do you have any guess for how much dps SKs put out for these conditions?
Yes, I've parsed 4.0 SK's with firestrike 5's around 40k.
The point of this thread is to show that
any class with strike augs is going to be putting out the same ridiculous
damage, because there's nothing inherently strong about Shadow Knight damage, as the data shows.
If you want strike augment damage on your warrior -- go get strike augments.
The fact you're seriously asking why free anger 4 augs aren't putting out the same damage as the most difficult and expensive
augments in existence illustrates precisely:
(a) you're an illiterate and/or blind to post three on this thread
(b) the absence of a single critical of analytical thought in your head.
At this point I could derail and mention that anger 4/5 augments are so easy to get they're virtually free, and
they let warriors put out damage in multiples of what other classes are capable of prior to completing 12 million
or more in strike augments, but I imagine you stopped reading four sentences ago and are already preparing
your witless rebuttal.
Sorry you were born in the south,
- Apology