Here are some Macroquest2/EQBC commands in the form of a screenshot that do not require any MQ2 editting, any automatic weapon twisting, nor any bccmd channels whatsoever. I use a Razer Naga so this is simple, but itd work for keyboard users, however you manage your keybinds to play this game. If you're new to MQ2, don't forget you need to run both MQ2 and EQBC (its inside MQ2 file) applications to properly run MQ2.
Attack, Follow, Stay, Buff, and
AOE are the main macros I use almost every single minute I am playing on EZ with my group.
Attack command will: Send your alts on your target behind it, turn attack on, pet attack, and keypress 8, which can do whatever you want the keypress to do. For me, keypress 8 starts my cleric+shamans group heal twist, it casts my monk+zerkers group buff disc, it makes my caster dps start twisting their direct damage spells, it starts my bard song twist, AND it makes my warrior click Instant Cure Group clicky.
Follow command will: have your group follow you after a mob is dead, have your clericname turn off twist so it doesn't heal agro the next pull, and it keypresses 8 on only my warrior to reup my stonewall buff. (should say /bca //attack off)
Stay command will: tell the group to stay, put pets on hold, stops clericname from twisting heal, turns attack off, and reups stonewall via keypress again.
Buff command will: Make all your characters keypress 3 (or whatever keypress you want to use), which on each character hits a macro that casts their buff(s). For example, on my cleric it'd /cast 1, pause 30, cast 2, pause 20, cast 3, or something like that. On my pally it'd cast his Amplify healing and 2 self buffs, on my warrior it can reup stonewall or Shield of Ages, on my zerker/monk it can reup their PoAir clickies, Mages it can recast Burnout, etc etc all with 1 click of the mouse.
AOE command will: tell my zerkers to click their Epic AOEs, have my warrior click his UW AOE, have my bard click a macro that starts his Epic song (itemnotify mainhand rightmouseup), has my pally click his 40 second cooldown heal, etc. I click this every few seconds that I feel my zerkers AOE is off cooldown.
---If your entire group has UC, you can "/bcaa //itemnotify charm rightmouseup" to get them to click charm rune. If only some have UC, you can do it specifically by name like seen below or else non-UCharmed characters will port away if they click charm.
---To port your entire group to Nexus, make a macro for GATE (below) to get all chars to click boots. But keep this macro hidden because you won't want to accidentally click it.
Substitute "Flipy" for your own clericname.