I spoke to Hunter for quite a few hours a few weeks ago before he started heading back up to the states, this is still even now quite the shock to myself. I am deeply saddened by this, I really am. I was just at a close relatives hospice before their passing from lung cancer 2 days ago and then I wake up to this news, it just doesn't seem to stop.
Hunter was a great member of the EQEmu community. Always respectful and willing to help and contribute whenever appropriate. He has been around since the early ages of EQEmu when his server had very little people on it for the longest time. He had many considerations of just closing the project, but through perseverance he has carried on for many years afterwards.
He is loved by many, had a great passion for his life and everything that he cared for.
He had the special insanity that it took to run an EQEmu server for hundreds of players while maintaining a professional and busy life. All of the demands, E-Mails, pressure, drama, threats, challenges, creative inspiration that is all demanded from a person who runs a server of this level by himself and with Basher at many times, but more recent years with the help of great people with the smallest contributions to large.
I have created a news post on the front of EQEmu for people to pay their respects. I can't post on the News section here because I never bothered Hunter for forum admin access even though I have a GM toon in game that I never use other than to log in and show face.
Regardless I have had lengthy conversations with Hunter on this server, its history, struggles, players, code issues over the years and I've been glad to be able to help him as a friend and be able to speak with him on such personal levels. I feel great that I have had this opportunity to be able to relate to him in levels other than EQEmu and get to know about a window in his life.
I also feel honored that he had asked me personally if I would 'Just keep EZ going' when he wanted to retire from it all. I told him that I don't believe I have put nearly enough heart and effort into this as others such as Hateborne and others. Though I have helped him with his code/crash crisis and many other issues, I have never had the intentions of running or even trying to take over his server; which is maybe why he asked to begin with. He also did make a statement that Hateborne is also a big person he has considered for running it when he retired for obvious reasons, but as we all know Hunter, he has had serious issues trusting anyone with anything. Regardless of this information that I just mentioned that he would've wanted kept as private until he said something, I only want whats best for everyone in this community. Because the true thing that he has very much succeeded with here is not only creating a great fun server to play on, he has created a 'Home' in which people can come and get away from all the bullshit that life throws at us. A place to escape, a place to troll, a place to be who you are and express your thoughts and feelings.
But aside from that, the concerns of EZ will have to wait until Basher can get the RL things sorted out. As much as EZ Server was a part of Hunters life, pride and passion. There is now an emotional void, a lost friend and all kinds of things that will need to be taken care of. Please give him the respect of sorting those issues out and keeping the concerns away from what is going to happen with the project, but more honoring Hunter for the great person he was and is.
I cannot say that I am nearly the close personal friend that Basher is to Hunter, but I do want the best for this project and I hope I am able to have a conversation with Basher (I sent you a PM) when it is the appropriate time and he is ready.
As Basher noted, it sounds like he will be posting a way to support his immediate and large family that he supported down there. I believe all current donations as part of EZRewards should be put forth towards the same purpose as that is how he had it and I would think had wished.
I am willing to dedicate whatever resources is necessary to make sure that this project carries on in however form it deems respectful.
Please everyone, do what you can to let others know and honor this great man.