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Author Topic: Varik over-training LDON 4 1.12.2011  (Read 13489 times)
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« on: January 12, 2011, 11:30:20 am »

Tried to warn him several times... done with rude people!

Teesha Torment
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« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2011, 12:16:54 pm »

More then proof enough there.Good job on getting video of it.Makes it easier to get rid of people like that.

Teesha Torment 70 Paladin
Strawberri Gashes 70 Rogue
Teesa 70 Druid
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« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2011, 12:20:33 pm »

   oO... you didn't try to warn me "several times."  you said(/say) "Fraps" once while i was fighting and i didn't even know what the hell fraps meant til i asked someone.  Then you /t 'd me with something like, "enjoy your ban" rofl.  And yes i have been pulling a lot of mobs but i didnt even know there was a 10 mob cap lol (my fault i agree, i should have read the rules).  If you want to help the server then maybe you should /tell people what they are doing wrong before you hit your Fraps hotkey.  Oh and btw, dont classify me as a rude person until you get to know me, otherwise you just sound arrogant.
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« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2011, 12:33:59 pm »

The one thing I do see is you KSing two of his mobs.  With that same framework in mind, "enjoy your ban" too!

In all seriousness, yes, we know training is bad business.  Has he hurt anyone? No Has he broke the rule? Yes  Should he get banned?  That's at Hunter's discretion, and thusly noted, you come off as arrogant when you told him "enjoy your ban rofl."

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« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2011, 12:51:14 pm »

lol, thnx Lintrix, i didnt even notice him KS me.  Doesnt really bug me tho.  tomorrows always another day =P   Personally if this is a first time ban thing, i think thats kind of harsh.  there is no system msg telling you there is a 10 mob cap when you zone into LDoN.  why would a first-time ban not be noted more for ppl to see.  I DO need to read the rules but what about 10 - 15 year old kids with ADD/ADHD who can't read a full paragraph.  It's hard for some people to read long rules, which is why i hope this is a first time warning rule.  But.... yea, i'll read the rules so this doesn't happen again.  thnx for filling me in.
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« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2011, 12:58:19 pm »

I spoke to him, he honestly didn't know the rule, yes he should, no excuse, but now he does.  There is no "NO TRAINS IN THIS ZONE" message when you zone into LDON/s.  Again no excuse for not knowing the rules, but it couldn't hurt to add that message.

Also try talking to people first before you go running off making videos and trying to get people in trouble for making honest mistakes..   If someone is knowingly breaking the rules and is warned and continues to be a jerk about it, then fraps on.  Otherwise, try to act like adults....

Jr. Member
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« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2011, 12:59:06 pm »

lol, thnx Lintrix, i didnt even notice him KS me.  Doesnt really bug me tho.  tomorrows always another day =P   Personally if this is a first time ban thing, i think thats kind of harsh.  there is no system msg telling you there is a 10 mob cap when you zone into LDoN.  why would a first-time ban not be noted more for ppl to see.  I DO need to read the rules but what about 10 - 15 year old kids with ADD/ADHD who can't read a full paragraph.  It's hard for some people to read long rules, which is why i hope this is a first time warning rule.  But.... yea, i'll read the rules so this doesn't happen again.  thnx for filling me in.


Lamest F'ing excuse I have ever read....About like the kid who blamed his spelling for on his ADHD in my online class lol
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« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2011, 01:06:19 pm »

quick question to Varik.. how could you not have known what they rules are/how much people hate people for training.. but at the same time be on the Forums defending yourself?? did a guild mate tell you or what?Huh.....   Also why you are on the forums you might want to read through all of the sections. That is honestly what i do before i join a community/server is go to the forums for the said place, and read through just to find out how the community is and how nice or A$$h0Le the people are. Also to learn what rules are in place..

