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General Category / General Discussion / Re: Are accounts ever deleted?
on: June 09, 2020, 07:53:50 am
Back in the day, when I made my chars, you could only have 3 login server accounts pr eqemu account. So maybe you just made 2 eqemu accounts, to host your 6 chars.
They could've changed it, so that you can have more per eqemu account - I dunno.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Server population dwindling
on: October 15, 2019, 05:05:26 pm
Wouldn't it just be easier to implement an item that caps your ability to progress, if you're truly interested in grinding the lower level tiers? Buy the item off a vendor for free, if the game sees it in your inventory or on your person, you can only flag through X tier. You could also limit the ability to receive overpowering MGB buffs you don't have access to and basically make it as grindy as you want. I guess I just don't get why you can't experience a more classic feel on the server as it is, since all the content exists and the only limiting factor is your willingness to restrain yourself from continuing to advance through higher tiers if all you're after is the nostalgic feeling of lower tier content.
I think what drives a server the most, other than awesome content, is community and playing along with other people. In my experience, at the point where the server is now, you're pretty much doing your own thing in the high end tiers, and the lower ended tiers are basically empty. If the lower ended tiers was all there was, it would be much easier for new people to get into it, and there would be more people around where they are when they start up. Its not 'just' about the grind, but its also about the grind =D Also, I realize that this is a "piss your pants to keep warm" solution to the problem, but I think for atleast a year or two, it'd be great.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Server population dwindling
on: October 14, 2019, 09:22:11 am
Yeah, it should be a test server scenario, without wiping anything there currently is - Pretty sure, it wouldn't take too many from the current pop - but it would definently motivate old players and for sure, it would bring some new people to the content aswell. In my humble opinion T1-T5 was hella fun, when that was all there was.
But, I haven't got the faintest idea of what goes into creating a new server, or if the current hardware could even pull it off. But as I recall, the hardware got a major haul a few years back, so might be possible.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Server population dwindling
on: October 08, 2019, 07:38:10 am
You know, every since I read the original post here, and eventually made my comment. I've been playing with the thought of "restarting" the server. And I see a lot of you currently playing folks, wouldn't be too happy about that. I get that, a lot of hours has been poured into your current project. But for someone like me, who played a lot during the T2 - T8ish era, it would be awesome. I hardly remember what shit I have on my chars =D On the other hand, I doubt I'll ever pick it up again as it is now. So! Would it at all be possible, to do an EZ - TEST - Progression server, where the Ts are opened at a 4-6 month interval - good googly mookly that would be awesome. I realize, there are a lot of stuff to consider - including instances and whatnot, which has been improved and changed over the years - but that could be some brainstormin' sessions and shit on the devs parts. It would also, be able to generate enough $$ - with people having to re-buy the legups along the way. It works great for Daybreak atm, so why wouldn't it work great here too? Am I alone on this? - In that case, I'll drop it
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Server population dwindling
on: August 31, 2019, 05:36:51 am
Reboot the server, delete everyones chars, let shit start over.
That'd probably fix the issue. Or am I wrong? - it'd be like starting on an EZ progression server =D
I would be tempted to start again, I absolutely loved T1-5. Plus new people who started up, would experience those tiers, as they should be experienced. Filled with other players.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: EZ Server economy
on: June 09, 2017, 01:29:50 pm
Increasing the cost of things that the top end players already have just hurts the players that are new... lol
Not a very good idea to do that
Gonna throw the ol' make SLS buyable at vendors for 1 mil in here - should eat up a lot of excess plat =D
General Category / General Discussion / Re: T9 Boost
on: March 10, 2017, 01:05:32 pm
It has been said on numerous threads that T9 is not challenging enough. That being said, would it be possible to increase the difficultly of T9 slightly? Perhaps we could boost the hp and the dmg dealt by the mobs? Maybe add rampage? To offset this increased difficulty, could we also add more undead to the zone and or require less undead to spawn the Black Priest? Thanks I agree. But, I think it would be wise to wait, until I'm done with my last pieces. Thanks.
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