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Author Topic: Ninjalooting  (Read 60522 times)
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« Reply #75 on: May 25, 2010, 11:38:33 am »

the ones so far using hostility towards me so far have been :




And now kaizen jumping in.

Kaizen's earlier posts:

i wouldn't have asked if i already knew to hail him..

he says something about losing something in the field and you would know what it was when you found it..
i killed skeletons for a few hours and didn't find anything unusual

please don't respond to this post unless you have done the quest and know what it is about


Link  http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=324.msg3174#msg3174

I am not sure why Thyl, Bikaf and Xiggie seem to have a problem with me (is it my cologne?) But if they have such a problem with me taking it to pm's instead of causing forum drama i think is the best way to go.

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« Reply #76 on: May 25, 2010, 11:41:44 am »

This thread has grown boring and tiresome.  Enough already and wait for Hunter to make a call.

What call has to be made, he said no ninja looting in the rules, it's crystal clear. If you don't have permission to loot a corpse, don't loot it. Nothing more needs to be said.

I agree he said it clearly with:

Don't loot mobs that don't belong to you unless the person/group that killed it gave you permission.

Link http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0

Not asking to loot is quite rude. I do not know why some do not fraps it or ss it then report it and let hunter sort them out.

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« Reply #77 on: May 25, 2010, 11:45:41 am »

Not asking to loot is quite rude. I do not know why some do not fraps it or ss it then report it and let hunter sort them out.

I think the thing here is that people are SAYING they asked and the others don't see it.  Regardless whether they see it or not, if they do not respond and okay it then that is that.  No looting.

Rob Smiley
Wassabi Unagi - Human Monk
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« Reply #78 on: May 25, 2010, 11:50:17 am »

Not asking to loot is quite rude. I do not know why some do not fraps it or ss it then report it and let hunter sort them out.

I think the thing here is that people are SAYING they asked and the others don't see it.  Regardless whether they see it or not, if they do not respond and okay it then that is that.  No looting.

i agree if i see a corpse i send a tell to the toon they are using (in case they are multiboxing) if no response i send one last tell (in case they missed it) when the mobs are dead if no response then i do not go near it. Unless you get a yes or a go ahead it should be left alone. Although for some putting in a "No response from the person does not mean to go ahead" might make them understand this better. >_<

« Reply #79 on: May 25, 2010, 11:55:02 am »

Shouldn't need to be made clearer.

If someone cannot understand "Do not loot without permission", then they shouldn't even be near a computer, which is far more complex than that simple statement. 

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« Reply #80 on: May 25, 2010, 11:56:53 am »

I have never seen that many "quotes" in a thread... my eye hurts rereading quotes of quotes of quotes...  Geez.. just put the text you want and forget the quotes!

And for god sakes... enough about ninja looting.

If its not your corpse, dont loot unless you are told you can.. thats it!


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"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children"
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« Reply #81 on: May 25, 2010, 11:57:25 am »

Shouldn't need to be made clearer.

If someone cannot understand "Do not loot without permission", then they shouldn't even be near a computer, which is far more complex than that simple statement. 

Exactly, it doesn't matter if the group never responds to your request to loot, no response = no looting, PERIOD.
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« Reply #82 on: May 25, 2010, 11:57:59 am »

Shouldn't need to be made clearer.

If someone cannot understand "Do not loot without permission", then they shouldn't even be near a computer, which is far more complex than that simple statement.  

Unfortunately some people ACT stupid and this is what can lead to getting banned.  People know the rules - they just have selective memory about them when it is most convienent.

Rob Smiley
Wassabi Unagi - Human Monk
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« Reply #83 on: May 25, 2010, 12:22:59 pm »

I understand the frustration of players camping these bosses for their alts/guildies. But few consider the new player who has 2 choices to get their 3.0 epics/gear either ninjaloot or quit.

Honestly Zolton I don't think you believe ninjalooting is right but you say stuff like this and wonder why someone might think you are justifying ninjalooting?

You consider every one making counterpoints to you arguments as hostile.  You made a statement about people with 2.5s in Qvic and I refuted it. Yes I called it ludicrous nonsense but from my perspective the statement was so blatantly false.

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« Reply #84 on: May 25, 2010, 12:32:52 pm »

I understand the frustration of players camping these bosses for their alts/guildies. But few consider the new player who has 2 choices to get their 3.0 epics/gear either ninjaloot or quit.

Honestly Zolton I don't think you believe ninjalooting is right but you say stuff like this and wonder why someone might think you are justifying ninjalooting?

You consider every one making counterpoints to you arguments as hostile.  You made a statement about people with 2.5s in Qvic and I refuted it. Yes I called it ludicrous nonsense but from my perspective the statement was so blatantly false.

By that statement i was stating that many are left with those 2 choices to either ninjaloot or quit. If you can not get a group to help and others refuse to help it does leave them with those 2 choices. to me the lesser of two evils is still evil. so its not how i play. Was just trying to get others to see things from another persons perspective.

