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1  General Category / Updates / Re: Thank you Chieftan on: December 18, 2024, 03:47:04 am
Thanks Chief
2  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Broken Stuff Repair Shop v3.0 on: November 08, 2024, 09:06:45 am
In Misty thicket the character i am playing from after a time is no longer able to loot or interact with npcs but can stil target mobs and fight at first i thought it was just one of the warriors then i switched to the other warrior and it also happened on that one never experienced this before so i am thinking it is a misty thicket only bug zoning that character out and then back fixes the issues until it happens again

A few people on discord also said they experienced the bug and using Ring of the Ages click can sometimes fix it or an illusion i tried RoA the next time it happened and it worked
3  General Category / Updates / Re: Hard Mode NPC on: August 04, 2024, 12:30:06 am
I tried the new zone said hard to Gerald on all 30 went to public pulled one thinking i was going to get hit very hard and it could not do melee damage to me same as mobs in t10 or lower i am immune to fromtal melee so i zoned my others out equipped guardian charm and did a Zone pull took about 10 mins for riposte to killl them all but never went below 99% health
They seem to be somewhere between T10 and VP on mob health but with hit me chance of T10 or lower which is no chance they punted me alot but once i was in the corner that did not matter either
4  General Category / Updates / Re: 4th of July Event on: July 10, 2024, 12:07:12 pm
i farmed Fear itself 5 hours each day except wednesday i did 0 hours
Looted 2848 dream shards
7 of each orb and 2 clnomin notorious things towards neck
spawned 3 terror got 2 dreads spheres
2 Draco
1 fright
got 2 bows and a belt from the nameds that need to be weakened
Got 2 cazic spawn parts
7 Dreadsmith Embers - 5 Shadowbind Grips
11 Kael essence

not all of the 5 hours each day was spent in fear itself i went to sleeper one day for UC4 on a paladin and was not 100% focused on farming when i was in fear as my goal for event was pets for 2 tanks which i noticed i would finnish easily after day 1
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: New Server update causing DCs on: May 30, 2024, 12:52:41 pm
I have had the similar issues since monday doesnt matter which zone i am in i wil get a big lag spike then a crash error on 1 or 2 and over half of the others go LD mine do not crash while zoning but it happens in every zone even if i am not fighting .  i have never had LD before monday unless i speared ToFS and even then it was only the one doing the spear

Today i logged in Server population was lower than the last few days it was 180 and i was fine for hours then it happened and when i looked server population was nearer 300
6  General Category / Updates / Re: Memorial Day Event on: May 28, 2024, 06:15:49 am
You asked for people to post how many dream shards they got during event
I ran 24 characters no kael gear yet on any
farmed for 8 hours each day except monday i did less and i got 1179 dream shards
spawned 5 or 6 demis and got 1 ear from terror 1 dreads sphere from dread and a belt from zoulgoth
 lootedd 6 of each orb towards the new neck
 2 pieces for the spawn cazic task
 6 dre4asmith embers 5 shadowbind grips and 1 voidtouched steel blade towards a weapon task

Almost forgot i also got 21 Kael essence
7  General Category / Updates / Re: T11 NPC Testers on: February 01, 2024, 09:28:50 am
24 Charaacters all have full Ultimate armor + tunare armor and shields and UCv4 half have UW the rest have sleeper weapons half have ear 50 both Tanks have all Foxy augs
2 Warriors 5 paladins 5 rogues 2 monks 1 SK 1 Bard 1 Ranger 1 Beastlord 1 Necro 1 Enchanter 1 Wizard 1 Druid 1 Shaman and 1 Cleric

Spawn One/A - Single mob = 2 mins 5s did not need heals from cleric druid or shaman.
                       Two mobs =  4 mins 25s  One of the mobs was a caster went down to 8% when the caster used what looked like a short duration stun with a small knockback both mobs were on main tank the whole fight i used riposte at the start and could not get 2nd war to gain aggro on one after that.
                       Three mobs = 7 mins 2 melee 1 caster 2nd tank almost went down a few times with just the caster on him as i do not  have a cleric to heal that one
                       Four mobs = wipe

Spawn Three/C - Single mob = 1 min 55s Saw HP go to 30% a few times from a single mob combat round
                         Two mobs = 4 mins 3s 2nd tank went down tanking one not sure why then saw main tank HP go low often with 2 mobs
                         Three mobs  = wiped twice

Spawn Four/D - Single mob = 2 mins 5 seconds Saw HP go 30 to 40%
                        Two mobs = 2 attempts with wargod tanking both mobs = wipe then 1 mob on each tank took 4 mins 20s

                        Did not see any caster for mob types C or D


New Test after mitigation changes

Spawn One/A  Single mob Melee = lowest i saw tank HP go was 52% without vie or cover
                      Single mob Caster = lowest i saw tank HP go was 26% when it casted the dot plus melee round without vie or cover
                      Two mobs 1 melee and 1 caster = I can tank both if i attack the melee first if i attack the caster first i wipe when the dot plus 2 mobs melee combat round hit me at the same time

