Oh i also forgot to add that hunter has said that he wont add rot bots type things on top tier content.
Of course. Perhaps Rot Bot wasn't the right 'term'. More like an option bot. 3 complete whiffs (one of each class) for one component toward something you'd find "nifty',
The T1 rot bot is a straight across: you miss twice completely, you get what you were looking for. What i was suggesting was "you missed perfectly 3 times, you get something entirely different'.
Look at the archetypes:
Rogue - good dps, needs to be babysat.
Zerker - umm.. yeah.
Shaman - click. camp.
Ranger - /autofire /stick 8. Fun.
Enchanter - Click. Vamp. Camp.
Mage - /follow. /coth. /summon banker. /pet attack.
Necromancer - The second most useful option for tiny coffins.
Wizard - utterly helpless till T3 after spell drop (i.e. long after you'd ever need performance from one of your boxes to help you progress). Loads of fun after.
Leather -
Druid - click. /cast 8. camp.
Beastlord - getting warmer.
Monk - solidly entertaining, and don't need babysitting.
Fairly accurate? probably a lot of this is due to the nicer stats on T2 plate/tank armor vs the rest, while imbalancing, is very needed to help the average joe progress.
Without a lot of outside help, you are going to need certain things in order to attempt any semblance of progression. Real heals. The ability to rain AE death on ldon mobs to chase both oracle charms for healers, and full charms for your tank. COH/Corpse Summon/Banker to generate the revenue to get armor and jewelry and augments. You're gonna need a warrior. A mage. A Paladin or cleric.. and something else (likely the paladin or cleric missing from the previous box). There's a little room for customization. But anymore than one throwaway box in your little army is going to just add headachs more than any flavor or dynamic.
It works. It's fun. We all have roots in live EQ and after years of grinding all night with 30 peers to get maybe 1 or 2 solid items for one or two of the 30, it's downright silly to grumble about not being able to make use of *every* potential loot situation. I've said it before and i'll say it again: goal of the server is to block us and slow us down whenever possible.. But it's two-fold- server also should throw as many carrots as possible to appease the shmuck spinning around aimlessly on the hamster wheel of grindage, too. This just seems like a decent spot where it coudl happen.
Heck if you want something simple to save ourselves from ourelves: hotswap the graphic of either the ring of dragons or the ring of gods to something different, so we save that split second it takes to doublecheck we have the right ring when we port. Is that necessary? Not in the least, but i know more than a couple of you are silently nodding their heads.