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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Necro Death Spell Quest on: October 16, 2014, 01:36:09 am
Ahh awesome thankyou so much Hate, no worries at all bud. I understand you guys have alot of work on your plate and appreciate your time and effort!

I'll give it a crack tonight.

Many thanks,

2  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Necro Death Spell Quest on: October 14, 2014, 09:55:39 pm
Attempted the quest twice more over the past couple of days still no luck.

Deleted all older blood token and redid the task, gnome still handing it back

Attempted to hand into the gnome in tofs no luck there either.

Has anyone been able to complete the necromancer death rk1 task in the past week?
3  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Hatestomp Aug on: October 09, 2014, 01:16:04 am
Agreed on making hatestomp a proc rather than clickie, would make it alot more practical. As we already have angerbomb, rampage and ae taunt to assist us with snap aggro management. However since alot of warriors now utilize the 2hs variety of UW it would be nice to have something similar to an anger aug in our arsenal, or potentially add a slot for us to put in an anger aug or two into the UW.

Another issue I have run into not sure if others using hatestomp have encountered. Is that despite it stating 12 second CD, I have had it take upto 45 seconds to reclick the hatestomp proc.


4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Necro Death Spell Quest on: October 08, 2014, 02:38:50 am
My necromancer is level 73

He has no ranks of death yet

Handing to the roaming gnome in casters guild
5  General Category / General Discussion / Necro Death Spell Quest on: October 07, 2014, 02:22:48 am

I have tried three times over the past couple days to complete the Death spell quest on my Necro (Cryel).

Every time I complete the Rk I task and give  the blood token to the roaming gnome in Casters Guild he just hands back the token with "I have no need for this Cryel, you can have it back"

I do have both Rk 1 and 2 of;
- Unholy Shackles,
- Hungering Pyre,
- Kiss of Corath, and
- Insinuations of Mori

and have memorised rk 1 in gems 1-4 prior to handing in but no dice.

Any light shed on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

6  General Category / Suggestions / - State of Wizards on EZ on: September 19, 2013, 07:50:29 pm
Heya all,

Recently been bringing up a wizard as I have not seen many if any since Hateborne, the only other I have really seen has been seedm (apologies if spelt incorrectly) and to my surprise there seems to be quite a shortage in semi decent AoE Damage spells.

Their single target nukes are quite nice especially some of those higher tiered ones from what I have seen, and not complaining about them being OD'd by strike IX augs as it costs alot to make one of those.

My arguement lies in the fact that a druid provides more AOE firepower compared to a Wizard in which its sole job is to provide Spell DPS (e.g. Static Burst - 10k aoe Wizard vs Seismic Shift 40k aoe Druid both CT [Tacvi] tiered spell drops.)

I might be missing something but a wizard should not be out spell damaged by any class. I'll also be known as an asshole for this but it is quite absurd that a Berzerker out AoE's a wizard both burst and sustainable for the simple fact that their epic proc from 4.0 + is already higher than Kaldars II (45K aoe).

If you find some spare time I'd like to see some wizard AoE spells reviewed if at all possible to maybe hike the damage up on AoE's in order to bring them back into their element which is to be the Masters of burst spell damage.

Enchanters have had a revamp and are an exceptional addition to any group, I'd like to atleast see the wizard be able to provide some utility to a group especially in their core role.

I encourage anyone in the higher tiers with a wizard to contribute to the thread.
7  General Category / Updates / Re: UW and SoA Recipes on: September 12, 2013, 03:46:53 pm
Lol although i am cringing at that idea, i do think you are onto somethin premador. Would start clearing peoples banks of the ridiculous amounts of plat and still make it a massive pita to attain which would scale drastically as you progress.

It would be great as people would propritise auging vs uwing for dps as the plat : dmg ratio would be way off. And essentially you need a uw 3-4 before you actually notice a dmg increase tbh which is what, 60mil plat...
8  General Category / Updates / Re: UW and SoA Recipes on: September 12, 2013, 02:28:53 pm
Aye thats why they should have a level req as was suggested earlier locked to your current tier like augs.

However lets be realistic here for a split second bud. If someone in qvic gear had a uw ix they would more than likely have a t8 toon anyway. As they would not be able to farm the resist stones, plat or essences... Or would have donated a butt load to the server and still be short of the resist stones or essences of tofs. Which lets face it any contribution to hunters hard work and dedication is not a bad thing either.

9  General Category / Updates / Re: UW and SoA Recipes on: September 12, 2013, 01:45:00 pm
Heya all i'd like to add my two cents in,

I've been here for about two and a half years and currently own a UW V. I believe that it should be an item which is kept in game. Lets face it it does keep the economy alive, w/o the UW the demand for sls, ess and plat would be virtually non existant like it was pre UW. Thus it is a very good thing for both a plat and essence sink which is healthy for keeping the market in some what of an equilibrium.

I do agree however that the differing UW ranks should be level based much like augs. So that you can only get a UW based on the essences of your current tier. I like the changes made to the plat requirement and essence of norrath, makes it a bit more challenging to acquire, however not impossible. But it has dramatically slowed down progression of anyone below t6.

Personally I do like the use of TOFS for the ess. However i think that it should be scaled based on the tier of UW you are trying to attain. By either adding another rare spawn to each floors named like svartmane or just making it a 3-4% drop rate from that floor. Now that would require some serious farming and would dramatically slow progression down. Plus keep checks and balances on lesser geared groups getting sick uw's as lets face it once you get past floor 3 those mobs can rip your ass apart w/o correct gear.

Imo it should be something like this:

Floor 1 - UW 1 & 2 - essence of tofs I
Floor 2 - UW 3 & 4 - essence of tofs II
Floor 3 - UW 5 - essence of tofs III
Floor 4 - UW 6 - essence of tofs IV
Floor 5 - UW 7 - essence of tofs V
Floor 6 - UW 8 - essence of tofs VI
Floor 7 - UW 9 - essence of tofs VII
Additionally for UW X you could make that essence a quest or rare drop in tov.
The alternate as was previously mentioned could be using resist stones and scaling them accordingly.

UW 1 - resist stone x
UW 2 - resist stone xi
UW 3 - resist stone xii
UW 4 - resist stone xiii
UW 5 - resist stone xiv
UW 6 - resist stone xv
UW 7 - resist stone xvi
UW 8 - resist stone xvii
UW 9 - resist stone xviii
Uw 10 - resist stone xix

Hell even make it require 2x resist stones that'll dramatically slow down progression on uw. But at the same time not make it impossible to attain. It would still be a true test of someones willingness to get the item. Plus at resist stone xix players wont be able to just ez rewards it either.

I am for the UW and believe that as many evils as it does bring, there are positives to it aswell.

With the amount of work people have put into UW's already i'd hate to see them dissapear and with the current unattainable state it isnt too fair as you can read the ones without are the strongest advocates of scrapping an item everyone else has but they can no longer attain. So maybe consider some of the suggestions i have put forward to still make it attainable but dramatically slowing the progression down!

Regards dem
10  General Category / General Discussion / Re: uni teleporter clicky on: September 12, 2013, 02:33:47 am
I do not think you are following what he is saying, I believe it is bugged as I too have the uni porter clickie.

It allows you to port to any zone other than Tower of Frozen Shadow. Currently only way to get to TOFS is via Nexus or Qrg, for some weird reason the universal teleporter clickie will not allow you to Teleport to TOFS says zone unknown or something along those lines.

11  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Updated Aug Prices!! on: July 23, 2012, 05:27:29 pm

Zerkers should be able to use NS augs imo. Would make them perform slightly better on single target bosses, however still far behind melee with access to dual wield.

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