If your entire group/raid cannot keep up with the respawn rate in PoTimea, perhaps you're jumping the gun. I began soloing PoTime with my Mage after I completed the Caster Guild quest (which I also solo'd except for the King Cards in LDoN). The CG pet could handle the trash so long as I pulled carefully (Earth was a bit dicey) and could even take down the named except for Dragon Slave who's regen was just too much. Yes, they were long fights, but it was possible with a BoThunder geared mage.
As stated earlier, follow the progression. Don't move into zones if you haven't finished the previous ones (tho anything before Dulak you progress too fast to bother staying). Once you're ready to do the epics, get into the Fighter and/or Caster Guilds. Any single group of BoT geared toons with FG/CG access should have no trouble keeping up with the spawn in Time.
As to the people who blow thru the content for their alts, that's just a part of the game. The respawn rate on the bosses is quite short, especially when your fight through the trash is challenging. It will take a number of sessions to finish up your first toon. I found that my best chance stood in pairing up with someone a little ahead of me and work with them to complete their content. It taught me about the zone and about the boss fights (this works in any custom zone). I wasn't there for the loot, I was there for the knowledge, and to earn a friend. When it came time for me to start mine, I'd look for the folks I'd helped and ask them if they could come help me. Once my mage had qvic gear and his 3.0, gearing up my other toons and helping my friends became a LOT easier.
Whats the fun on that? Is same as power leveling.. content skipping, etc... As stated earlier, follow the progression. Don't move into zones if you haven't finished the previous ones (tho anything before Dulak you progress too fast to bother staying). Once you're ready to do the epics, get into the Fighter and/or Caster Guilds. Any single group of BoT geared toons with FG/CG access should have no trouble keeping up with the spawn in Time.
As to the people who blow thru the content for their alts, that's just a part of the game. The respawn rate on the bosses is quite short, especially when your fight through the trash is challenging. It will take a number of sessions to finish up your first toon. I found that my best chance stood in pairing up with someone a little ahead of me and work with them to complete their content. It taught me about the zone and about the boss fights (this works in any custom zone). I wasn't there for the loot, I was there for the knowledge, and to earn a friend. When it came time for me to start mine, I'd look for the folks I'd helped and ask them if they could come help me. Once my mage had qvic gear and his 3.0, gearing up my other toons and helping my friends became a LOT easier.
then why dont the devs just take out all the adds?