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Author Topic: Shield of Ages builder  (Read 7038 times)
Hero Member
Hero Member
Posts: 699

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« on: February 21, 2020, 07:23:26 pm »

Recently I've decided to start making SoAs for all my gimp off toons and the only reason it's taken me this long to do it is all of the damn clicking.  I figured this would be a viable target for a new macro, so I worked my way through combines from the template to maxed SoA.  One item of note, I put my magic box in the last bag slot because I don't want shit filling it when I need to do combines because that would require more clicking to clear it out first or adding more macro logic to do it for me and I am just sharing this as it is because I'm lazy.  If you have a clean magic box, the macro won't care what slot you put it in, but be aware that when it's buying ores they will go to the first open bag slot.  Putting your magic box in the last slot means those slots are the last ones to get filled while looting, but feel free to put it in any slot you want...if people care enough to complain, I can add logic to account for that level of laziness but not inclined to waste time on the off chance that someone might.  The macro checks what materials you need for the next upgrade and if you have essences, sls and EoN (when needed), then goes to the Crafting Hall imp vendor and buys enough ore to do the next combine.  It then puts all the materials in the magic box and clicks combine.  It's supposed to autoinventory the shield once it does but for whatever reason it can be stubborn.  Regardless, you can keep issuing the trigger text to do the next upgrade as long as you have the materials somewhere in your bags, every time the macro fires it's logic it checks your cursor to see if anything is on it and autoinventories it regardless.

Quick and dirty directions, have your SLS, essences and EoNs in your bags, /echo buildshield, repeat as needed.

For anyone running the EZLoot.inc in the EZMac.macro, you need to add this include file to it for it to be able to see it,  Save the linked file into your Macros subfolder in your MQ2 directory.  In your EZLoot.mac file, add a line near the top, example below. 

Open EZMac.mac
Near the top is, just below #Events is the include section and you should have one value in there for EZLoot.inc

  #Event Stuff "Things"
  #Event OtherStuff "OtherThings"

  #include EZLoot.inc
  #include SoALogic.inc              <--- The new line goes here

Post feedback and/or concerns here, I'll do my best to address them

Hero Member
Hero Member
Posts: 699

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« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2020, 11:04:08 pm »

Already went through and tweaked some things, will tweak more as I encounter issues...feedback would help if anyone has any to offer.  Current share link should always reflect the most current version.
Full Member
Posts: 141

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« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2020, 03:11:07 pm »

This doesnt work for me it buys all the ore and checks to see if i have everything then it just picks up mats and puts the down

Hero Member
Hero Member
Posts: 699

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« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2020, 03:36:36 pm »

Puts them down as in puts them in the same spot they wee picked up from or puts them down in the magic box?
Full Member
Posts: 141

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« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2020, 05:12:12 pm »

it is random some items go into box and some do not

Jr. Member
Posts: 62

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« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2020, 06:54:14 pm »

Recently I've decided to start making SoAs for all my gimp off toons and the only reason it's taken me this long to do it is all of the damn clicking.  I figured this would be a viable target for a new macro, so I worked my way through combines from the template to maxed SoA.  One item of note, I put my magic box in the last bag slot because I don't want shit filling it when I need to do combines because that would require more clicking to clear it out first or adding more macro logic to do it for me and I am just sharing this as it is because I'm lazy.  If you have a clean magic box, the macro won't care what slot you put it in, but be aware that when it's buying ores they will go to the first open bag slot.  Putting your magic box in the last slot means those slots are the last ones to get filled while looting, but feel free to put it in any slot you want...if people care enough to complain, I can add logic to account for that level of laziness but not inclined to waste time on the off chance that someone might.  The macro checks what materials you need for the next upgrade and if you have essences, sls and EoN (when needed), then goes to the Crafting Hall imp vendor and buys enough ore to do the next combine.  It then puts all the materials in the magic box and clicks combine.  It's supposed to autoinventory the shield once it does but for whatever reason it can be stubborn.  Regardless, you can keep issuing the trigger text to do the next upgrade as long as you have the materials somewhere in your bags, every time the macro fires it's logic it checks your cursor to see if anything is on it and autoinventories it regardless.

Quick and dirty directions, have your SLS, essences and EoNs in your bags, /echo buildshield, repeat as needed.

For anyone running the EZLoot.inc in the EZMac.macro, you need to add this include file to it for it to be able to see it,  Save the linked file into your Macros subfolder in your MQ2 directory.  In your EZLoot.mac file, add a line near the top, example below. 

Open EZMac.mac
Near the top is, just below #Events is the include section and you should have one value in there for EZLoot.inc

  #Event Stuff "Things"
  #Event OtherStuff "OtherThings"

  #include EZLoot.inc
  #include SoALogic.inc              <--- The new line goes here

Post feedback and/or concerns here, I'll do my best to address them


You kick so much ass dim, Im baffled Smiley - And where fk was this when I clicked my fingers bloody making mine  Grin

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