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Author Topic: INI based UI mod  (Read 12885 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 466

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« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2021, 04:20:13 pm »

There are rules on EZ against automation, which are longstanding and quite clearly stated. That being said, there have also been allowances granted for quality of life, that infringe on these rules, notably Dimur's loot macro, which is certainly automating a task.

So, as it relates to MQ2Nav, while inputting and triggering a pre-determined route is still not allowed, I am making an allowance for the use of the ability to have your characters automatically navigate to another character through use of this plugin. Exception to this being using that character pathing as a pulling tool, instead of a movement utility. Not everyone has the ability, whether financially or availability, to purchase the group or raid summon reward items, and /stick can be finnicky and frustrating.

These exceptions to the rules only work so long as everyone follows the spirit of the exception, and uses it as such.

If there are other plugins of interest that are possibly in a grey area, put up a post about them, and I can make a determination of their usage as it relates to EZ Server. Making these exceptions aren't intended to 'soften' EZ Server, nor will I approve everything, but there is always room for evolution of the rules.


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