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Author Topic: Penultimate Charm  (Read 27347 times)
Posts: 25

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« Reply #45 on: January 22, 2011, 11:09:51 pm »

The solution may just lie in Hunter's willingness to tweak the difficulty of certain grinds. Ldon charms are still insanely uncommon drops in all levels of LDoN that I've seen, I've done multiple runs and cleared out each level a half dozen times for maybe one or two charm upgrades.

Perhaps something to consider would be removing the charm drop on Shadow and then allowing ranks 1-25 to be done with Cyan Stones, and then ranks 26-50 require purple stones. That still requires a LOT of time and effort (except for the people that already have multiple charms, which SHOULD reduce the grind time anyways) but it adds a bit of purpose to the grind. Since Shadow is already set in plans to shadowstep twice max, that'd make it less difficult to get charm upgrades in HoH anyways. Maybe Hunter could kick it up to a blue for 1-25 and a purple for 26-50, it'd still be a heck of a grind, but it'd give higher end players a solid option to punch out charms and give newer players the option of Ldon.

Oh, forgot to add in the ever-important portion that involves a huge cutback on people training. Ldon content would remain at moderate levels of players for people needing some charms to get up to speed, and higher end players will be able to farm to their heart's content.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 11:54:18 pm by Destined » Logged
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2011, 07:20:36 am »

Farming charm upgrades in LDoNs is not the way to go.  Farm coins and cards.  That's how you'll get your upgrades quickly.

And the question remains... why should the grind be made easier? why should the drop rate be higher?  this is an awesome charm and a reward for a lot of hard work. 

If Hunter makes it easier for all the whiners, I hope he cuts the stats in half.
Posts: 25

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« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2011, 07:51:43 am »

That's correct, if you consider it like this: Ultimate charm's stats are triple the usefulness of an RoA 100, then it balances out for 1-25 on four charms. Each charm takes about an hour to farm using the coins/cards method if you can kill very fast and find a relatively empty zone. I'm not trying to suggest anything to take away from that, I just want to try and find a way to make the grind relatively the same but not giving higher end players the temptation to go run around with trains the size of New York just to have an easier time farming their charm. Believe me, it's very hard for people to want to keep it under 10 mobs when they can handle 50 or 100 in a pull because of how far back the content is.

An alternative rather than a replacement is my goal with my posts, but 4 charms 1-25 are already the same amount of time it takes to get an RoA 100 at least. Unless you have extreme luck.
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