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Author Topic: Suggestions  (Read 44722 times)
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« on: May 29, 2015, 06:40:10 pm »

I realize T10 is a priority, but I have a few suggestions. These are only suggestions, and I am aware the devs are super busy - please avoid flaming as this is being posted on the *suggestion* board - where it belongs. If zero of these are implemented even after T10 is finished it's no skin off my back - they're just ideas. Thanks for all the hard work Hate and Akka Grin

an idea or plan put forward for consideration.

1.) Bring T5 mini back but make the zone larger. Alternatively, if you're just trying to prevent people from finding specific bosses (I personally don't see how this is game breaking), then only allow toons to create one instance per day, and set the level requirement to 73 if it isn't already (I think Akka might have done this). This would greatly reduce everyone's ability to repop instances, and would reward only those folks who have more toons 73+. I think it's fair for folks like Dimur to solo mini zones with multiple toons - it's a reward for end game. It would also help if you could disable the #e invite function for T5 mini specifically - the only toons that can zone in would have to be grouped or raided first - if a toon is grouped or raided, and a group or raid member creates an instance, then their one instance per day would be used up as well.

2.) Please add more loot to T7 mini - I don't see anyone using the zone (except Hank). Chunka and I were talking today, and despite his irrational hatred of minis, we both agree regular T7 seems to return 3-1 LP ess vs. mini, plus, you get a ton of cash and other loot. If the minis are designed for folks who aren't ready for the main zone, then the T7 mini is still too large and difficult for the reward. I know this from experience as I did not use the T7 mini even before I could handle T7 main. Personally, I think minis should be a fun alternative to the main zone for everyone - it can get tedious doing LP or abyss or T3/4 again and again - it's nice to switch to mini sometimes.

6.11.2015 edit - heard someone in ooc today say they cleared T7 mini and got zero essences.

3.) Restore the original essence drop rate in Dranik and please fix the mobs around Pusbelly. They never seem to attack. Also replace the lightning boss with a regular boss and have him drop another charm. Right now it's a bit silly to sit against the wall while we simply wait for him to shoot his balls of fire.

6.11.2015 edit - just cleared Dranik and got one (1) essence.  Huh

4.) Add plat bags, GSoA and rainbow crystals to CT (everyone except crazy people will cheer).

5.) Can we stay in location when using leave instance? I think it was like this before the new system was put in place.

6.) Why aren't all DD and AE spells recast and recovery essentially at zero? I know Hate mentioned there was a change here, but I still see delay in the spells - I'm not sure how it's working. Wouldn't this help casters become more viable on top of the recent changes? I also believe dmg should be much higher on most caster spells in order to compete with melee. My casters still can't contribute as nearly all mobs die before they can cast anyway so a nice heavy boom stick once in a while would be fun.

7.) Just out of curiosity, my understanding is haste was made worthless (including bard haste), because it would help improve server performance. However, since then Akkadius has made numerous changes to the server to improve performance significantly (zoning, instances etc.). Additionally, I see less folks on nowadays (seasonally adjusted). Would it make sense to add haste back now? Maybe just cap it at 15 delay or something lower than the current 30?

8.) Fix beastlords for Chunka so he stops complaining in ooc.

9.) Increase GSoA drop rate and add tangible scaling for tiers (I think Hate mentioned he would do this). Haven't noticed a change after the 10% adjustment and it has been some time. As we discussed, going from 1/10,000 to 1.1/10,000 is - eh.

10.) Can we have some kind of boss server event? Even something as simple as making Kern much more powerful, inviting everyone to zone and adding real lewtz on everyone's cursor after kill - real loot...not hp food.

11.) Make a SoT 2.0 and replace reward in SoT quest with 2.0 version. Existing SoTs would not change, but new SoT would be 2015 uber - justifying the existing quest beyond lvl 1. SoT 2.0 should rank up similar to the Leaf of Vitality 1+1=2, 2+1=3 etc., but the mobs should be adjusted to T9 or T10 level in power.

12.) Change server name to Extended Zones (EZ) to clear up confusion with newbs. I think Hate said he was doing this already.

