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1  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Server population? on: October 28, 2010, 02:06:23 pm
If you're only playing in prime time, yes it can be a pain, but try getting on the server in off hours a couple of times. Even Lower Guk is not camped 24 hours a day.

Or do what lerxst suggested and farm other items. There are lots of cg/fg items and most of them are not perma-camped.  You can sell almost any of them for 10 to 15K to people who don't want to bother. I can promise you that I could log on right now and have 10 fg/cg items in a couple hours without getting in anyone else's way.

Then buy your instance. Nobody says you hae to spend 24 hours in it.  If you can spend 8 to 10 of the 24 in there you will get what you need and have enough extras to more than pay for the instance.

It's not that hard if you think and put a little effort into it.  It may take a few days, but it took everyone a few days no matter when they started here.  It's supposed to be some work.
2  General Category / General Discussion / Grandmaster tradeskill combines on: October 07, 2010, 08:12:38 am
Just a little information for those doing these for RoA or Crafter's guild.  These are the success rates for a 250 trivial combine at various skill levels using the calculator at EQ Traders, with and without mastery 3 in the relevant skill.  These may be useful in helping you decide how much effort you want to put into skilling up in various tradeskills.

Skill 50 - with mastery 3: 7% -- without mastery : 5%
Skill 100 - with mastery 3: 32% -- without mastery - 5%
Skill 150 - with mastery 3: 57% -- without mastery - 14%
Skill 175 - with mastery 3: 69.5% -- without mastery - 39%
Skill 200 - with mastery 3: 82% -- without mastery - 64%
Skill 225 - with mastery 3: 94.5% -- without mastery 89%

At skill 250, you are essentially at 95% success rate with or without mastery.  Presumably anyone doing these would have mastery 3 in all the tradeskills.  The reason I list the percentages without mastery is that for Jewelcrafting, only enchanters have the mastery AA available. 

I actually found that out the hard way yesterday; with all AA's maxed and JC at 175, I just assumed I had the mastery aa's and burned a couple seals (thinking I was unlucky the first time) before I actually went and looked.
3  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 10 03 10 on: October 07, 2010, 07:37:07 am
To add to what Isaaru said, if you can't find any foragers but lots of hunters, go to where the hunters are and you may well find a stack of critters, some of whom will be varioius named in his list. Kill them all to keep the cycle going - eventually foragers will start spawning.
4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: CG-FG Item Price List on: October 04, 2010, 07:11:16 pm
All I can tell you is KD's sell for 50k really well. Over summer I (Crushinator) sold them for 50k and never had troubles. Full FG sets sold for 400k usually but again this was over summer. Not sure how prices have changed since I have left.
I auctioned FG sets for 500K this afternoon and sold 2 within 5 minutes. That's the typical price right now, and it might go higher with the SCHW and Vox/Naggy changes.  CG has been going for around 400.  I don't see it going up with the changes to fishbone, but it likely won't go down.
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: CG-FG Item Price List on: October 04, 2010, 10:15:06 am
Will give mostly FG, with a couple comments on CG (I don't deal with those much).  Nothing should sell for less than 5K. If somebody really doesn't want to bother getting the very easiest stuff it's worth at least that.  Else, just give it away (which I sometimes do if I am convinced the person is a real newbie). 

Prices are determined both by how hard it is to get an item and also whether the item is lore, because it's just a little harder to manage inventory with lore items. 

I could sell all the KD's I could farm for 50K each, so I'll use that as a base price

Next tier is the harder LGuk stuff, Mith 2 hander, FBSS, Exe Axe and SSOY.  Typically 25 to 30K for any of those - SSOY could be a little lower because it's not lore, and I have a lot more trouble getting FBSS to drop than any of the others, so that could be a little higher. With new changes Staff of Forbidden Rites is probably going to end up in that group also.

Fungus Covered Scale Tunic is easier to get is lore - probably 20K.  PGT can be a hassle if you're unlucky and also lore so maybe 15 to 20K. 

GLS is not all that hard but it's also something of a hassle - 10K.  Probably about the same for SBS - maybe more like 10 to 15K for that because it's lore.  I'm guessing SCHW is going to end up in about this range now also. Fighting Baton, Dwarven Work Boots, Adamantite Band round out this group at probably 10 to 15K each.  Dragoon dirk is the single easiest thing to get - 5K is reasonable.

