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1  General Category / Updates / Re: Epic 3.5 is 1/2 done on: August 18, 2010, 01:41:38 pm
While you're creating 3.5s, can you make sure the instrument modifier on the bard epic is correct and fix the modifier on the 4.0? The 3.0 is 250, and the 4.0 is the same (so not really an upgrade except hp and (lol) ratio). I think it should be something more like 3.0 -> 250, 3.5 -> 350, 4.0 -> 500.

2  General Category / Bard / Re: bard thoughts? on: August 07, 2010, 06:45:23 pm
I just got to level 30 and memmed Amplification.  It doesn't seem to increase my Bellow or my Psalm DS at all.  Is the damage capped by level and so that's why I'm not seeing any benefit yet?

I know this is an old post but your bellow damage should go up. Psalm might not go up because you have to play amplification first, meaning if you /melody psalm amp (in that order) you will not notice a difference, where as if you /melody amp psalm (in that order) there will be a difference.
3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Bard issues on: August 07, 2010, 06:39:19 pm
I have often thought it would be nice to open up the anger v aug (not really an anger aug anymore, just a dps aug since anger was taken off it) to all/all would be a grand idea. Putting augs for every class would not only be time consuming but also make it extremely tedious to finish any aug in PoD.

As for bards having a unique condition on their dps, they are a unique class from the get go.  It makes sense that their dps conditions would be unique also.

I've also thought about a damage aug for other melee classes - it would be awfully nice to have, though it would make stuff die much quicker - mob HP might need to be adjusted for t1+. I do agree that a ton of different augs like that would be incredibly tedious to make with the current PoD system; however, they could be added to drop off trash in hohonora like the current augs already are.
4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Bard issues on: August 07, 2010, 03:30:52 pm
While I don't agree that the bard "condition" for adding DPS is even comparable to the condition for other classes, I will agree that some sort of group song that is a healing/spell focus (maybe a t1 or t2 drop?) would give bards just what they need. Being more realistic, when I group it's usually a war/pal/clr/rng or something very similar since I play with people that 4+ box. Being in a group with 4-5 monks or rangers is an extremely idealized situation so I'm not really sure it's fair to talk about balancing it based on that scenario.

Again I agree that bards shouldn't be doing a ton of DPS themselves - they're a support class. I just think it would be nice to see more songs or abilities that enforce that role.

Even beyond all that, I think in general more classes need some balancing and character improvement should be more of a gradient. By this I mean that once you get 3.0, basically all you're doing until T3 is adding hp/mp/ac. It'd be really nice to see t1/t2 spells/songs/abilities for all classes in addition to augs for the other melee classes. A unique aug for each class would be very awesome to see (for example, +all instrument weapon aug for bards in slot 4 to make the 3.0 a bit more powerful once you get to PoD). I understand that some of these ideas aren't necessarily easy or even possible to implement, and I also understand that the server staff are busy. Just throwing ideas out though.

Edit: another idea includes a pet/dot focus aug for necros (since you sacrifice a lot of stats if you keep your LDoN feet or time/qvic gear for focii). I know that there are already a lot of aug components in PoD so there's that problem to deal with, however I think you see where I'm going.
5  General Category / Updates / Re: 2 More Instances on: July 11, 2010, 10:10:58 am
First I wanna say thanks for all the hard work Hunter, the server has come a long way since I played about a year ago.

While the instancing helps alleviate some of the FG/CG congestion, I was wondering if you've considered just making all of the items no drop. As a newer character doing FG/CG quests for the first time, a 100k guild instance isn't much help. The problem I've run into is that almost every item is camped 5 times over, with some of those people camping it purely for monetary gain. Since the quest is absolutely necessary for progression once you hit 70, I think it really sucks for newer characters that they have to wait in line behind people that are just going to sell the items since it's stopping them from progressing.
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