13.) Maybe add a suggestion for new players when they first log in that they use MQ2 and create at least six toons for boxing? This would cut down on the /ooc tards when P99 is under construction. Would also help if we provide them a link to both wikis right when they log into Surefall. Chunka would have so much more time on his hands.

14.) Fix druids. Make Skin of Drake more powerful but keep the recast delay to avoid overuse. I think nerfs should fix the game, not make spells into poop. Also, please change the druid epic click - it's no good and usually ends up killing my druid when I try to use it. Also druids could use a hefty bump on dps spells.

15.) Can we have the bazaar back and allow trading while offline? Economy is dead right now and without an alternative way to trade there basically is no trade. I literally *never* see anyone selling anything anymore apart from no drop items. I also don't see many buyers now as everyone is accustomed to the no selling. That means resources are *extremely* scarce. No one. sells. anything. on. EZ.

16.) Let us buy SLS from vendors for 200k or 2 buzzing berries. Everyone and their mother is tired of farming these things.

17.) Fix Leaderboards and add some guild metrics.

6.11.2015 edit for additions

17.1) Make Shrimp's Manastone droppable (warriors getting caster flag to make mana neck when a bunch of alts already have caster flag is silly).

17.2) Oshimi Spirit (sp?) or whatever his name is in T6 is exploitable. It's possible to pull him without the other boss, and then kill him over and over indefinitely for xp. Tried to bring this up in game but haven't been able to catch devs online for a while.

17.3) For the love of god please make Call of Companions clickie a raid CoH, or at the very least make the recast delay 5 seconds instead of 10. I find myself leaving my 3-4 other groups behind in nearly every zone and just bringing them in at the very end for loot only if needed. I would bet most folks with more than two groups do this - it's too annoying switching groups for CoH especially if you have to move toons out of multiple groups just to make room. It defeats the purpose of having all these toons if bringing them along is a gigantic hassle. I say more toons is more fun and it should be easier to bring them along if we're willing to cough up the $$ for CoH clickie. Folks who usually roll with only 1 or 2 groups will say this isn't necessary. It's not for them.

17.4) Is it possible to make our corpses auto disappear after we mass rez?

17.5) Mistress of Flame is being resisted way too much for it to be useful in later tiers. Considering this is supposed to be a later tier item you would think it would be useful in later tiers.

17.6) I'm still not seeing a dps benefit from black unicorn familiar even after it was fixed - my dps parse might be off though not sure. Same goes for chilled devil.

17.7) I'm sure this is a no, but is it possible to remove the movement effects of mounts? I love that Hunter introduced these way back when, and it would be fun to actually use them. However, because of the effects on movement I don't think anyone actually does apart from in Nexus center. Alternatively, if you gave the higher tier mounts much more HP (for EZ 2015) - I think people would be more inclined to use them.

17.8 ) "Fastest Travel" is 155%, but BU is 175%... so which is fastest...? Wink

17.9) Abyss essences are in server-wide short supply ever since T5 mini was removed. High lvl folks are less inclined to fully clear T5 for some boss essences now that they can't get a couple from the mini now and again. We all avoid the original T5 like the plague - which is partly why the mini was so nice.

17.10) I noticed nearly no one has more than one warrior anymore (except Harthek before he quit and maybe some other folks who were here back when it was a good idea). I'm getting tired of seeing zerk zerk zerk zerk groups honestly. I think the devs have done a good job of fixing warriors as they were clearly OP years ago by making them true tanks and killing their AE dmg. That said, I think you should introduce Anger Aug 7s in T10, and give the warriors a real AE dmg option again (100k or something?). This way warriors can contribute to AE as well like they used to, and people that prefer to use UW 1H can finally justify the quality of the AE aug in their offhand. This would also encourage more folks to UW other toons maybe even before their main tank - creating some more diversity in the game. Smiley

17.11) Can Epic Vendor not show the INCOMPLETE Augment book message when we have an incomplete book in our bank? I understand why he says it when it's on our toon, but having an old book in the bank shouldn't trigger the message.

17.12) Is it just me or is the conversion of rainbow crystals with miner a little too low? It's barely worth handing them to him as is, and a string of bad luck can be devastating especially to new players who really need the aa - I think it would make more sense if the benefit here was more tangible (say 50% success rate).

