Oh believe me, my Warrior and Pally are UC'd and i got a 6box fully geared out in 4.0s and T4 with various levels of Sorcs and Oracles and the like, with the monk my next UC project. Pally is full Fire VI'd, and the monk is currently holding two Ninja IVs and two Ice IVs with the essences prefarmed for another couple Ice IVs, which will all be shoved up to at least Vs by the time it's all said and done. @ bone - HOH *is* my favorite zone. Its always depressing when the latest toon fills out the 3.5 pages and i gotta trudge someone new through Qvic - PoD to start it all over again.
I wasn't particularly talking about me personally, was talking more about the health of the mid-level of the server. I know peeps who box 6+ don't have much problem generating plat through attrition. I'm talking more about the middle class who either can't box a full 6 or are starting from scratch. It's a catch 22 in that theres all this t3/t4 armor readily available and so cheap.. which is nice, but the options for gaining plat outside of grinding qvic/velks etc is more limited now than in the past, simply because the player-driven economy that we grew up with is pretty far gone. And to think when i went on Hiatus we were just barely started on the new fangled 'dps augments for non-warriors' My have times changed lol. This all was more of a lament of how things once were than anything else.
Thanks for the advice and input.