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Author Topic: CT dropping UW's? proof....  (Read 25592 times)
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« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2014, 09:49:35 pm »

Lol @ only x amount of loot obtainable. Though I ended up getting my mistress and actually did have a fun time. The imbalance of this event towards players who basically weren't t9 for a "seasonal event" is mind boggling. I know there will be haters to this comment and take it as something negative when it's actually on the contrary, it's just pretty astonishing to create stuff that really just caters to them, even more so have only X amount of crap that can drop that anyone can obtain (which actually again caters to t9 players since they have an easier time pulling / killing bosses, not even claiming they got the drops, I even got a couple strikes, just simply pointing out a fault). Now I couldn't care less, if the event was advertised as t9 or gtfo, or didn't see comments from people specifically like hate talking about using the event to possibly bring back players and see all the new content added in the game, while slapping them across the face for not being one of the people to obtain an UW while some random person who thinks anyone new should just f off, and sense of entitlement, flaunts their drops. Now I may be sounding entitled, but due to an event being created that supposedly everyone is suppose to enjoy, the entitlement should be equivalent across the board.

Anyways, I'll keep playing and keep grinding because ultimately I got everything from the event I wanted to obtain. I enjoyed the event. I made a ton of plat and AAs to progress my characters. Just hope this feedback may be taken into consideration the next time an event is created.
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« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2014, 10:04:49 pm »

The mob levels never changed from last years event. The main difference was adding tiered mobs into the chain. You're lucky they even put a system into place that allowed you to get a t9 boss drop by grinding it out. That shit wasn't there the previous years. I cant tell you how many pieces of loot were given away by higher end players BC it was constant. You shouldnt be able to kill a t9 at t5 not get t9 loot.... Your post is coming off as a WoW player

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« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2014, 10:13:47 pm »

I gotta agree with Eliseus on this. I understand giving t9 players some good stuff, but lower tier players had a much lower chance of getting the limited loot even though tier 9 players almost don't need some of that loot at all while lower tier players could get great use out of it.
I was hoping for some strikes and all I got of the limited loot was a 25 credit token. It's cool that I got it but the t9 players have a greater chance at getting the loot because they can get a lot more of the bosses and kill them faster (heard of some players taking on CT and SM in just a few seconds).
Having some more garunteed loot would certainly be better imo a little bit more like how previous years were done.

The event itself was awesome but too often I found myself getting discouraged after watching CT knock my group around and drag like 10+ mobs in to wipe my toons out.


The only levitation effects I had were FoE and soaring desires (group ones anyway) and FoE half the time would get dropped by the snare even at the back of my buff slots. Soaring desires only lasts like 30-40 minutes which isn't a lot of time when you are chain killing mobs trying to get the bosses and having to rebuff after every CT gets annoying.
Also some people stated I should kill 1 mob at a time to prevent from getting multiple CT spawns at once. You can't get the extra spawns from diablo if you kill the mobs that slowly to get CT.

I liked the event but I feel that some aspects of it were poorly executed (like the fact that soooo many things broke every 10 minutes for the first like 3-4 days of it)

I look forward to next year but would really like to see some more useful loot for lower tiers OTHER than plat and the pets (plat is only as useful as what it can be spent on and when people aren't selling what you need 30mil doesn't do you much good)
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« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2014, 10:47:45 pm »

The mob levels never changed from last years event. The main difference was adding tiered mobs into the chain. You're lucky they even put a system into place that allowed you to get a t9 boss drop by grinding it out. That shit wasn't there the previous years. I cant tell you how many pieces of loot were given away by higher end players BC it was constant. You shouldnt be able to kill a t9 at t5 not get t9 loot.... Your post is coming off as a WoW player

One of those players. We should feel lucky that we were able to even "participate" basically in an event like this right? Hunter did it X way so that's how it should be till the end of time right? Feedback is ridiculous, who cares what you think or feel because it's a f2p server and all though valid reasoning, screw you, right? I did enjoy the event (not like it matters that I point this out again because people like you will tend to ignore it), it doesn't change my observations and things to possibly take into consideration for possible future planning. You are trying to white knight and doing a terrible job at it. Followed by calling someone a WoW player? To try and degrade them in some sort or form?