17.13) Can you add an easy experience v3 upgrade option to EZ Rewards Vendor? Maybe a v2 upgrade option as well? $1k is a lot to ask for those of us who aren't hedge fund managers, and it would be nice to be able to work up to something like this over time. I bet a lot more people would pay this if it could be earned in chunks. For example, the v3 upgrade would require eev2 and would cost 500 credits.

17.14) FWIW, my wizard (including pet dps) with Chilled Devil and Mana Neck IX is now doing about 2.3% of my group's DPS against practice dummy using Hateborne's Glacial Gift (~430k dps in 150 or so hits). This is about on par with a paladin with a single (yes one) Firestrike VI. Compare that to a 2xNSIX geared monk or rogue which are each getting more like 1.5-2M dps in about 400 hits and you can see why casters still don't make sense. Obviously, since the practice dummy isn't anything like a real fight, where mobs often die before casters can even cast, it's not hard to imagine the wizard doing closer to 0% in real combat even with Mana Neck IX. Considering a Mana Neck IX costs about as much as a FSIX plus a lot more essences and SLS, and the total cost of a completed Mana Neck is on par with NS plus a lot more ess and sls, and since casters can't stack two Mana Necks like a melee can have two augs, I would say it's not worth doing at all - thus keeping dps casters comfortably in the recycle bin.

This is just an observation of single target dps with some actual numbers to back it up. Obviously this could look a bit better with big pulls, but I doubt it would be very much. Even though it's an improvement from before, for the current cost of the Mana Neck vs. Strike Augs, I believe it's a waste of resources. More importantly, while the changes to Mana Neck have been great for casters, going from zero dps to a tiny bit of dps at the expense of 40+ essences, 20M plat and 25+ sls just doesn't make sense.

Solutions could include increasing the Mana Neck spell damage multiplier even more, and decreasing the cost of Mana Neck - particularly the essence cost (didn't this go from 1 to 4 when the effect was changed?? Was 2 not enough?). Other suggestions if not game breaking: increase base damage of select spells even more and decrease recovery and recast time on most dmg spells.

18.) Nerf Fugitive.

19.) I can has cheezburger?

« Last Edit: June 12, 2015, 05:09:05 am by warrior5 » Logged

Posts: 2282

Don't nerf me bro!

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« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2015, 08:39:07 pm »

Holy crap, thank you for the fantastically well written suggestion potion.

1) T5 will be back after T10. Had people abusing it again by spamming instances until the bosses they wanted THEN proceeding to clear. I'll likely spread the three bosses across three zones. Additionally, I'll likely get Akkadius' help to immediately bind the players to the instance and act as a lockout as soon as the instance is created. This would help prevent spam abuse. Will also likely disable expedition invites.

2) I'll look in to increasing the drop chance of a variety of things after T10, since it takes time to rework this. Smiley

3) The mobs around Pusbelly are INTENTIONALLY frozen until being summoned. The lightning boss can get loot.

4) Plat bags I can do. GSoA and Rainbow Crystals can be added, but at somewhat low rate due to the ease of training.

5) Nope.

6) I changed the damage significantly on most of them. If there was no cast-time/delay, then an army of wizards would be ungodly overpowered.

7) No, MELEE haste is less useful due to the way almost everything HAS haste on it. Spell haste is HIGHLY beneficial right now though.

8 ) L M A O

9) "As we discussed, going from 1/10,000 to 1.1/10,000 is - eh." So I should set it to 1/5k or something equally easy? If so, then everyone gets one and it's infinitely less useful.

10) I agree. We'll see what we can drum up. Smiley

11) Hmm, we'll see. No guarantees.

12) Discussed with Akkadius, both agreed that it's not the best thing to do.

13) This is easy and I will likely do Sunday or Monday.

14) Druids are hybrids. They do more damage than clerics (at the cost of less healing) probably slightly less damage than shaman (at the gain of more healing). The DoT is fine unless you're trying to melee train the NPCs, in which case, "you're doing it wrong". Considering that almost all of the druid DoTs are quad target, I'm less inclined to worry as 2-3 casts and a small pull is lit up like a Christmas tree....OF PAAAAIN.

15) It's broken. Will not come back until it's fixed.

16) Maybe. It won't be cheap, but maybe. 

