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Author Topic: What do ~YOU~ want to see in EZ?  (Read 94518 times)
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« Reply #105 on: July 24, 2014, 01:09:08 am »

I would love to see the Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Hand quest put on our server.  Of course the stats would have to be modified to reflect the time spent doing it and to match an equivilent worthy of the time.

It's a very long quest, but was very rewarding when done.  Not sure if the zones and NPC's are available here on EZ, but would be awesome to see. Also, part of the quest is completed by "finding" certian areas, does that function work here? Stand at XYZ and get an update. The quest takes place in The Burried Sea and Barren Coast.  Don't know if the boats would work, as boats are how you zone between them, hitting the zone line while not on the boat doesn't work.  If they don't work, we always have the teleporter Smiley

Below is a link to the main quest page.  From that page you can see all the individual quests required to complete it.

There are 39 individual quests that must be completed.  You gain 27 bones during the quests.  You have to assemble each finger individually and all the hand bones via combines and then combine all the finished pieces to make the final hand augmentation.  Would have to remove the currency of Dubloons and make the item required to buy with them purchaseable with Plat.  The only item you have to buy is the container in which to make the combines.  Each combine eats the container.

I don't really know anything about how the coding for it would be done, but I'm willing to do all the leg work and provide any/all information needed to get it done.
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« Reply #106 on: July 24, 2014, 03:03:08 am »

Most people have already hit on everything but since there was a heated discussion about getting folks to stick around, I will chime in. I am currently in T9 BTW. I want to see more new folks and people stick around. Someone had posted a way in which making the earlier tiers faster and easier by way of increased drop rates. I believe that simply increasing the drop rates to allow for younger folks an easier time to get to uw 6 and strike augs to 6 would be great. The real problem is for them getting their strikes up for the group. If they could get strikes faster, they would be more inclined to stick around because they see return on investments. New folks should get things faster than I did when I did them because now there are higher tiers. Other games do this as well. increased lower tier essences.. ie essence through say abyss would make the game move faster for the newer folks. Having these essences would allow them to make augs and thus be able to move through tofs and hoh faster for their uc's.. I do not think charm rate is an issue since increased dps would increase the drop. Another way would be to add strike augs to a rare drop table for a zone... or at least diamonds, plat bars, etc. to help them out a bit.
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« Reply #107 on: July 24, 2014, 06:00:22 am »

It seems like a solid handful of posts have been in favor of the Top Tier - X = Tweak, formula.  Perhaps that can be fleshed out some.

Tweaks per zone/tier (Disclaimer: These are optional suggested tweaks only to be considered IF management decides to use the formula and still depends on what the X value will be)

I will also try to play devil's advocate on each point to provide unbiased feedback.

1.5 Book boss slightly nerfed dmg wise and increased spawn rate or made static spawn (or added back the other 1.5 boss).  May also want to consider tweaking Dragon Slave in Plane of Time.  Devil's Advocate: We are talking about the first real challenges on the server.  These create a barrier to entry that is often beneficial in not giving players false ideas of this server being solo'able.

Qvic add 50% chance for additional armor piece drop on boss and small chance increase for the armor slot gems.  Devil's Advocate: This is typically the first time a player on EZ is experiencing a bit of a grind (finding armor's gems) and again, barrier to entry and taste of things to come.

Cazic Thule armor drops went very fast for me recently, so maybe no tweaks needed here or others could input. (I miss Tacvi </3)  Devil's Advocate: I have not tried this zone without higher lvl toons powering through it so maybe someone else can comment on the difficulty properly.

T1, as many have said, the T1 Essence drop is terrible.  Crystal drops could be increased. Maybe increase the ancient dragon spawn. Devil's Advocate:  None, drops are bad.

T2 felt pretty good for me all around.  It was relatively easy to get armor and essences compared to the previous tier.  Maybe increase the ancient dragon spawn.  Others could input here. Devil's Advocate: Killing your first Kronos solo is something most people remember and that feeling is a part of EZ.

T3/T4 is where you really start needing DPS augs so the aim to tweak this zone is to look at how aug's are obtained up to this point.  Determine if the normal group progression into T3 actually Is likely to get you several appropriate tier dps augs along the way.  If not, find out why.  Plat concerns?  Essences too rare?  SLS concerns? As it stands now, I personally believe UCv1 takes longer than UCv2 even with access to mass pulling any ToFS floor I please.  Devil's Advocate: I recall this zone being the first zone I spent far more time in getting UCv1/Aug's.  Possible barrier to entry and taste of things to come.

