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Author Topic: New, few questions  (Read 9944 times)
Posts: 13

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« on: October 20, 2011, 12:00:13 pm »

Just started, having a blast to be honest.

It is ez, that's for sure. But I was wondering if once 70 we start seeing group content like one group raiding?

If not does that mean 6ppl doing a raid makes it too easy?

From the vids, I can't tell if the raids are fully monster filled. Can I expect an empty raid and zoning straight to a boss?

Last question:
It doesn't seam like a cleric would find a lot of work at the moment (lvl30ish) but does that change?

I guess what I'm hoping is raid content made easy enough for a group to have a hard time but still make it through with the key roles filled (Tank,DPS and HEaling)

Thank you.
6 Crazy Pirates
Posts: 43

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« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2011, 06:55:20 pm »

I'm only up to 3.0 but so far everything can be done with a solid group or less. Most everybody boxes their own teams so it's hard to find a group at 70. This server more caters to people who want to run box armies.
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« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2011, 04:29:58 am »

It is ez, that's for sure. But I was wondering if once 70 we start seeing group content like one group raiding?

If not does that mean 6ppl doing a raid makes it too easy?

From the vids, I can't tell if the raids are fully monster filled. Can I expect an empty raid and zoning straight to a boss?

Only zone I have seen that is bosses only is Tacvi. Everything else there are trash mobs as well as bosses.

Last question:
It doesn't seam like a cleric would find a lot of work at the moment (lvl30ish) but does that change?

I guess what I'm hoping is raid content made easy enough for a group to have a hard time but still make it through with the key roles filled (Tank,DPS and HEaling)

Once you hit Qvic+ you will want your team setup decided. Healing will become more important from now on. I opted to run War/pal/pal/monk/rogue/cleric as my main team.
I also made an extra cleric for dealing with MCP. With the way my team is geared I only have to actively heal/use spells on cleric when fighting MCP. Otherwise my pally and cleric generate more than enough healing from weapon procs. Mind you my team is only 4.0 geared as I haven't actively logged in since about 2 weeks after 5.0 was released.
(should be noted that one pally has 50 oracle, one pally has UC, and cleric has 50 oracle and that makes a huge difference with their proc healing as well as their regular spells)


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« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2011, 05:56:32 am »

Yes, you will find a challenge for a 6 man team, especially if you decide to go it alone instead of buying your way up.  If you decide to progress as intended (ie. level your toons to 70, use your toons to gain 1.5 epic, 2.0 epic, etc) then there is a good challenge all the way through.  Ask anyone who has been here long enough to remember when there was no T1 and beyond, Qvic is a tough zone.  Many new people seem to grind plat and buy the gear from established players, thus trivializing some content.  Even if you go that way, HoH and beyond will still require a lot of work getting charms to make them "easy" (btw, EZ is extended zones, not "easy").
« Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 05:58:45 am by Brokyn » Logged

We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart?
Posts: 13

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« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2011, 06:28:15 am »

Thank you for the speedy responses guys.

This all sounds perfect. I am bringing my Dad along and brother.
I doubt we'll be boxing so 3man key roles will certainly be fun.
And you never know, we might find some players bored to tag along.

I think this weekend will be a nice trip down mem lain.

Extended Zones... got it =)
6 Crazy Pirates
Posts: 43

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« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2011, 10:22:10 am »

Some classes like Paladin are necessary but really boring. You're wasting your time doing anything but autoattack on a paladin, so they're really great to box.

Once you get to 70, it would be a good idea to get a copy of macroquest 2 (you can find a link on this forum) and box a couple of them to play with your 3 mains.

Until you get to the extended zones, 3 man will be really fun. Don't just do the custom zones (mistmoore, dulak), take some time to adventure in whatever zones you remember from back in the day. If you don't already know, you can teleport directly to almost every zone from the newbie zones.
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« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2011, 11:18:59 am »

That was perhaps another question I had.
You seamed to have answered it.

If we were to go hunt down some raid/Zone not set in the usual progression on this server... Would any quests linked to anything outside the custom quests still be around too?

Mind you this wouldn't be a game breaker for me, I think you guys did a wonderfull job even if the original quest content has been dropped.
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« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2011, 12:28:20 pm »

Some classes like Paladin are necessary but really boring. You're wasting your time doing anything but autoattack on a paladin, so they're really great to box.

Once you get to 70, it would be a good idea to get a copy of macroquest 2 (you can find a link on this forum) and box a couple of them to play with your 3 mains.

Until you get to the extended zones, 3 man will be really fun. Don't just do the custom zones (mistmoore, dulak), take some time to adventure in whatever zones you remember from back in the day. If you don't already know, you can teleport directly to almost every zone from the newbie zones.

