nice topic, as i heard black, white, and grey about training and don't really know what to think.
the rule is 10 mobs in public custom zones (except PoFire), but some big farming custom quests are like ... train incitations.
i thought non-custom (if not bothering someone else), instanced custom zones, or empty zones, were more train friendly.
i don't want to ruin other's gametime and i thought this was a good compromise but i'm afraid i was wrong.
zone crashing (which nearly never happened to me), exploit ... issues i wish to know more about, in order to play fair.
questions about trains i do :
1/ is instanced (or empty) ldon4 cleaned in 2 pulls an exploit ? Because it is the only way i found to reach the 2K credits/hour average, which many UC farmers told me about in ooc.
2/ when training an instance, could it make public crash ?
again, my pleasure is linked to others having some too, and most of the time /tells pre-solved every problems i could have had (remaining problems were post-solved the same way), and i quite never experienced zone crashings.
english is not my birth language, sorry for mistakes, and don't look for sarcasms or second degree : just asking, not crying.