T5 excluding the corals I actually loved this zone and the boss spawns but if the formula ever hits this zone, please get the rare spawns increased.  Bone Rot anyone?  Could jump these boss spawn rates 5% and leave it be.  Not sure if we would consider changing coral to a moveable NPC but I guess that could be an option.  Devil's Advocate: I'm guessing most vets would agree that this zone makes and breaks people.  Usually determining if someone is going to stick with it into the later tiers.

T6 I really don't see any tweaks for this zone.  Ess drop is one of the best.  UCv2 I can knock out multiple in a double loot session easy.  Plat is solid.  It was fun to break into on own.  Maybe other's have input.  Devil's Advocate: None that I can think of

Not going to bother with going further at this time.

Non-Specific Tier Ideas:

UCv1 vs. UCv2 Having done 10ish of each I can say that UCv1 takes far longer and this shouldn't be so.  You can tackle this in a few ways.  If you increase drop rates in T3/T4 trash you end up speeding up the process for the whole server.  If you add chance for UCv1 charms to drop in LDoN/qvic/tacvi/T1/T2 with increasing drop % chance (but under T3/T4 trash drop chance) you end up giving new players a leg up but not really helping the higher tiers.  Alternatively you could increase UCv1 charm drops in ToFS to encourage players to go there to farm those and resist augs, getting them used to dealing with AoE early.  Devil's Advocate: Barrier to entry I guess but this one is more than likely responsible for most players leaving and should seriously be considered as we do have 2 other UC upgrades after this one to stem the tide.

UCv3 prob needs scale drop chance in T9, UCv1 is spread across multiple tiers, so why not UCv3?  Someone else thought of this idea previously (Kruciel I think?) so credit due for that individual, not me. Devil's Advocate: Still new and highly sought after item at the top tier, maybe not time to tweak?

Please remove (if you have not already) the garbage augment items from all tiers (non dps augs from LDoN etc.)  They had a purpose before DPS augs were added but no longer.  Keep Aggro Augs of course Smiley  Devil's Advocate: Hodor Hodor? Hodor! I like trash loot

SLS idea.  Now granted, with Ancient Wisp now in T9, I will never need SLS again.  This is still however, an issue at lower levels and still not really addressed.  Farming these sucks, it's boring and tedious.  I suggest you simply add a chance for these to drop in either Tiers/LDoN and/or ToFS at 1% chance. You wouldn't even have to remove them from the current wisp tables and people would just go to jaggedpine when they needed to catch up or Very early in progression and want some starter platinum. If we are concerned that SLS is a plat sink and by removing it, we cause inflation, just add a vender SLS that costs 350k~500k.  People WILL use it.  Then you add GLS and/or SLS drop chance to Plane of time through Cazic Thule while leaving the current wisp zones up I suppose.  Devil's Advocate:  What could I even put here?  "Yeah I enjoyed farming a lvl 12 zone for days to get what was a necessary component in an otherwise custom server, meanwhile half the server botted while hunter slept"

Platinum gain is leaps and bounds better than it was but still is an issue for the lowbies.  Thankfully this issue has untold number of ways to tackle it.  You could (A) Reduce aug requirements for rank 1-3ish by 50% or some other amount, effectively reducing plat requirement while barely increasing inflation.  (B) increase plat gain from lowbie zones not likely to be farmed by T9 UWX wars to abuse the change.  Zones such as LDoN, Plane of Time, Qvic and CT. Other's could input here.  Devil's Advocate: INFLATION

Instance Cost:  I have a FWP, ask that same question to anyone in T9.  Do they have one?  If answer = no, they are either lieing or have a friend who has one.  Do we want this to be some sort of donation requirement?  Is 100 dollars ok for it?  Do we want to leave that as is?  If so, please lower instance plat costs by a considerable amount or make that vender waypoint free at the very least (if it has not already). Devil's Advocate: Altering the worth or value of a donation item is a touchy subject.  This one may require mass server input and careful consideration, but please acknowledge that this is an issue.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2014, 06:54:15 am by clbreastmilk » Logged
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« Reply #108 on: July 24, 2014, 06:53:51 am »

