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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tradable Epic books? on: November 05, 2010, 07:25:08 am
epic book tradable = no more caster/fighter guild (needed for 2.5) = no more trade for item that grant access thoses guilds  = bad economy, less trade
2  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Halloween Event 2010 on: November 03, 2010, 12:17:40 pm
you are right !!!!

3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Halloween Event 2010 on: November 02, 2010, 11:44:23 am
You guy are lucky !!

I never able to play on halloween event... since it's the birthday of me and my girl friend (being in couple).... each year i have to go in long week....

Halloween need to be an other day of the year !!
4  General Category / Suggestions / class balancing on: October 22, 2010, 06:42:34 am
Everyone is going to hate me, but....

I read a lot of class are useless and war pal are over powered.

All useless class  ask for an upgrade.

But isn't easier to nerf war and pal ??

War isnt supposed to make as much as dmg. Aug4 and aug5 should me just sigle agro or AE agro no proc dmg.

Proc dmg should be for dps class like monk, rogue, zerk....

pal ans SK are not dmg dealer and are secondary tank.
So they should have some aug that do aggro but less powerfull than war. The HP heal proc of pal is nice idea, SK should have their lifetap proc that heal the group for 50% of amount of dmg. (8k dmg on mob heal each memeber for 4kHP).
This should be reasonable sinc they are doing dmg where pal is just healing.

I think this will make more different class in game, and then more different armor/stuff to sell. So we will have to pay more pp to epic our toons (if you want to multi).

I know most of you will no, keep war it s good, or other thing.
But :
PAL SK = 2nd TANK small assist
RNG = ranged DPS (they are well balanced no need modification i think).

After that the probleme will be caster and pet class...
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Plane of Air crashing on: October 22, 2010, 06:30:51 am
Last time i was helping on T4 boss

I was playing only One char (my pal) and no Third party program.

And i crashed...

Maybe the people i help was using third program but we all crash.

So not using 3rd program and only one box get zone crash too.
6  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Plane of Air crashing on: October 18, 2010, 08:57:51 am
Last time i was fight with traya T4 boss.

I was playing solo box, and each time traya crashed i crashed too.
So multi box or not the zone crash.

Each time we crash during fight but one time we crash during zoning into guild instance. So maybe guild instance is bugged ? will be nice to try in the non instance zone to see if we get any crash ?
7  General Category / Shadowknight / Re: epic effect on: October 08, 2010, 10:18:43 am
thank you for the answer.

I understand why peaple saying it's solo class.

I think i am going to start one for fun, i love SK
8  General Category / Shadowknight / Re: epic effect on: October 08, 2010, 04:07:56 am
nobody know the effect of SK epic ?
9  General Category / Shadowknight / epic effect on: October 07, 2010, 09:01:10 am
I read the post in the section, but i not sure of all effect of SK epic 3.0 or 3.5 or 4.0.

So my question is what are all effect on SK epic ?

I read right click AOE Disease dot (how long and how much dmg?)
Proc lifetap (how much base dmg/heal). I suppose oracle charm affect the heal and sorcere the dmg ? what about ultimate ?

I would like to know that because i plan to start SK, my prefered class on EQlive.
10  General Category / Updates / Re: Tradeskill Guild (Quest) on: September 27, 2010, 11:01:24 am
SO to craft the armor you need no-drop componant from boss, so only flagged peaple can done it.

Newb or alt will get stuff easy without getting FG/CG, QVIC or other flag, and no farm time, just buying it.

Is it really usefull for a newb or alt to get stuff but no access to any hight end zone....

So that could be usefull for single box ROA

So newb or ALT will have to farm many million of PP (that take more time that farming T2 T3 T4 T5....). Or they will wimply buy PP and buy flag to get all access...

So once you will be in zone and you see a toon with no no-drop you can imagine that he have no clue about how to fight the boss...

So i think this update is not very usefull, but if that can make peaple happy and can help... why not.
And that will give a goal for high end guys that are full stuffed... instead of waiting T5 update they can farm for selling item.
11  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Weapons = Georges Tools.2 on: September 03, 2010, 05:11:10 am
Yes plz Hunter just make a choise and change them...
12  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Proposed New Warrior 4.0 Graphic on: August 29, 2010, 02:38:18 pm
Plz dont chose the 7 !!

mob will laught at Warrior when they see it... it's look like a toothpick...
13  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates on: August 29, 2010, 05:50:38 am
Anything, I say anything is better than what my 5 boys are weilding at the moment. 

5 boys? I see how you roll, weirdo.  Angry

The items I linked were from EQlive plane of time loot tables. I remember there being nice weapon graphics from PoP, no idea of Omens of War (which this server supports).

Your weapon graphic are supercute UXT !!!

IF it s compatible titanium (POP is) that good for me !
14  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates on: August 28, 2010, 07:33:20 am
This one is really nice !!!

Too bad it s not the same expansion...

This one is not too bad too
15  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates on: August 28, 2010, 01:37:43 am
I can understand about the lag, but now this is the look of epic 4.0 epic war ....

I think we need to find anything else.

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