Just some friendly words of advice since i wasn't bothered/hurt in any way, shape, or form from this happening.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2011, 01:12:29 pm »

I agree that he must not of known the rules. Just because there is a thread called EZ server rules and has this

Do not make a train bigger than 10 mobs in a custom zone.

and just because LDON is obviously a custom zone that it must be confusing.

Should probably dumb it down a bit for the mentally retarded.
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2011, 01:24:36 pm »

Jr. Member
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« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2011, 01:37:48 pm »

So, he must be special to not have the big yellow text message that appears on your screen every time you zone into a custom zone warning that trains will get you banned, or never had the pop up box that you have to click OK on each time you zone into surefall, or been on server forums, or .....   : /
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« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2011, 01:40:12 pm »

If you didn't notice my other warnings, that was because you were too busy speed warping, cutting in front of people's camps and basically acting as if you owned the zone. Not my problem.

In regards to my comment about being banned: it is true that only Hunter can decide about enforcing the server rules and I am not trying to overstep my bounds. Its pretty clear what is going on here however, and my comment was more a venting of frustration with people who seems to think their are no consequences for their actions.

The bottom line is that there are rules for this server to make sure everyone can enjoy themselves.  Hunter has asked us to "police ourselves" when things get out of line too far by making these videos because he doesn't have time to be a babysitter. That's all I'm doing. I'll leave the judgement up to him as to what is the right to do.
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« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2011, 01:40:27 pm »

quick question to Varik.. how could you not have known what they rules are/how much people hate people for training.. but at the same time be on the Forums defending yourself?? did a guild mate tell you or what?Huh.....   Also why you are on the forums you might want to read through all of the sections. That is honestly what i do before i join a community/server is go to the forums for the said place, and read through just to find out how the community is and how nice or A$$h0Le the people are. Also to learn what rules are in place..

Just some friendly words of advice since i wasn't bothered/hurt in any way, shape, or form from this happening.

I agree that he must not of known the rules. Just because there is a thread called EZ server rules and has this

Do not make a train bigger than 10 mobs in a custom zone.

and just because LDON is obviously a custom zone that it must be confusing.

Should probably dumb it down a bit for the mentally retarded.

actually Holyfrogg, yes a guild member DID tell me that a vid was posted of me on the forums.  and i had to register so i could DEFEND my mistake.  And FYI.... your both talking about joining the forums and being in a community?  yea good job on making new people feel at home.  unbelievable!  This was a simple mistake on my part and quite frankly, i've never seen anyone in LDoN4 pull less than 20 to 30 mobs since i've been doing charm upgrades within the last 3 days.  Still that doesnt excuse my ignorance of the rules, but tbh, i'd rather be ignorant than as arrogant as the both of you anyday.  Have a great day guys... i'm done with this topic.

EDIT: i take back calling you arrogant Holyfrogg... i'm a little perturbed about how much this has blown out of proportion and i mis-understood your post.  Your right, i should have read the rules before playing but i was amped that there was an EQ pserver and all i've been doing is concentrating on playing, lol.  Again, my mistake.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 01:58:55 pm by Varik187 » Logged
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« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2011, 02:45:41 pm »

Easiest problem to fix in the world. If you see someone training your ldon mobs away from you send them a tell and ask them to stop. I've done this a shit ton of times and 99% of the time they do. Most people don't even think others are in the ldon with them.

If we all played this game and treated others how we would want to be treated the server would be a perfect place. Give people the benefit of the doubt until they show you they aren't being reasonable. Then ....FRaps away..

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« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2011, 03:13:54 pm »

Have to agree with slaughter. I have been in ldon pulling before from the back to the front and someone zoned into the instance and i  knowticed them as i was killing and sent them a tell apologizing and they said " Hey man to be honest i was about to do the same thing Cheesy  "  So most of the population is pretty forgiving about this thing. Maybe the guy who posted this video was in a bad mood or felt like being a jerk.. i dunno last post from me becuase i wasn't involved.

Good luck to the both of you.
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