UCv1 vs. UCv2 Having done 10ish of each I can say that UCv1 takes far longer and this shouldn't be so.  You can tackle this in a few ways.  If you increase drop rates in T3/T4 trash you end up speeding up the process for the whole server.  If you add chance for UCv1 charms to drop in LDoN/qvic/tsh drop chance) you end up giving new players a leg up but not really helping the higher tiers.  Alternatively you could increase UCv1 charm drops in ToFS to encourage players to go there to farm those and resist augs, getting them used to dealing with AoE early.  Devil's Advocate: Barrier to entry I guess but this one is more than likely responsible for most players leaving and should seriously be considered as we do have 2 other UC upgrades after this one

 Uc1 should be hard the gains on uc1 is game changing and 100x more important than uc2
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« Reply #109 on: July 24, 2014, 08:14:12 am »

UC1 can always go back to taking a few weeks of LDoN just to finish v1's. How does pulling floor 6 for the next 3 months to v1 your toons sound? UC1 is fine with how easy it is now  Angry
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« Reply #110 on: July 24, 2014, 09:28:51 am »

How about adding custom avatars to your toons >.< get tired of staring at the same graphics on aythena every day I want angel wings and magic princess girl outfits!! lol that aside it be an excuse for you to get more donations into the game and make things more exiting like turning my sword into a kawaii embrella just take the piece and the piece you want changed into magic box and boom, also have a remove for it in the augment sealer possibly avatar only augment slots Lots of ways to make it work -_- just come on every tier...same exact armor graphic every time, never changes...look the same since qvic apart from dye, having unique tier graphics for the toon would really make us feel more excited about upgrades.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2014, 09:31:37 am by aythena » Logged

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« Reply #111 on: July 24, 2014, 02:48:37 pm »

VT being tier 10.

No. Just....no. Bad enough we utilize PoP zones (brings back nightmares to one of the WORST of EQ eras, and thankfully you get away from PoP fast here) and ToV (awesome memories, really, really REALLY bad pathing)....lets PLEASE not go to a zone that combines some of the worst of both. Lets put more content into newer zones....zones a lot of people on EZ have probably never seen....and zones created after SOE finally ironed out some alarming geometry issues in the game. Some great suggestions in various posts on this.

1.  Less reliance on RNG moving forward.    I remember when HoH mobs dropped crystals and you used those crystals to get charms.   This method worked well and I think far better than the current RNG model.    You could calculate how many mobs you needed to kill to achieve what you wanted.    RNG makes it borderline impossible to calculate.     For example I'm back flagging some scrub toons up to T9.   I destroyed 50+ wrist bosses in T8 and have yet to see the wrist for those toons.     I know bad RNG go QQ moar, yeah well Perl Rand() is not perfect and will most certainly bug out sometimes.    Whereas in T6 I kill a specific boss and know I will get the gear I need.

I like the idea....but lets not make things too easy. There definitely needs to be a grindy time element or you churn through content too damned fast, and things become really boring quickly. Yeah, we have some of that now, but it could be FAR FAR worse.

if you want to keep people playing this game, make some drop/spawn more high
been 2 week im in ToFs floor 5 , i have kill about 150 enraged relative and not a single essence drop, 2 week for a single item this geting rediculious, you can check my log im not lying, ive been there 2 week for real, beside during DBL i spend 1 day on floor 5 and 1 day in hoh/poa

No. See above as to why. Think EoFS 5 is bad? Try 6 or 7. I've worked all three. Bottom line is that UW is not now and never was intended to be easy to get. In fact there could be a solid argument made that its too easy to get NOW. And with that we're getting way too close to yet another Tball Trophy Argument.

You dont need a UW. It helps, sure....but its been proven that you can run a team to T9 and be successful without a UW. The UW is a rather powerful reward for people who want The Big Carrot....and dont mindsurviving the Big Giant Stick Upside Their Head to get it. UW is fine as it is.....or perhaps even TOO easy to get. It most definitely should not be made easier....and IMO it should definitely be level limited at the very least.

UC1 is fine as it is. I'd say all that needs a look on UC is perhaps alternatives to UC2 and UC3...even if they are more challenging than current choice for UC2/3.

