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Author Topic: Assassin Quest  (Read 108350 times)
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« Reply #90 on: December 21, 2010, 12:25:21 am »

why not make kills a group reward so at least you can gear up all toons at once
Posts: 7

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« Reply #91 on: December 22, 2010, 12:40:18 am »

I don't think you understand. Nobody is going to get to level X, nobody. It's too boring and take's wayyyyyy too long to get. I can't imagine anyone in their right mind, after spending 768 hours(and that's IF you can do it in 3 hours every single time) killing  the same ten mobs over and over in order to get to level 9 and saying, "yeah! I'll do that all over again for the 20k extra Hp!" or w/e the difference is. It's not worth it.

My suggestion? Decrease the HP that each boss has, increase the amount of damage they hit for. Give them different AoE spells that do major damage, or decrease mana by alot or decrease the amount your healing/damage procs do or even a silence. Then you can give them adds, but don't have the adds have an incredible amount of HP, you should be able to kill them. Make it so if an add is up the boss hits for alot more and has a larger AoE spell. Something like that! If you make them MUCH harder to kill (because currently I can attack them and go take a shower or watch TV and that's with 3-5 adds) then you can justify decreasing the amount of times we need to kill them

Also? Decrease the amount of runs we need to do from levels 7-10. It's just ridiculous. Maybe increase the AC on them by alot more, and give them clickys and focus effects that increase every single level. Kind of like the charms.

« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 12:43:33 am by Vell » Logged
« Reply #92 on: December 22, 2010, 12:54:11 am »

Might want to say what level of gear you have.
IE: I have UC and 4.0 on both warriors and 4.0 paladins with mixed charms. I can turn attack on and go afk knowing I wont die with 3 solid healers in my group and UC dps.

Saying you go afk on the fight and not listing your gear is a good way to have Hunter see this, assume you have t2 gear and think the fights are to easy and make them harder.
I do not see the number of fights required going down based off what people are saying, what I forsee is this getting even harder and no one getting past rank 7.
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« Reply #93 on: December 22, 2010, 01:17:23 am »

Ok. I use a SK, Paladin and warrior. SK has full T4, paladin has mostly T4 with some T3, same with warrior. All 3 have UC and the best augs in the game on their 4.0s. 
EZ Server GM
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« Reply #94 on: December 22, 2010, 04:53:42 am »

Thanks for the ideas. There will be changes in near future on this quest.

Hunter - EZ Server GM
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« Reply #95 on: December 22, 2010, 07:17:29 am »

I like reading about how people want to make a huge time sink quest harder and longer.... this item is badass... only a few will ever max it to" X" status... and also what do you guys expect for an item that has 79k hps! A free ride?

Less hps harder hitter would be cool also or see below.. gotta make the time sink worth the other people helping the group!

The only thing I could see is have the npc drop t3 accessories they are about equal in my eyes .. plus the drop rate of spells and t3 accessories is extremely way to low period...

Bare with me posting from phone..


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« Reply #96 on: December 22, 2010, 09:04:06 am »

I don't think you understand. Nobody is going to get to level X, nobody.

Perhaps it is we who do not understand.  I'm thinking that Hunter wants this to be a nearly unachievable item.  It is something to do in the down time.  That's what RoA was for, but mudflation and player ingenuity have made it much easier than was originally intended.  The original intent of charms (per Hunter) was that they be so rare no one would ever achieve lvl 25 on one, let alone level 50 on all four.  But again, as gear grew and the quest changed, it became an attainable goal.

Do you still think this quest will take 3/4 of a year when you're in full T6 armor with your 5.0 and all your dps toons have Icestrike/Firestrike?  I think this quest was designed to still be challenging when the next level of gear is done and people are waiting for T7/T8.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 09:42:37 am by Gantrathor » Logged
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« Reply #97 on: December 22, 2010, 09:54:41 am »

To add on Balthor's comment,

My crew is a mix of T2 - T3 gear.  Six toons all with 3.5's.  The fights take about 40 minutes and I cannot AFK them.  Bosses get in a lucky round from time to time that requires a stonewall.  Also have to watch the enrage.  I've fought through a couple of them, and in all instances but two my Warrior took a dirt nap.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #98 on: December 22, 2010, 11:34:29 am »

Fantastic and greatly needed/appreciated quest. The idea is good. The reward is good. The difficulty is okay, since it's basically the next step
after ROA/UC.

