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Author Topic: Ninjalooting  (Read 60515 times)
Jr. Member
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« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2010, 03:11:06 am »

Easiest way to do it is loot that shit immediately, dont waste time especially if vultures are looming. also since apparently the Vendetta comments are locked up without anyone able to respond, REED put in guild moderator ( before he acted like a bitch and attempted to destroy Vendetta ) to destroy all rots from qvic on up especially if Last Stand was there. So as a member i went about my duties to avoid being kicked, blame it on REED his ego trip almost demolished a solid guild and then when i asked him what happened he lied to me like a garden tool, (HOE) and said he was gonna make a guild, all of you who were complaining about destroying rots in qvic and up, it's cuz of REED.

P.S. hero forumn troll REED I hope your guild has requirements for not hiring a leader who takes over and spends 90% percent of his time on some forumns and taking rots without playing the game asshat!

PPS. thanks for the guild invite, US military leaves no man behind, well except you who kicked 4 or 5 military members!
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« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2010, 03:27:34 am »

PPS. thanks for the guild invite, US military leaves no man behind, well except you who kicked 4 or 5 military members!

Lol, I have no problems with you scootz but, you realize you are playing a video game right? Using comments like that don't really apply to the "fantasy" world.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2010, 03:29:50 am by Eliseus » Logged
Jr. Member
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« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2010, 05:07:11 am »

OK maybe I raged a bit too hard here. "my bad" and I won't keep this up. just had a bit of RAGE when I was lied to and kicked for no reason.
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« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2010, 05:40:54 am »

There there Scootz, all is right in the world again. We loves you. <3
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« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2010, 06:20:19 am »

love me some scootz
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« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2010, 08:04:33 am »

PPS. thanks for the guild invite, US military leaves no man behind, well except you who kicked 4 or 5 military members!

Lol, I have no problems with you scootz but, you realize you are playing a video game right? Using comments like that don't really apply to the "fantasy" world.

I just wanted to point this out for Scootz, because he is really super drunk right now. But the reason he said that, is because some fag was flaming him saying, "how could you do that to Reed/Cero? He is a US Military member!" A bit hypocritical of said flamer, dont you think?
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« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2010, 08:38:56 am »

To bring the thread back on topic:

I have to admit I've gotten a fair share of gear through rots, I mean if something is rotting and you have permission to take it, why not take it?  On that same note though, QVIC is getting out of hand.  At any time there can be 45-50 people there, and probably 10-15 are ungrouped, just floating around behind the groups looting all the corpses.  I like the new tactic people have developed.  Try to 'hide' off to the side until the corpse hits 27:30, run in really fast, loot, and hide around another corner.

I've started destroying my loot as well simply because having 5 extra people circling around my group of boxed toons makes it very difficult to see whats going on, or target things.

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« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2010, 09:26:59 am »

I had a monk follow us through qvic the other night for 4 hours. Not a single issue, polite as can be and wasnt intrusive at all.
In the end I wish I would have hung around and got him his 2 tunnel tokens but I was spent.
There are good people in this game, but, lately theyve been outnumbered.
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« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2010, 11:04:58 pm »

Some other guys said there is a rule that if you dont loot by the time its unlocked then you dont have loot rights anymore is that true?

No it's not true, fuck that guy.  You kill it, it's yours, it's stated clearly in the rules. Don't let them try to argue that shit with you.

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« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2010, 11:30:48 am »

I wonder if there is a way to remove the 'timer' aspect from a corpse and make it so that it could be "released" by the person who killed it to another player instead of automatically being opened up to all at a certain time.

That way if they want it they can go back for it and/or release it to an alt OR a person who has asked permission.

Rob Smiley
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« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2010, 11:33:58 am »

Lately im seeing alot more asking for permission to loot corpses. Either people are reading the forums more, or im just running into a streak of actual courteous people. Either way, im happy about it.

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« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2010, 11:39:24 am »

Lately im seeing alot more asking for permission to loot corpses. Either people are reading the forums more, or im just running into a streak of actual courteous people. Either way, im happy about it.

Well that is always a good thing! Smiley

Rob Smiley
Wassabi Unagi - Human Monk
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« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2010, 07:21:55 pm »

i have personally never ninjalooted a corpse (i always ask first) i think many forget what its like to be new. many of those ninja looting i have noticed mainly do it in qvic. do you know why? A new player with 2.5 can not kill in the zone. and those who can kill in the zone never allow these new players to group with them in the zone to get tokens/gear. so how are they to get the tokens they need for their 3.0 epics?

I understand the frustration of players camping these bosses for their alts/guildies. But few consider the new player who has 2 choices to get their 3.0 epics/gear either ninjaloot or quit. If every new player would quit the server would become quite stale. if all progression is going to be stopped for the new players then i would suggest locking the server as a private server altogether to save new players the trouble of getting started only to be stuck and so players would not need to worry about ninjalooters.

Try this, create a new character and do not box and do not let friends know who you are. Just act as if you are a new player. Get to level 70 then try doing your 1.5 with out asking for help. same with quill/terror. Then try to do ldon to get your 2.0 pages without help. Then try to camp your fg/cg items then try to do qvic. 1.5-2.5 you could probably get help with i have myself helped a few players in potime and ldon for pages. So getting the 2.0 epic while hard it is doable.

But i wish you the best of luck with 3.0. Most say "make friends" or "join a guild" 2 problems with that the first being that friends you make are not powerfull enough to help you in qvic most of the time. The second being that not all guilds do qvic and those that do it alot have high criteria for those who join that new players generally do not stack up to and can not without help.

There is a huge jump in dificulty from bot to time. Then another huge dificulty jump from time to ldon (many do camp bosses in ldon for points so leave pages which can help new players if they follow those groups in) And an insane jump from ldon to qvic. Most that have been here a while do not notice these jumps as they either walk alts through it or have friends do it.

Yes ninjalooting is becoming a problem but that is generally because it is a new player that does not know better and never had any one tell/show them that what they are doing. Many log onto the server from the login and do not know these forums are here. This is evident by some of the questions asked in /ooc.

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« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2010, 07:25:13 pm »

I personally think Qvic needs to be tuned down a bit. or 3.0 needs to be obtained in another way to allow people to progress through it easier. Reason I'm saying this isn't because of my lazy side but Tacvi (imo) is easier then Qvic but a higher tier, but IDK. May just be my laziness speaking
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« Reply #29 on: May 24, 2010, 07:45:09 pm »

PoTime is doable by 4 people in full BoT gear.
LDoN is doable by 4 people in full PoTime gear.
Qvic is doable by 4 people in full LDoN gear.
Tacvi is doable by 4 people in full Qvic gear.
PoD T1 is doable by 4 people in full Tacvi gear.
PoD T2 is doable by 4 people in full PoD T1 gear.

I do not see the problem here. Content is not so difficult that ninja looting is acceptable. Ninja looting is never acceptable.
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