A mountain to a giant is a hill but a hill to a gnome is a mountain. Just saying there are two ways to look at things. Most i was ever able to group from a pick up group was 3 people. It could have been an off time or just not that many new players at the time up to working on 3.0's. Of that i am unsure. My point was that getting groups in qvic are extremely dificult if not near impossible and getting added to a group only there for gear is next to impossible. >_< So the only other option i saw was to ask to follow a group and loot their rotts for things i could use/need. Which is what i chose.

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« Reply #85 on: May 25, 2010, 12:33:36 pm »

I am not sure why Thyl, Bikaf and Xiggie seem to have a problem with me (is it my cologne?) But if they have such a problem with me taking it to pm's instead of causing forum drama i think is the best way to go.

The reason you seem the have so much trouble with people here is because nobody respects your opinion because you are so dense and unable to dynamically think through what a rule may be.  

I've never seen someone post so many scenarios about when a rule may or may not be valid - the last time I saw that was probably when hunter put in the "If you spawn a T1/T2 boss, it's yours till it depops" change.   And that's because it was a new rule and we didn't want to get in trouble for something we didn't understand.  Yet you come here and question the validity of these rules that my 5 year old niece could probably grasp.

People come here with different attitudes and get treated accordingly.  You've done nothing but beg for rule clarification and complain EVERY step of the way (just checking out your posts from your first time getting your 1.5 till now).

This is why i'm not the only one that seems to post negative things about you.  If you come in with a chip on your shoulder and never change your attitude - that's what you will get back.  Doesn't matter what kind of help you want.

Would you mind elaborating what your point was to bring up Secrets defending you?  I read what you posted below it, but I believe there were other motives involved.  I have a good idea what you were trying to accomplish but i'm not going to say it because the first line of your post will read:

"Where did I ever say xxxxxx?"
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« Reply #86 on: May 25, 2010, 12:48:35 pm »

Bikaf you are entitled to your opinion as i am on things. But if you have a problem with me personall (which it seems you do) i ask you to please either drop it or take it to pms with me. You do not respect my opinion that is all fine and dandy.

I ask about rules and situations to better understand those rules. Which is better a player playing with no idea of the full meaning of the rules (and you gain more and more ninjalooters) playing? Or a player asking for verification and meanings of the rules fully grasping them? i'd much rather have a player ask about rules then instead go out breaking them.

I never came here with a chip on my shoulder. Asking for rule clarifications is now considered begging? 0_o

I mentioned secrets because they saw that what i was posting had some valid points. And if you read the thread closely you can see what they were or read secrets post i quoted it states them clearly. they also said that people asking for help should not be considered as just QQing.

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« Reply #87 on: May 25, 2010, 12:49:33 pm »

People come here with different attitudes and get treated accordingly.  You've done nothing but beg for rule clarification and complain EVERY step of the way

I am assuming he is asking for clarification NOT to be whinny or annoying, but to make sure he does not do something to get himself banned.

I some cases it is justified, in others it is just not taking the rule for what it is, as in this ninja looting rule.

It is safe to assume that you need to just err on the side of caution and NOT do something instead of what would seem to make things the way you want them to be.

Rob Smiley
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« Reply #88 on: May 25, 2010, 12:56:40 pm »

By that statement i was stating that many are left with those 2 choices to either ninjaloot or quit.

So the only other option i saw was to ask to follow a group and loot their rotts for things i could use/need. Which is what i chose.


I was going to leave it at that but I feel I also have to mention that I numerous times have not felt like boxing all my toons at once and either joined groups on one or two toons or invited others to group with me.  Lots of times people only need something particular like plate leggings so others can join groups for gear and tokens. You really make it sound like no one ever groups. If you are having that much trouble getting groups with other people it might be an attitude issue. I see people in game helping others everyday.

Not specifically you but it gets irksome with people asking for "clarification" of obvious rules so they can get around them.

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« Reply #89 on: May 25, 2010, 01:04:10 pm »

By that statement i was stating that many are left with those 2 choices to either ninjaloot or quit.

So the only other option i saw was to ask to follow a group and loot their rotts for things i could use/need. Which is what i chose.


I was going to leave it at that but I feel I also have to mention that I numerous times have not felt like boxing all my toons at once and either joined groups on one or two toons or invited others to group with me.  Lots of times people only need something particular like plate leggings so others can join groups for gear and tokens. You really make it sound like no one ever groups. If you are having that much trouble getting groups with other people it might be an attitude issue. I see people in game helping others everyday.

Not specifically you but it gets irksome with people asking for "clarification" of obvious rules so they can get around them.

how is asking for clarification of the rules trying to get around them? 0_o I ask about them as to not break them not to find a way to break them >_<

And how many of those times was it to help a new player you just met to get tokens in qvic? I see others helping people by grouping them in potime as well as ldon. But i have as of yet see a person allowed to join a qvic group to help them get tokens. Finding groups for qvic is very dificult to do from what i have experienced and seen. If it is so easy to get in a group for qvic then why is there ninjalooting mentioned and people offering cg/fg items for token runs? That sounds like the oposite of easy to get a group in that zone.

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