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General Category / General Discussion / Re: MQ2 macros
on: August 18, 2022, 11:41:34 am
Made a rogue for added dps but its my first rogue on the server, is there a specific macro i can use with my main toon that activates a backstab/evade/attack combo? Also noob question, dagger fall is it still a clickable to activate ability or is it now passive? If clickable is there a macro that adds it to the combo above? Thanks for any help.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Airplane not working for me.
on: August 09, 2022, 05:18:53 pm
One thing it looks like your not seeing file extensions. If you go to View Tab, you should see a box that says File Name Extensions. You should check this box.
I have these 3 files for airplane:
airplane.s3d 2,563 KB airplane_chr.s3d 2,063 KB airplane_char.txt 1KB (think this file is from the patch)
I think you are missing files, and /or they seem way too small. The files in your first post almost look like they are map files. I'm not sure if you have a clean copy of ROF2 laying around but I'd check that to see what airplane files are in there. If not you can download the ROF2 client from here: http://wiki.ezserver.online/Getting_Started. In there is a link to download a P2P client that will get you the full Rof2 client which will have the correct airplane files
I think I will try that, gonna download it again and copy and paste airplane files, thanks Takatok. Edit: It worked, thanks Takatok you rock!
General Category / General Discussion / Airplane not working for me.
on: August 09, 2022, 12:49:22 am
Hello, returning player here and I ran into an issue with airplane. When I try to teleport, nothing happens. It shows my character saying "airplane" but I don't get teleported. I tried teleporting from different zones and using different characters, same issue. I downloaded EZ server files, so I don't know what else to do. Even checked my EQ to see if airplane had files which i did and took a screenshot. Any ideas?
General Category / General Discussion / Re: New Players & Retain PLayers
on: August 06, 2022, 09:24:35 pm
Yeah personally I think asking for buffs is bad taste, it's like panhandling lol. In my experience throughout the years, people in this server will help out if asked, but people want to see you make some effort at the same time. I've helped out a few in my time (low level to T4) and it's definitely fun seeing someone else gear up and get excited the the help of your hand. In classical eq (2001ish) I was a level 24 shaman on a pvp server and all I did was hang around nerak by the noob log and buff noobs. Back then buffs were a BIG deal and the difference between potentially hours of gained or loss time (oldschoolers will remember lol).
But I agree, I think the real pleasure is in the journey not the destination, people that want their hand held will be disappointed because they will have all this stuff and not know what to do with it lol.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: New Players & Retain PLayers
on: August 06, 2022, 12:12:24 pm
As an on and off again (mostly off) player, I think the major issue is one this is an aging game so the player pool isn't as high as it use to be. The people that play EZ from my experience are people that played the original game when it came out. I would guess our age to be 35-55 give or take. That being said, marketing is important. Without people knowing we are a server and what we offer, we will just be another name on a list. So I would suggestion making youtube videos, being active on forums, maybe twitching.
As far as content is concerned, I think it's fair. I was helped back when I first started the server (back in 2010) and helped me get to QVIC and my 3.0. That helped me tremendously because it allowed me to go back to LDON with 3.0 to help get my other toons up to speed. But getting PLed by a player all the way to basically endgame content is boring. I think a balance is needed, willing to help if someone gets stuck (happens a lot if you aren't boxing 6 characters in the beginning), but not to the point when you make 90% of content trivial by PLing. I think a major issue or obstacle is you have to have a brain to play this game, it really isn't plug and play. You have to download the client, make important edits, learn macros, learn mechanics etc..
Currently I'm stuck in T5 with 20 bosses left on my list. It's been a bottleneck for sure but that will make getting past it that much sweeter when it happens. What I like about this server is if you get stuck in a tier or area, you can do side griding (Ultimate charm, resist stones, augs, plat farming, AA farming with ROTA, shield and scepter etc..).
EDIT: Sorry for necro post.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Server population dwindling
on: October 04, 2019, 09:59:09 pm
Pre-nerf Halloween would be nice, a 2 week access (starting Oct 15th) with zone pull item drops and higher odds for higher lvs for GSS. Exp 4x for the duration of the event (with higher exp crystal drop) and lower rng for edibles would be super to bring up some logins. Maybe even add SLS here and there. Yes there will be some that pull in some hardcore 3rd work hours during event but who cares? Personally Im not even past tier 5 and I dont care if people above me are doing massive pulls in their own instance. But October for the history of the server has been THE MAIN event, why not make it a once a year special that it deserves? At this point theres so few people really on that it shouldnt really hurt anymore. I havent played in a year and the year before that was spotty here and there with my play. But Ive almost always logged in for Halloween event and tbh the last halloween was very lackluster.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Server population dwindling
on: August 30, 2019, 08:16:44 pm
I mean I get it, I actually dont mind the zone too much it was fun and challenging, but those last 20 or so missing bosses is a pain. After logging in and seeing the same zone it does kind of take the fun away in a sense. But I understand its purpose. I was just adding my 2 cents coming from someone that isnt T10 and doesnt have the time to play 2 hours a day. Most EQ players at least now have families and responsibilities (damn we are old already lol) so its nice to feel like you can log in play 4 hours a week and feel like you are progressing in some way. I mean either or I will log in from time to time just for nostalgia but I guess Ive already made peace with not advancing past T5 for a while due to my lack of playing. The only reason I brought it up is for new players, thats all.
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