Sorry Walk I was a little hasty in my response earlier. Here is a short novel on the uses of /pause, /delay, and /timed
The difference is that /pause is an Everquest command, designed to work with hotkeys. /delay is an MQ2 command, which will halt MQ2 code. For hotkeys what you can use instead of /delay is /timed.
Keep in mind there is also a small built-in delay between each line of a hotkey. You can see this in action by making the hotkey:
/echo ${Time.SecondsSinceMidnight}
/delay 100
/echo ${Time.SecondsSinceMidnight}
/pause 100
/echo ${Time.SecondsSinceMidnight}
A few clicks will show the delay does nothing where we expect 10s, but the second echo is a second or so delayed. The pause 100 should be about accurate at 10 seconds.
I like to use /timed over /pause because it uses less lines and feels more precise. Here's how timed works:
/echo ${Time.SecondsSinceMidnight}
/timed 50 /echo ${Time.SecondsSinceMidnight}
/timed 100 /echo ${Time.SecondsSinceMidnight}
The timed command says, wait # tenths of a second, then issue the command that follows. So when you click that hotbutton, all 3 commands are entered at once, but certain ones are timed to execute later.
One way you can really clean up your timings is to use /timed and /multiline together.
/multiline ; /echo ${Time.SecondsSinceMidnight} ; /timed 30 /echo ${Time.SecondsSinceMidnight} ; /timed 60 /echo ${Time.SecondsSinceMidnight}
Because that command is issued on one line of a hotkey, there is no built-in hotkey delay to mess up the timings. Because it is all queued in MQ2, the timed works properly and exactly.