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Author Topic: Ultimate Weapons Discussion  (Read 66385 times)
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« Reply #135 on: January 11, 2014, 08:52:46 am »

Purely anecdotal

Before clicky was removed with UW4 and a UC i could clear HoH farming in about 33 minutes and I wasn't pulling more then 50, in t5 gear i was probably doing about 35 mob trains.

With change now with UW6 and a UC2 and a mix of t7/t6 gear and anti-train code it takes me 40 minutes to clear HoH pulling 40-45 mobs at a time.

I feel that if you add the clicky back, or some version of it with the anti-train code will balance the AE dps you get out of it when farming.
« Reply #136 on: January 11, 2014, 10:08:05 am »

I understand the need to reduce the HP on the UW, it seems impossible to balance as you add more and more tiers.   However,  a HP nerf on the higher tier UWs would be fairly significant.    A big reason why I invested the time in T8 to get a UWX was for the hp.  Contrary to popular belief this was not easy and did require a significant amount of time and effort, this was 100+ hours of pure T8 farming not to mention the time and effort it took to get a team ready for T8.

When you nerf them could we get an aug (maybe a HP/Tank aug) or something for those of us impacted?   

Regarding the gap between epic players and UW players, I think there should be a gap.   All casual players have epics.   It takes time, effort, plat, creds etc to obtain a high level UW.    We all play for different reasons but mmorpgs have always been competitive.    Frankly socialism can suck it.

At this point in time I believe there are only 12 players with UWX+ (11 X and 1 XI).    What percentage of the server does this represent?   When you envisioned UW I know you meant to keep it to X percent of players.   Does this 12 player count correspond to your target?     

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« Reply #137 on: January 11, 2014, 10:45:48 am »

Regarding the AE click.....I didnt use that for DPS as much as I used it to keep the warrior healed.

"When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything — you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." R.A. Heinlein
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« Reply #138 on: January 11, 2014, 01:31:50 pm »

Where i saw the probem gap being made with UW was HP. And when i say Problem i mean is what was casuing a problem with balancing the content.  When I saw the hp start doubling at the X and XI i was thinking that was gona be bad. Balancing was going to be impossible.

Ideas? Cut HP like you said hunter. I understand people have spent time on it for diffrent reason, everyone has. As far as time spent anyone that has done this thing has spent time and effort in one way or another. By adjusting the HP after tier 9 it would allow for the insainly high damage done by mobs in the top tiers to be dropped, so that survivablity amoungst the groups and toons WITHOUT the UW can survive and content balancing can be achieved.

Yes its a UW, there are things that can done to still make it a ULTIMATE. Alot of people like things that were changed with the uw, by making those things avaible again thru augs it will allow people to make there uw more personal like what is being looked at with the Epics. Want your UW to back farm, slot a AOE clicky aug. looking for more hp, slot those instead. want to bathe in the sun, more resist's. ect, ect. and by makeing them augs toons can change them when they wantas the tiers change. and yes, i know not everyone is going to agree with me, but no one is going to agree with everyone.
EZ Server GM
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« Reply #139 on: January 11, 2014, 05:23:20 pm »

So would like Anger bomb as an Augment to insert?

Might be possible, have to check out the pros and cons first.

Also yes, I am still intending to give out 1 free augment based on current UW rank.

So if you have UW IX then you'll get 1 free UA IX when the Augs are released. Then the other 3 you'll have to earn to slot.

We already have reserved aug slots for Focus, Worn, Click, and Proc. Maybe add 5th slot for stats? I couldn't go too high with HP/Resist on that, but would be something and give more options.

By raising the Epic HP, and then lowering UW HP + lowering mob dmg, main tanks should have about the same survival rate. Will never be exact but hopefully close enough. All Epic 2.0+ are going to convert to no-stat Epic Augs anyways, to be inserted into tier weapons that have stats, so will try to have those same tier weapons with similar HP as the new Epics HP.

In the end UW Tanks should be able to survive the same, while everyone else becomes more able to survive without.

What will keep the UW special will be DPS, 4-5 types of Augments, and Heroic Resist. Once this happen, it'll be no longer "required" since you can technically get reasonable DPS via Strike Augs and reasonable Heroic Resist with ToFS HR Stones.

Hunter - EZ Server GM
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« Reply #140 on: January 11, 2014, 05:30:46 pm »

Personaly i wouldnt add another slot especialy one for just HP. Becasue then its Just more hp. having aug slots that "Could" have hp aug slotted in them OR other augs will mforce a choice especialy if those other aufs are desirable. either hp or effect or Huh??. this makes them more individualized. makeing another slot with hp is just another thing to do. kinda like the descusions about do you put resists augs in armor or hp augs or Huh? make a slot for one thing and it WILL get filled with just that and all peeps will be the same. not to mention talking about dropping the hp on UW, then to just add them back in doesnt resolve things.

just my 2 cp's
EZ Server GM
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EZ Server GM

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« Reply #141 on: January 11, 2014, 05:31:44 pm »

Actually, I think I've decided to go with Slot 1, Type 21 (Epic Augment) to be added to all UW after next reboot.

This will allow players to insert their 7.0 and 8.0 Epic Augments into the UW.

Hunter - EZ Server GM
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« Reply #142 on: January 11, 2014, 10:41:58 pm »

Actually, I think I've decided to go with Slot 1, Type 21 (Epic Augment) to be added to all UW after next reboot.

This will allow players to insert their 7.0 and 8.0 Epic Augments into the UW.

As much bitching as people have done lately, this might shut a few up ^_^
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