 Being a WoW player has no sort of relevance here, and if you are trying to use it as some form of accusing me of wanting things easy, grinding aside, IT'S ALREADY EASY! Get off your high horse and stop trying to validate stuff by telling all the player base that we should just feel lucky. Which..... I do anyways, have made good friends who have gave me great tips and people along the way that have helped, does this make my opinion or my experiences with said event less relevant than yours or something? Probably, considering you are T9.

Either way though, your points are invalid, because even if I couldn't get it with tokens, I would of purchased the familiars from someone else. You completely missed not only the points I was giving to maybe make events more accessible for everyone, but basically accused me with your WoW comments of wanting content that is already trivial, to be even more trivial and that I should feel lucky. I loved this event, because even if I couldn't obtain the valuables, I obtained more than I already had. Also be realistic here that I'm probably not the only player bummed out by the limited supply that was presented to us for strike augs etc. Just because I finally got over my fear of giving feedback because of someone like you failing to white knight, don't think I'm the only one.
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« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2014, 10:49:43 pm »

It's awful nice we could get both people not having a good time into the same thread.. It'd be annoying to have to ignore multiple threads while enjoying a full week of dbl loot + special events extravaganza.

i'd say more, but this thread would get locked immediately and you'd infest the other ones.

Life sucks, get a f*cking helmet.

Ponzi Scheme - Monk
Kanyon - Paladin
Kiwis - Warrior
Avacado - Cleric
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« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2014, 10:54:10 pm »

It's awful nice we could get both people not having a good time into the same thread.. It'd be annoying to have to ignore multiple threads while enjoying a full week of dbl loot + special events extravaganza.

i'd say more, but this thread would get locked immediately and you'd infest the other ones.

Life sucks, get a f*cking helmet.

Who's not having a good time?
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« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2014, 11:40:14 pm »

I think the intent was there to make the content dynamically scale to be doable for any levels, but one problem you run into are that a lot of people choose to gear their warrior with upgrades 2 tiers ahead of what the rest of their crew is.  If you're rocking a level 76 warrior totally decked out in T6 gear but the rest of your support classes are barely past T4, there's going to be a severe difference in the level of content you could do if all characters were geared in T6.  This makes it hard to balance around, I'd imagine, since you can't fault someone for gearing the toon that's taking the damage, but you can't tune the content toward their support crew because then it just trivializes it for the tank.

I'd think another issue we ran into this year was people abusing the level differences between characters to trivialize content, either intentionally or unintentionally.  T6 geared tanks grabbing a handful of level 70 alts to force light blue spawns in the zone probably wasn't a good idea and likely prompted some creative coding to address it.

Otherwise, all valid points and there are certainly counterarguments for each of them but I'm just trying to shed light on possibly why it ended up as it did.

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« Reply #22 on: November 03, 2014, 05:57:45 am »

hmm, i made out like a bandit this Halloween and i haven't even stepped foot into T8 yet. The only thing i missed out on this year was the angryface familiar which isn't that big a deal when you run with a chanter. As for the CT knockback...sit your party in the west tunnel and pull everything to there and gratz, you've just trivialized CT and all of his abilities! just make sure to park your toons in the northern part of the tunnel to avoid the 2 static spawns inside from aggroing your party while you are off pulling. i think even Dim  or someone else pointed out this tactic before the weekend started.

i had a blast this year, i put roughly the same amount of time into this event as i did last year and even with the chains being kinda wonky at times, i still think we all came out ahead compared to last year, especially with the addition of xp/gold bags...hate and akka did a great job in the time span they had to work on it.
Hank Hill
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« Reply #23 on: November 03, 2014, 06:02:48 am »

i have to total honest here, and hope i dont get grilled for it. I had to bump them down a tier or two. my warrior is full t9 (so t10) and the rest is in t8/9 that forced the expedition up so i could not pull many, no CT spawns and took me forever to kill them.

