Just play a knight class, they are easily top dps coming in at 62k ~ 65k dps with UC + Aug V x 3.
I posted I have more knight classes then I care to play. I would rather play a monk or rogue and have some diversity in the game. Tired of seeing War/War/Pal/Pal/Pal/SK group running around.
Don't be afraid to hijack the thread or start a new one about tweaking DPS for the pure DPS classes. We need more class balance by increasing the ability of those classes and not call for nerfs to two very solid classes in the paladin and SK.
I don't disagree that changed is needed. However, the reality is, 6 knights are by far the most superior group to be had as of today. Anything else, is less everything (survivability, damage output), until that changes stick with what works.