But yeah - time involved is insane. Even under highly unrealistic conditions (like a 3-hour run -- nobody is going to throw millions at instance
portals) the time involved is incredible.

Apology, 70 Ranger. Jeddas, 70 SK.
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« Reply #99 on: December 22, 2010, 11:51:10 am »

What about leaving it as is untill like, level 5, then from 5 on, only having to combine a lvl 1? Meaning, do 1-5 the way it is now but to get 6 you just combne a lvl 1 with a lvl 5 and so on? Would still take a while and wouldn't be "giving it away".

"90% of what is considered "impossible" is, in fact, possible. The other 10% will become possible with the passage of time & technology." -Hideo Kojima
Jr. Member
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« Reply #100 on: December 22, 2010, 11:53:11 am »

To add on Balthor's comment,

My crew is a mix of T2 - T3 gear.  Six toons all with 3.5's.  The fights take about 40 minutes and I cannot AFK them.  Bosses get in a lucky round from time to time that requires a stonewall.  Also have to watch the enrage.  I've fought through a couple of them, and in all instances but two my Warrior took a dirt nap.

Nice, so if you play 7h30 per day you can make 1 run, at this speed, you need 512 day ! playing every day Wink so that's almost a year and half ... i hope you enjoy the grind Wink
If you make it, I will take the plane to offer you champagne and restaurant  Grin

RoA is just 100 run for 25k hp (do able in 100 hours)
UC is 200 charm upgrade for 50k hp (do able in 100 hours)
SoT is 512 run for 79k hp (do the maths according to your speed, but I don't think many players are be able to do it in less than 3 hours, and that is with high end content stuff, so that's from +1500 hours to +5100 hours for those that need 1hour to kill and i already saw it !)

I think the time needed to get this item should be lowered, like other people said, do boss a lot more hard to kill, we could use 20+ to kill them, like a dragon fight at the beginning of EQ, need buff time, strategy and the fight should be more interesting than actually, the boss should drop a random number of the item needed, so we can randomly share them with the people who participated in the fight and each time you get the 10 items, you combine and get +1 lvl, so this way, we no more have to do 512 run, that don't have any sense (only ultra farming) be we want just some nice fight like we where doing 10 years ago, and every time we killed a dragon we were having fun Wink I think this is what people are waiting and wanting, big fight, fun fight, that need strategy and tactics, but no more ultra farming, we all got enough with T3/T4, stone, stone ...
I hope you can see what i mean Wink But this is only what i think, maybe other people don't think like me Smiley
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« Reply #101 on: December 22, 2010, 12:10:00 pm »

what are the stats on a level 1-2 of this?  can a 3.0/tacvi gear paladin+ranger+druid group do it?  sounds really boring LOL but my pally could use a nice range slot, only have some ~350hp thing from qvic right now.  no way I'll ever do more than rank 1 or 2 tho.

also UC can NOT be done in 100 hours, not unless you have 4.0/T3-4 and pull half the zone at a time.  realistically you can quadruple that if not more.  I've easily spent 100 hours in LDON maybe 200 and only have one 25 Oracle and 25 Brawler and another 12-13 Oracle or so...

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« Reply #102 on: December 22, 2010, 02:01:20 pm »

Pictures of lvls 1 thru 5 are posted on page 6 of this thread, you can view the stats there

As to the UC being done in 100 hours, that's being used as the high benchmark as compared to the high benchmark for this quest.  I too cannot farm 4 upgrades an hour on average, but some can.  So for comparison sake you need to look at the fastest this quest can be done versus the fastest others can be done.

I don't know if your 3.0, Tacvi geared Pal+Rng+Dru would be enough or not.  I honestly doubt it.  Even if you could win the fights, I think you'd find them incredibly long.  I'd estimate 90 - 120 minutes with that group, if they can even overcome the regen.  These fights were designed with multiple groups in mind. 
« Reply #103 on: December 22, 2010, 02:12:02 pm »

My opinion the item scaling is outa wack.
Then again its like that on everything.
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« Reply #104 on: December 22, 2010, 02:16:44 pm »

Yeah ok I kinda figured.  With 500, 800 hp for rank 1 and 2 seems like my time is much better spent working at T1 gear etc.. maybe a few more Roa levels for the Pal.  Thanks.

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