So filling out your list:

FG Price List
1. Greater Lightstone - 10K
2. Dragoon Dirk - 15K
3. Shiny Brass Shield - 10 - 15K
4. Dwarven Work Boots - 10K
5. Adamantile Band - 10K
6. Polished Grante Tomahawk - 15 - 20K
7. A Mithril Two-Handed Sword - 25 - 30K
8. An Executioner Axe - 25 - 30K
9. Flowing Black Silk Sash - 30K
10. Short Sword of Ykesha - 25 - 30K
11. Silver Chitin Hand Wraps - 10 - 15K
 12. Fighting Baton - 10 - 15K
13. Knuckle Dusters - 50K
14. Staff of Forbidden Rites - 25-30K
15. Fungus Covered Tunic - 20K

The only CG items with any kind of degree of difficulty are Begurgle's Crown (way up there), the Dragon Tooth (after recent changes), Ring of the Ancients, Light Burlap Sack and a couple other that are maybe in the SBS range of difficulty at best (in the sense that they don't drop every single time).  The only problem with Jade Reavers is where to store them.  If you have one, you probably have 10. 
6  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 10 03 10 on: October 03, 2010, 09:20:38 pm
SCHW will be 1/25 chance off both Frienzied Spiders in Velketor after next reboot. Edits are already made. This is up from 1/100 chance.
Thank you.
7  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 10 03 10 on: October 03, 2010, 10:23:55 am
It might be an hour in Velks if you have the zone to yourself, though I've spent more than an hour in there this morning with very little competition and no drop yet.

But put 10 people in there all looking for it and it's going to be 10 hours (unless you're the unlucky one, and someone is always going to be unlucky, especially at a 1/100 chance).  Put 20 people in there and...

3 Vox kills, no drop.  No line at the moment.  That will change.  Relatively few people are aware of the changes. 
8  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 10 03 10 on: October 03, 2010, 08:59:14 am
And two Vox kills this morning and no staff.  At least that zone will be orderly.   
9  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 10 03 10 on: October 03, 2010, 08:50:40 am
There was a lot of discussion in regard to the new crafted armors as to who were the potential customers.  Well, I was a potential customer, I've never set foot in PoD and have been in Qvic once, but I have enough plat to buy a couple T2 pieces and know how to make more.

How?  By selling FG sets.  It is the one way that non-boxing, mostly solo players can make that kind of plat.  I buy lguk and sebilis instances and I farm all the other stuff in off hours or when no one else is in those zones, and I'll leave if someone else comes wanting the camp; in short, I don't interfere with anyone else.  When I went to bed last night, I had 3 full FG sets (which is enough for one more piece of T2 armor), and I could have filled out 2 or 3 more with just staffs, schw and lightstones, which I didn't think would be any kind of problem.  Now I have none, and am facing what looks to be an incredibly difficult couple of camps to finish any of those out. 

Whether it was intentional or not, you just took away (or at least made vastly, vastly more difficult) the one good way for people like me to accumulate plat and become customers for the other new stuff you've introduced.  You can't make that kind of plat farming gems or any other vendor drops.  Which is going to leave the new stuff to the people who are already way ahead.
10  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 10 03 10 on: October 03, 2010, 08:02:23 am
First take is that SCHW just went from the easiest drop to far and away the worst.  I spent 45 minutes in Velks this morning with one other person in the zone for most of that time.  Cleared spiders a few times and never had a drop.

I agree it might be a little low.  I killed all the spiders about 2 times and didn't see 1 drop.  I wouldn't mind farming for it a bit, but if you get a couple of people/groups in the zone, there just aren't that many spiders to go around.
The biggest problem is that there is no 'camp'.  With it dropping from multiple mobs in there it's just going to be a huge free for all competition.
11  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 10 03 10 on: October 03, 2010, 06:48:36 am
First take is that SCHW just went from the easiest drop to far and away the worst.  I spent 45 minutes in Velks this morning with one other person in the zone for most of that time.  Cleared spiders a few times and never had a drop.

Extremely rare drop from multiple mobs in a zone that was often overpopulated anyway is going to make that place the hell hole of the universe in short order.
12  General Category / Updates / Re: Crafters Guild Completed on: October 01, 2010, 02:48:07 pm
Are the essences tradeable or are people selling loot rights?  What all do you actually have to do to join the guild?  I know it starts with GM Baker's spoon - is he going to ask for all the GM crafting items also? 

13  General Category / Updates / Re: Crafters Guild Completed on: September 30, 2010, 10:04:22 am
So what are people willing to sell T2 for?  And how much does T1 cost to make?  I'd be interested in buying a mixture of T2 and T1.

It's over 1 mil for one t2 piece so don't expect it to sell for less.
Thanks.  I was expecting it to sell for more, I just was wondering how much more.  1.5 million?
14  General Category / Updates / Re: Crafters Guild Completed on: September 30, 2010, 08:02:50 am
So what are people willing to sell T2 for?  And how much does T1 cost to make?  I'd be interested in buying a mixture of T2 and T1.
15  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Whats with buff timers?? on: September 26, 2010, 07:21:40 am
Picked a bad time to do an RoA run.  Was happening with buff bot timers most of the morning, and then started happening with my druid buffs also.  Sometimes the buff but buffs land with low timers, and sometimes they just go down after a tick or two.  Same thing with druid buffs and it's unpredictable.  It did seem to get worse and worse the longer I stayed on. 

Giving up for now. 
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