Spawn Three/C Single mob Caster = Did not notice any difference between this mob and a single type A caster
                       Single mob  Melee = Lowest i saw HP on tank go was 42% from a single combat round
                       Two mobs 1 melee + 1 caster = Wipe if both on same tank

Spawn Four/D Single mob Melee = Saw HP go as low as 34% from a single combat round
                      Single mob Caster = Seemed same as type C and A
                      Two mobs =   Always wipe with both on 1 tank        
8  General Category / Updates / Re: T11 NPC Testers on: February 01, 2024, 02:26:15 am
Do not say repop instance i made that mistake also first time and crashed the instance had to character mover all 24 and delete the instance as it was broken
Just say repop
9  General Category / Updates / Re: T11 NPC Testers on: January 30, 2024, 09:40:06 am
24 Charaacters all have full Ultimate armor + tunare armor and shields and UCv4 half have UW the rest have sleeper weapons half have ear 50 both Tanks have all Foxy augs
2 Warriors 5 paladins 5 rogues 2 monks 1 SK 1 Bard 1 Ranger 1 Beastlord 1 Necro 1 Enchanter 1 Wizard 1 Druid 1 Shaman and 1 Cleric

Spawn One/A - Single mob = 2 mins 4s did not need to use cleric druid or shaman heal hotkey 2 paladin in main group was enough
                       Two mobs = 3 mins 43s did not need to use heal hotkey once 2nd war had aggro on one of them 2nd mob just died with 27% HP left no idea why
                       Three mobs = Wiped 4 times i suck at getting my 2nd tank  to aggro one fast enough
                       1 melee plus 1 caster = Wipe

Spawn Two/B - Single mob = 6 mins 7s had to use heal hotkey after every mob combat round
                       Two mobs = Wipe
10  General Category / Updates / Re: T11 NPC Testers on: January 29, 2024, 07:46:14 am
24 Charaacters all have full Ultimate armor + tunare armor and shields and UCv4 half have UW the rest have sleeper weapons half have ear 50 both Tanks have all Foxy augs 
2 Warriors 5 paladins 5 rogues 2 monks 1 SK 1 Bard 1 Ranger 1 Beastlord 1 Necro 1 Enchanter 1 Wizard 1 Druid 1 Shaman and 1 Cleric

Spawn One /A Single  mob = 1 min 14s - 2 mobs = 2 mins 40s - 3 mobs = Wiped 3 times then did it in 4 mins 21s - 4 mobs = insta wipe

Spawn Two /B  Single mob = 4 mins 20 s - 2 mobs = wipe

Spawn Three /C Single mob = got it down to 53% took lasted 2 mins used all 3 riposte discs saw my HP go below 10% often once my ripostes were gone 2 mobs will be suicide

Spawn Four /Protector of Zek  Single mob = 45s - 2 mobs = 1 min 40s - 3 mobs = 2 mins 30s went below 10% a few times with 2 on main tank- 4 mobs = not inst6ant but a fast wipe

Spawn Five /D Single mob = 4 mins - 2 mobs = got first one down to 30% took 3 mins 40 seconds and then wiped other attempts i wiped faster

Spawn Six/E Single mob = 6 mins 10 s - 2 mobs = Instant wipe

Spawn Seven/F Single mob = 7 mins HP went low aa few times - 2 mobs = insta wipe

Spawn Eight/G Single mob = 5 mins 30 s HP went low often used ripostes at start

11  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Broken Stuff Repair Shop v3.0 on: October 30, 2023, 05:13:09 am
I got Noots Crusty Spatula of Spanking from Hills of Shade for my cleric today and noticed it has no augment slot for epic . Seems odd as it can only be used by classes that can not dual wield
12  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T10 PB quest on: October 06, 2023, 06:20:01 am
Something seems to have changed with PB spawns in Sunderock.  Every other time i have done this tier Pbs were always done before i was ally to all 3 faction. but this time i will have Faction done in 5 task but still need 340 Plagueborn . I am often spearing and getting as little as 2 PB from it never seen that before this is Wargod . Nyzin was my main years ago

I got Ally to all factions and still need 155 Plagueborn at the current spawn rate thats over 20 more spears needed :-(
13  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T10 PB quest on: September 17, 2023, 04:22:48 pm
Set the Corals FREE
14  General Category / Updates / Re: Requests for GM Assistance on: September 06, 2023, 03:39:08 am
I think you have put an augment into your weapon that has a higher level requirement than your current level. I saw other new players mention that happening recently and found the augment to be what caused it im guessing you got some augments from qvic or PoD and combined them to get higher ranks . if that is not the case i have no idea
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