and rangers. Priests are Druids, Shamans, and Clerics, while Casters are Mages, Necros, Wizards, and Enchanters.
14  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Caster DPS issues potential fix on: February 03, 2011, 08:42:51 am
Druids, Shamans, and Clerics' problems won't be fixed by anything Casters would receive. Even my suggestion on caster augs wouldn't do much for them. It certainly would be fairly simple to add them into the list of classes able to use the augs, but their roles on EZ aren't DPS. Buffer, buffer, healer. The way to fix their problem has nothing to do with their mana in the first place; they need entirely new spells or a huge beef on what they have to be able to be usable. I'm just coming up with ideas based on what I've noticed with multiple caster classes that are supposed to fit the sustained DPS role. Enchanters fit the adjusted DPS role. Necros, Mages, and Wizards are supposed to be sustained DPS. There's no way to sustain any DPS if they run out of mana after 1 or 2 casts, like 7 in necro's cases because their spell is very low damage.
15  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Caster DPS issues potential fix on: February 02, 2011, 11:16:43 pm
I would like to take the time to point out that I did say that this was a POTENTIAL fix, I in no way figured this would just instantly fix things. However, there isn't really a way to make ALL the casters benefit with augs in any way other than just giving them monstrous proc augments to melee with. Even then, Wizards will still be more DPS than Mages, Mages more than Necros, Necros more than Chanters. I'm talking pure DPS, not adjusted DPS. Enchanters are and were always intended to be a buff class. Maybe if Hunter incorporated the need for CC in the game we could give them the title they were intended to have from the onset of the game, but they just simply are not supposed to be even on DPS as a Necro, Mage, or Wizard. It's just not how the class was designed. The EZServer staff is trying to give people reason enough to play classes as it is, and there are very good reasons to play Enchanters. Right now, Necromancers are -THE- most useless caster.

Back to the point though, the only way to give a blanket improvement to casters in general is to give them either Mana Regen or more Mana. Each classes' t3/t4 spells are imbalanced damage-wise, so a damage buff on the epics isn't going to work. Maybe Hunter could think about adding a 2nd epic (shield) for mages, necros, and enchanters to give them specific boosts that bring their DPS up closer to wizards. However, wizards, mages, necros, and enchanters should never do an equal amount of DPS, ever. Wizards SHOULD be on top, followed by Mages and Necros, then enchanters. You're supposed to (key words: supposed, palys and SKs completely laugh at this idea right now) be able to sacrifice utility for DPS. Enchanters have high utility with their buffs and now a solid pet. Mages have a decent nuke and a strong pet. Necros have a good pet and nothing else (dots are absolutely useless, the t4 spell is a lifetap that deals very low damage) but I'm looking to get a start in the right direction here. I don't think mana regen is going to solve all the problems, but it'll at least be a good stepping stone.
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