So for me to have fun here or just get something out of it, i used some looping chars to even it out a tier or two. was still a challange but i could kill stuff.
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« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2014, 07:17:48 am »

I got one BU from diablo.  Otherwise I saw about 50 CT's and 10 SM's and 1 IG from chains.  So I never saw a MoF,  managed to grind out 2 for monk and ranger and BU's on rest of DPS.

Never saw a strike or UW.

Event had some cool features, but only 25 of each strike available was weak.  Halloween typically probably added in 100's of strikes into economy and I was looking forward to that now that my crew could kill bosses.  Won't be a big deal in the end with the dailies for essences etc.

Next year more strikes less bugs would be my feedback.
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« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2014, 07:55:07 am »

It's funny. I couldn't really farm the Halloween zone, cuz CT tended to just kill me. Even with T8 buffs, he still just killed me. But the plat made it worth my while, ~1.5mil / hour. Sure, I could only pull very small trains, and I pretty much had to accept my death if CT showed up, but w/e. I got good moneyz from the zone, and I had a fantastic time with DL finishing my T3 and most of T4. And some kind soul gave me an IG for my tank, so all is good! All could have been better, I suppose, but that doesn't make it not good.

Mine is the drill that will pierce the heavens! Or at least the next tier.

Filthy casual? Yep, that's me!
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« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2014, 07:57:11 am »

Over the course of the week, between me and my buddy we say 1 IG from a chain, that was it.  Got 0 augs, 0 UW but grinded out lots of pets.  For reference, we are T9 ready but back farming.

To people complaining about not having enough this or that, if the event was too challenging, grinding out normal progression while having double loot would have been a much better choice then hoping to win the lottery.

As many have stated, you could have easily gotten pets up through IG for no time or effort as they were being given away.

While feedback is a good thing, try to be objective vs looking at what you did or did not get.  EQ has always been a more you put in the more you get out sort of game and if you are having difficulty with particular content, changing your goals is a better option.

Any rate, thanks to all involved with making the event good work as always.

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« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2014, 08:47:20 am »

I'd think another issue we ran into this year was people abusing the level differences between characters to trivialize content, either intentionally or unintentionally.  T6 geared tanks grabbing a handful of level 70 alts to force light blue spawns in the zone probably wasn't a good idea and likely prompted some creative coding to address it.

Our group had an issue earlier in the week where we would get nothing but light blues! it sucked.   2 groups in (1 group t8 geared and flagged for t9 and the other group t7 flagged for t8.)   at one point, no matter how many times we destroyed our expeditions, we would go in and everything would be light blue.   Thankfully Hate logged in and fixed it for us.    We had all 77 and 76 lvl chars in there when this was happening. 

Overall, we had a blast.   We only got 1 IG from a chain the entire week though.  Thankfully Diablo popped us a single IG and a single BU.    We don't have any UW's in our 2 groups and we were still able to grind out IG's and Mistresses for almost everyone, along with enough money and Sls's to make 3 strike 9's (that's a hell of a lot of sls's and money made.) 

Even though we only had 1 IG in a chain and those 2 diablo decent bosses, we had a blast and got more than we expected accomplished!

ould have been nice to actually have a chain go somewhere in that entire time of play but over all....Great event!


Drep (War),  Wudd (Cleric), Mdydar (Monk)
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« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2014, 10:20:31 am »

I had to do my instance in 4 pulls... two to the tunnel and two to the mausoleum.. I did not scale my instance back, but when I hit the feeling brave instance, everything was super trivial. I am not sure how the lesser levels scaled, but the 78 one was just right for me... I could still manage to clear in quick order. 12 man team.
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« Reply #29 on: November 03, 2014, 12:20:17 pm »

Congratz to all that got UW's.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 12:32:41 pm by huffdady » Logged
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