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Author Topic: Regardin LDoN...  (Read 28541 times)
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« Reply #30 on: February 21, 2011, 11:44:30 am »

I know it says Unreal Tournament 2004. But just for you, this applies too:

Also, what is wrong with you Herpp? The few times I ran into you you seemed agreeable enough, but frankly, being Euro myself, this asshatterish behaviour on the forums just stinks the entire place up.

I'm going to have to back Reed on this one. Shape up or ship out.

Clevitsj, Hipster Enchantress Extraordinaire
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« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2011, 11:53:54 am »

Not that this applies to this topic/forum

BUT Got <3 for Unreal Tournament so many fun times that game rocks LOL

Crysis and Bad Company 2 also

Posts: 37

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« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2011, 12:44:35 pm »

Shouldn't Hunter be the only one inviting people to leave the server?
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« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2011, 01:12:00 pm »

Watch what you say.. I have 3 kids all of which play on EZ server from time to time.. I will send you a tell if you are using bad language and ask you to stop and let you know the rules just in case. Where it goes from there is up to you..

So knowing your kids will be playing, you don't bother to set the language filter, why? If people are really THAT turned off and THAT offended by it, USE IT. There is a reason it was put there.
If you walked around barefoot and got a thorn in your foot, would you continue to stay barefoot, or would you put some damn shoes on?

If you ate some yellow snow, are you gonna take another bite? No, you'll find some nice clean white snow... Makin any sense?

I understand not wanting obscenities everywhere, but when I drop 1 f-bomb in ooc, I get blown up by 15+ tells, give me a break! Man up and take it or use the filter that was intended for you to use.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2011, 02:19:23 pm »

If you ate some yellow snow, are you gonna take another bite? No, you'll find some nice clean white snow... Makin any sense?

I understand not wanting obscenities everywhere, but when I drop 1 f-bomb in ooc, I get blown up by 15+ tells, give me a break! Man up and take it or use the filter that was intended for you to use.

Why should the entire server population make arrangements for you to spout profanity in OOC when the server rules specifically tell you it is not allowed and bannable? 

Or to take your snow analogy further: You have been told that the snow is yellow (no cursing in ooc), why do you insist on continuing to eat it?
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« Reply #35 on: February 21, 2011, 02:49:24 pm »

Why should the entire server population make arrangements for you to spout profanity in OOC when the server rules specifically tell you it is not allowed and bannable? 

Or to take your snow analogy further: You have been told that the snow is yellow (no cursing in ooc), why do you insist on continuing to eat it?

If I, and many others, choose the yellow over the white, that is our choice. No one is forcing yellow to you, you have the option not to eat it... You have a nice big white pile to take from, perhaps you should eat it and stop Bitching that others make a different choice than you.

Too many of you people hide behind the whole "the rules will protect me and keep me safe, why should I bother to take any precautions or make any decisions on my own?" bullshit.  Nothing that is said in ooc is any worse than what you or your kids would hear or see on tv, at school or at work. As I said before, man the fuck up!

I'm not sayin I want free reign to scream all the obscenities I want in ooc, but if a shit or a fuck comes out, tough! It's not that big of a deal. And if it is to you, you have the power to never have to see it again. Watch, I'll give you an example: 5 lines down from this is a huge obscenity, your choice to read it or not...

See, you made the choice to read it. I didn't force you, you could have skipped it, simply not read it, or closed the browser... Not my fault.
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« Reply #36 on: February 21, 2011, 02:56:18 pm »

There would be a lot more "white" snow for us to eat if you'd stop pissing all over it and making it into yellow snow.

Yes, it's our decision not to eat it, but when you create a large abundance of it by spraying your waste all over every patch, it's hard not to run into yellow snow every time we look for the white stuff.

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« Reply #37 on: February 21, 2011, 03:11:35 pm »

You don't have to worry about a large abundance of it. You are missing the point entirely. As I said, I don expect free reign, but if I drop a frustrated or a casual fuck once a day, you can shove it up your ass and keep your snide tells to yourself.  A private tell is a private tell, so the next one of you buttnuggets tries to get righteous on me, I'm gonna bust some verbal diareah right in your eyeballs.
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« Reply #38 on: February 21, 2011, 03:21:02 pm »

Aside from personal taste of yellow snow over white snow, diarreah in ocular sockets and other related topics. Curseing is not up to us what is right or wrong, it is up to hunter. so instead of having to eat yellow snow and having your eyes clouded by fecal matter quietly send a fraps of the offending text to hunter and let him make the call. I just had to comment with all the fetish related post going back and forth. just my 2 cents!!

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« Reply #39 on: February 21, 2011, 03:36:16 pm »

I do agree that if people are concerned about language, especially due to their children potentially seeing something, putting on your filter is a no brainer.  Why would you have it off?

However, in the end, Hunter has stated that he doesn't want to see it.  Debate it any which way you want it, what he says is what goes.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #40 on: February 21, 2011, 03:38:33 pm »

If I, and many others, choose the yellow over the white, that is our choice. No one is forcing yellow to you, you have the option not to eat it... You have a nice big white pile to take from, perhaps you should eat it and stop Bitching that others make a different choice than you.

Actually, that is the root of the problem.  It is NOT your choice.  That decision was made by Hunter.  If you dont like the rules, then go play somewhere else.  There is nothing that forces you to play here, in an environment you apparently dont agree with.
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« Reply #41 on: February 21, 2011, 04:06:54 pm »

I think this particular topic is getting a little over analyzed here. You have seen the posts here that got people banned. It wasn't just the occasional Fuck or Damn.... it was paragraphs consisting of 90% obscenities that did it. And it wasn't just the one paragraph, it was the novel written in OOC. And it wasn't just the novel of obscene language, it was the story of raping elves and other fantasies that were portrayed.

I'm a Marine, foul language is a part of my daily life. However I am also aware of my surroundings, and can appreciate not everyone is accustomed to the language I use. Do I force hem to deal with it, or do I humble myself and speak as a respectable human being. It's not a crime to occasionally emphasise using a vulgarity, but just be mindful not everyone wants their OOC flooded with it.

Use common sense is the best I can really say. Hunter doesn't want to see an over abundance of this, but I'm sure even on his day to day life he curses. Moderation is key.

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« Reply #42 on: February 21, 2011, 05:03:44 pm »

(Warning! Foul content in this post)

I just want to conclude this entire train of conversation with a well placed:
Fuck yeah!

Thank you.

PS: I'm an obscene little horny toad who can't stop talking about breasts. Ask any of my guildies. Does this spill over in ooc? No. (Not often, anyway). Would I stop if someone politely sent me a tell? Sure.
If someone starts shouting at me though, my only reply in EQ will be this:
( . )( . ) l ( . )( . ) ASCII TITS FTW. ( . )( . ) ASCII TITS FTW. ( . )( . ) ASCII TITS FTW. ( . )( . ) l ( . )( . )
My crossing boundaries does not give you the right to cross boundaries. If I trespass in your home, you have the right to remove me using reasonable force, it does not give you the right to tie me up and torture me to death. If my issues are just an excuse for you to vent your issues in a selfrighteous manner, than you can lick me where I shit.

Thank you.

Clevitsj, Hipster Enchantress Extraordinaire
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« Reply #43 on: February 22, 2011, 03:37:35 am »

Shouldn't Hunter be the only one inviting people to leave the server?

No. Any player can invite another player to get out.

Hunter is the only one that can throw you out.

Just wanted to add that.

Clevitsj, Hipster Enchantress Extraordinaire
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