"When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything — you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." R.A. Heinlein
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« Reply #112 on: July 24, 2014, 03:44:39 pm »

VT being tier 10.
No. See above as to why. Think EoFS 5 is bad? Try 6 or 7. I've worked all three. Bottom line is that UW is not now and never was intended to be easy to get. In fact there could be a solid argument made that its too easy to get NOW. And with that we're getting way too close to yet another Tball Trophy Argument.

You dont need a UW. It helps, sure....but its been proven that you can run a team to T9 and be successful without a UW. The UW is a rather powerful reward for people who want The Big Carrot....and dont mindsurviving the Big Giant Stick Upside Their Head to get it. UW is fine as it is.....or perhaps even TOO easy to get. It most definitely should not be made easier....and IMO it should definitely be level limited at the very least.

I know I just started on the server a couple weeks ago, so I cannot speak intelligently on how needed certain items are to progress or how difficult content is with or without certain items.  However, I can speak to the broader idea of content tuning. 

If, as you say, UW is really not needed to progress, then sure, make UW's as difficult as you like.  Hell make them unique to one person on the server if you want to.  That won't make people stop playing.  What makes people stop playing is when required items for progression are more tedious (not necessarily more difficult) than they are willing to invest time to get.  Tedium and difficulty are two very separate things that I think almost every single person in this thread recognizes.  However, there seems to be some disagreement on what exactly is required to progress and what is not.  Do you need a 6 box to get to T9 or do you need 12?  Do you need UW's or just last teir epic augs?  Are the server admins tuning content with characters in max gear and expecting every single player to be in said max gear to overcome it or are they using chars in lesser gear to tune the content they create? 

And that last question really is the MOST important question.  What is the content tuned for?  What are the expectations the admins of every single player that plays on this server?  I know the thread is designed as a way for the admins to get ideas from the players as to what they want to see.  And there is extremely high value in that.  However, if the admins are then going to take those ideas and create new content, they have to balance what a person 18-boxing with UW's on every char thinks is a challenge versus what a 6 box in epic augs thinks is an acceptable level of challenge.  I guarantee the two will be wildly different.
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« Reply #113 on: July 24, 2014, 07:32:31 pm »

UC1 is fine as it is. I'd say all that needs a look on UC is perhaps alternatives to UC2 and UC3...even if they are more challenging than current choice for UC2/3.


there should be 2-3 ways to achieve these grind items. different zones to get SLSs in, different zones for essences, just name the blue, red, green, black vs ct, gminors, gmajors etc

grind content, which makes up about 90% of our server game gets super boring after you've done it 10, 12, 14, 20 times.

I'm not suggesting anything be made easier. I'm saying make the scenery change. personally I don't mind farming tokens but hoh makes me vomit when I zone in.

t8 is great, t8 for uc3......zone is cool and all but you can pretty much wake up at 4am and do it mostly asleep after the 50th+ time

stuff gets boring, boring = why bother, why bother = why am I logging in

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« Reply #114 on: July 24, 2014, 09:19:06 pm »

Do you need a 6 box to get to T9 or do you need 12?


Heh, sorry, couldnt resist! You can do through T9 with 6 man, but it'll actually take you longer than it will with 12...and will be a bit harder. You need to max out things on pretty much your whole team before you move to the next tier: no UC1's on half your team when you tackle T7....no half assed strike augs. You need to wring every last bit that you can from all 6 of your boxes, or you have issues.

Do you need UW's or just last teir epic augs?

Again, you dont NEED UW....even if you're just running 6. But it helps a metric shit ton if you do, and if its current. But that involves more tedium than you can imagine.

Are the server admins tuning content with characters in max gear and expecting every single player to be in said max gear to overcome it or are they using chars in lesser gear to tune the content they create?

To go to the next tier you must have the maxed epic and armor from the previous tier....so yeah, they are.

if the admins are then going to take those ideas and create new content, they have to balance what a person 18-boxing with UW's on every char thinks is a challenge versus what a 6 box in epic augs thinks is an acceptable level of challenge.  I guarantee the two will be wildly different.

Which is why I love this server. It gives you options....and options you just do not see on other emu's, or on live.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2014, 09:20:44 pm by mpano66 » Logged

"When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything — you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." R.A. Heinlein
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« Reply #115 on: July 24, 2014, 10:37:02 pm »

Do you need UW's or just last teir epic augs?

Again, you dont NEED UW....even if you're just running 6. But it helps a metric shit ton if you do, and if its current. But that involves more tedium than you can imagine.

