I think the idea of having a Hunter NPC is the best idea. Some way of remembering him in game, not that it will be hard to forget the Man that has given us this home, but just something to always have him in our heads. How about something to do with the Guild Hall? Like have some quotes from him on the walls, or a "Hunter" NPC that you could hail and get a story of EZ, something like that? I know custom zones like that a huge pita, but given the reason It would be worth every sec put into it.
Donating the money from credits to Hunters family I think its a perfect idea and something not a single person on the server would fight over.
The jail, I think we all understand why Hunter did it, but as said before in the other posts, if we are going to upgrade the server and the bandwith, please take it off in instances, I was messing around killing old world mobs the other day and got sent to jail in PoG.. Perfect reason why he was put in place but maybe not needed anymore with a server/net upgrade?
I think HoH is a bottleneck for a lot of us, Its not a hard place to farm tokens but just seems like its one of them time sinks. Maybe change it where if you have say t5 Flagged HoHB is avil for token farming? Maybe a once in a blue moon charm drop? Something like that?
All and All I think the future is bright for EZ, While We should never forget the hard work from Hunter and Others, I think its safe to say Hunter would want us to move forward and grind, grind, and, grind some more.
If we are going to talk about things that could be changed from upgrading, Maybe think about the weapon delays? Isnt it like 40 for everyone right now? I would love to see some of these chars swing at full speed lol. Just a idea tho.