I thought you might like a perspective from someone who has done more of the server's content to go with what 6 Crazy Pirates has told you.

Like in live EQ, here on EZ you need a tank, and healing to get anything done.  Unlike live, you don't need to worry much about crowd control or slow.  Any number of classes can be played effectively and get the job done.  As always, there will be different opinions on what is "best".  There will not be much argument with the idea that druids, shaman, and enchanters are valuable as a buff bot, but not for much else (although some people have a shaman that trails the group casting Kraken for added dps).

As far as tanks go, Warrior, Paladin, and SK are all valid and quite capable tanks.  Warriors are the king of aggro management, but SK and Paladins have spells that allow them to control and gain aggro very well.

From a healing perspective you really have two choices, Cleric or Paladin.  With a cleric you are going to have to pay more attention to your job, but you will have more effective heals.  Later on though, clerics get an epic weapon that heals in combat, coupled with the insta cast group heal.  Paladins do their healing through combat procs, thus making them the easier healer for a boxed situation.  If you have a Warrior for your main tank, you will need at least 2 healers.  If you go with an SK or Paladin as your tank, you could get by with 1 more healer, as they both proc their own heals.

There are some fights (MCP - Epic 4.0 Boss for example) where you will need to have 2 tanks, and they are also easier if you have at least 1 cleric.

Now, the DPS.  On this front you will find as many opinions as there are people playing.  Pet classes, such as Magician, Beastlord, and Necro are fairly easy to get DPS out of.  The pet does most of the work, and because of that, the charms (Sorcer's in the case of DPS) are not as important.  A lot of people who box will have 1 or 2 pet classes that they can just send the pet to attack and forget about them.  Of these 3 classes, the Necro is probably the easiest, as the pet is self healing, and has the best life expectancy.  Mage and Beastlords do more dps, but also require work on charms to increase their effectiveness.

Melee dps is probably the most consistent, and higher dps, but they do all require high level of charms to get the most out of them.  Rangers are a nice, easy, set it and forget it type of dps.  You can position them and /autofire.  They are totally dependent on sorcer's charm, and ninja strike augments to increase dps.  Rogues can be great dps if they are played as a main.  If you just auto attack on a rogue you are losing out on much they have to offer.  Again, they are reliant on charms and augments for increases in dps.  Monks are a very good dps class, but again, their dps is greatly effected by their sorcer's charm, and augments.  Bards can be very useful, and are a pretty decent source of DPS once they are augmented and have a high level charm.  Where they come in really handy though is if you decide to use a Wizard in your group.

Wizards are the king of burst dps, but they can't sustain it over a long period.  A Wizard with Ultimate Charm and the T3/4 nuke can hit for over a Million hp in a single cast, but they do run out of mana fast.  Having a bard there to replenish mana can make your wizard's dps go up drastically.

There is a lot of information that I have not covered, and there will be those who disagree with me.  What I have said is based on my experience in game over the last few years.  There are classes I have not tried, and so they are not mentioned here.

Bottom line is that there are a lot of combinations that will work, and *almost* any class can be played as an effective part of a 6 man raid.

We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart?
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« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2011, 08:50:53 pm »

Nice coverage Brokyn!
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« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2011, 10:40:36 am »

Lots of attention has been paid to weaponry and augs for dps.  So a quick word about armor.  Once you progress into Qvic and beyond, armor is going to be very important for survivability.  Qvic, Tacvi, T1 and T3 armor are specific by type...ie plate, chain, leather or silk.  So if you have a lot of plate wearers and no leather or silk, you're going to be farming longer to get what you need to outfit your team while you watch all that leather armor rot.  T2 and T4 armor are specific by class.  So if you opt for three paladins in group to do your healing, again you'll have a lot of rot before you finish up.

Some overlap is unavoidable.  Plate wearers by far have the best survivability.  But some balance will be helpful.
Posts: 13

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« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2011, 08:45:27 am »

wow yes nice work on the reponses.

Thank you. This is very helpful.
Posts: 39

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« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2011, 10:39:18 am »

I was against Boxing at first also. But I gave it a shot and its really easy. I have 4 in my crew (old computer). SK tank, Pal heal, ranger dps, magician dps.

All I do is auto attack with SK, switch screen, assist attack with pally, switch screen assist autofire with ranger, switch screen pick off adds with magician pet then assist pet attack.

I can do everything up to T3 boss's (only cause i need more charms work).

for t3/t4 boss's I team up with a rl buddy who box's 6 and we can take most t4 boss's easily (we all need more charm work except the uc war)

Give boxing a try, if your 2 other friends do it also you could become quite an army.


Utility, War
Bozac, Magician
Bozpal, Pally
Leeme, Ranger
Laquandra, SK
Myleene, Pal
Bozpal, Bozrog, Boznec, Bozmnk
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