Are the server admins tuning content with characters in max gear and expecting every single player to be in said max gear to overcome it or are they using chars in lesser gear to tune the content they create?

To go to the next tier you must have the maxed epic and armor from the previous tier....so yeah, they are.

When I say "max gear" I mean full UW's, full UC's, BiS jewelry items, max augs, along with proper armor.   Are all those required or are they just slapping on the full epics, armor, a few "good" pieces of jewelry and some mid-tier augs?  Are they tuning with 6 boxes or 12 or 18?  Are they tuning drops for a typical player of THIS server using 6, 12, or 18 chars?  And is that tuning resulting in the player retention they are seeking?  If not, what areas are they willing to compromise in order to increase player retention?  

And all this is just really the basics of content tuning without getting into the "hard core vs casual" tuning that most live MMO's are forced to deal with.  What we are talking about here is just your "core player" tuning.

And you are correct, very few MMO's give you options when it comes to progression options.  Most MMO's have very strict raid number and group composition requirements that are sometimes rigidly enforced.  This server obviously does not adhere to that, but then those options also make it more difficult to challenge the various different play styles on this server.  As I said, the person who brings 18 to an encounter designed for 12 can't complain that it's too easy.  Likewise, the person who brings 6 shouldn't be complaining that it's too hard either. 

Edit Typo:  Should be BiS instead of BiC.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2014, 11:12:13 pm by Craag » Logged
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« Reply #116 on: July 24, 2014, 11:31:46 pm »

Listen fellas. I'm in T9 and my SoA is around a T3 level and RoA at 400. It's all about the support team. You can do it. It's a little harder but it's doable. Take it from a casual, you do not need max to go to the next level.

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« Reply #117 on: July 25, 2014, 07:43:29 am »

Max gear/augs are not required to progress. It helps but being able to pay and not new an afk bot helps more. Minus the changes to needing epic to progress all tiers I think progression is at a good rate. People can farm sls and trade thm for run through of qvic and other tiers. If that's not your style of playing then yes it will take longer. People will/use to sell charm upgrades all the time.
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« Reply #118 on: July 25, 2014, 09:51:01 am »

Due to a horrible laptop that i recently replaced (and now can do 12 toons if needed, yay)..

I probably was the first person to 4box his way to t9 flags. Believe me, you can do damn near anything on this server with 4 toons, its just not.. fast. Except Mata... Mata with no way to escape DT = phone a friend or just send toons after 8 zillion 6.0 books that are free rot every day when someone is doing uc2s.

Honestly the real trade off you need to ask yourself about is mass trains vs. single target power.

With 12 toons you have the flexibility to have killing speed on massive pulls, as well as legit single target dps.

With a 6box you are going to need to give up either mass pull abilities, OR give up single target dps.

The UW obv is the way to have cake and eat it too, with mass pull from supports and the warrior is the brunt of the single target, and you get by with a 6man box.

Just don't be in a hurry. T5 is a grind to slow ppl down and force them into UC grinds and strike aug grinds and really makes you go sideways to even out your strike team. Once you hit t6 you really start racing toward t8/t9 in a hurry, especially now that so much gear is rotted/sold cheaply. The only reason t5 is so dang frustrating is it's the last zone tier where your toons don't really improve much at all from beginning to end (which is why the strike augs and UC side grinds are so vital.. you still suck as much as you did conquering t4, and there is literally nothing dropped in t5 that takes your breath away. Its up to you to do that with UCs and strike 7s and mana necks and SOAs and RoAs etc...

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« Reply #119 on: July 25, 2014, 10:37:53 am »

You could do T9 with less than 6 without UW. A druid casting drake skin on your warrior could allow you to 2 box all of T9 with some mass pulls.  Bard elemental song will negate T6 boss Muram's DT.  As other's have stated, the content is tuned more so that your DPS determines how fast you kill which helps you progress faster or slower.

Since you seem to want a more cut dry answer, I will say content is tuned for 6 man but this is still only relative to how geared your tank is vs. how much you are healing vs. damage being thrown at you.  If your pally/cleric/healer can't keep the tank up, your tank is undergeared or your healer doesn't have a high enough UC/oracle charm.  If your tank is well geared and your healer has a baller UC charm, then you could 2 box everything.  There are currently no enrage timers, no rampage, and only a handful of bosses DT.
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