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1  General Category / Updates / Re: What's next for the rest of 2024 on: July 19, 2024, 05:43:17 pm
Gredaruk here, so I'm experiencing disconnects for my entire crew (24) since the past 2 days, I can only stay logged in for less than 5 mins and every toon drops to char select screen,before that time I never had any issues ( even while a lot of of other players were). I Experienced this issue in my instances and also public zones. One thing I did notice is in my MQ2 box it said -MQ2EQBC: did not receive expected ping from server, pinging...

Not sure if that has anything to do with it but figured I'd include that info also.
2  General Category / Updates / Re: 4th of July Event on: July 10, 2024, 05:07:59 pm
Gredaruk here,

I love this event zone, it's fun and challenging at the same time, but there could be some improvements.

Total played time, about 6-8hrs a day on and off. In that time, I collected around 8k shards, 2 belts,1 bow, I forget how many orbs, 2 Clonim's and 2 more CT spawn pieces (I have 4/6 now after 2 events)

I feel that Dream Shards should be increased 4-10 max per corpse and increase drop rates on CT spawn pieces to 25%. Also maybe have the bigger bosses like Bertoxx,Hellwing etc drop 2x each orb and ember/grip and a higher chance to drop Void touched blades/Clonim's

also, some exp would be cool too, or maybe have random trash have a slight chance to drop the 100-150k exp orbs

my 2cents
3  General Category / Updates / Re: Memorial Day Event on: May 28, 2024, 03:31:10 pm
Played on and off during the event, collected 1563 shards,3 belts and 1 bow. Only 1 CT piece off Draco. I agree with Ray on this one, would be sweet to open this event one weekend per month as I had loads of fun and best time yet to date.
4  General Category / Updates / Re: T11 NPC Testers on: January 31, 2024, 04:01:18 pm
24 Chars in Full UA + Tunare loot/Shields all UC4, War 12.5 and 6 12.5 rogs. 20 UW total and 19 ear 50
2 War,2 Cle,4 Pal,6 Rog,1 Dru,1 Shm,1 Mnk,1 Ench,1 Bst,1 Mag,1 Wiz,1 Zerk,1 SK,1 Rng

Test A - Single = 1m 47s to kill, MT grp consisted of 1 War,1 Cle and 4 pal... War kept up fine just off Pal heal procs
Test A - Double Pull = 3m 35s to kill, Same MT set up, Gredaruk was tanking both mobs at same time, spam heals from Dru/Shm rain, ORH III and Holy Cataclysm. Gred's lowest HP 22% and 36% with Cover.

Test B - Single = 5m 52s to kill, same MT group make up as Test A, lowest MT hp 27% with Cle spam heals along with Dru/Shm rain heals
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