17) Will reach out to Akkadius on that.

18) I can't. He's too powerful. He'll gank me.

19) Level your cooking. It can be yours.

20) Pugs > Cats.


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
Hero Member
Posts: 513


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« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2015, 09:16:51 pm »

Holy crap, thank you for the fantastically well written suggestion potion.
Thanks for the responses!  Grin
1) T5 will be back after T10. Had people abusing it again by spamming instances until the bosses they wanted THEN proceeding to clear. I'll likely spread the three bosses across three zones. Additionally, I'll likely get Akkadius' help to immediately bind the players to the instance and act as a lockout as soon as the instance is created. This would help prevent spam abuse. Will also likely disable expedition invites.
Sounds reasonable
2) I'll look in to increasing the drop chance of a variety of things after T10, since it takes time to rework this. Smiley
Great Smiley
3) The mobs around Pusbelly are INTENTIONALLY frozen until being summoned. The lightning boss can get loot.
Learn something every day
4) Plat bags I can do. GSoA and Rainbow Crystals can be added, but at somewhat low rate due to the ease of training.
Fair enough
5) Nope.
6) I changed the damage significantly on most of them. If there was no cast-time/delay, then an army of wizards would be ungodly overpowered.
Make sense.
7) No, MELEE haste is less useful due to the way almost everything HAS haste on it. Spell haste is HIGHLY beneficial right now though.
I see. Is it true we're capped at 30 delay?
8 ) L M A O

9) "As we discussed, going from 1/10,000 to 1.1/10,000 is - eh." So I should set it to 1/5k or something equally easy? If so, then everyone gets one and it's infinitely less useful.
Maybe 1/8k? Huh
10) I agree. We'll see what we can drum up. Smiley
11) Hmm, we'll see. No guarantees.


12) Discussed with Akkadius, both agreed that it's not the best thing to do.

13) This is easy and I will likely do Sunday or Monday.

14) Druids are hybrids. They do more damage than clerics (at the cost of less healing) probably slightly less damage than shaman (at the gain of more healing). The DoT is fine unless you're trying to melee train the NPCs, in which case, "you're doing it wrong". Considering that almost all of the druid DoTs are quad target, I'm less inclined to worry as 2-3 casts and a small pull is lit up like a Christmas tree....OF PAAAAIN.
Fair point, but their epic click still sucks Smiley
15) It's broken. Will not come back until it's fixed.

16) Maybe. It won't be cheap, but maybe.  
17) Will reach out to Akkadius on that.

18) I can't. He's too powerful. He'll gank me.
19) Level your cooking. It can be yours.
MMM... cheezburger.
20) Pugs > Cats.
This is wrong.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2015, 05:19:30 am by warrior5 » Logged

Hero Member
Posts: 1642

Been gone so long I'm a newbie again!

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« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2015, 09:53:06 pm »

I'll still bitch even when they are fixed. Gives me something to do between trying to explain to P99 kids why they wont get far trying to LFG. "But what if I play a chanter? Everyone needs those!" (Not kidding, had someone say that to me even after explaining EZ.)

"When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything — you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." R.A. Heinlein
Posts: 1807


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« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2015, 07:54:04 am »


I be Gimp already!

Quoted for the Brotherhood of Warriors
"I want my wizard to cast Fugitives instead of fireballs.
We can't always get what we want. ;-)"
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« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2015, 10:19:55 am »


I be Gimp already!

Truth you lost Drake
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« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2015, 10:37:57 am »

Never played with it before anyway, was gimp then too.

Quoted for the Brotherhood of Warriors
"I want my wizard to cast Fugitives instead of fireballs.
We can't always get what we want. ;-)"
Rent Due
EZ Server Admin GM
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« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2015, 10:51:31 am »

I'm still unhappy, and will still bitch!

I have vaginitious

Hero Member
Posts: 1642

Been gone so long I'm a newbie again!

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« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2015, 11:44:38 am »

Vaginitis silicosis.

"When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything — you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." R.A. Heinlein
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« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2015, 02:28:24 pm »

After finishing my post on the GSoA, a little lightbulb went off. You want these things to be decently rare (maybe 1 dropping every week or two of constant nolife farming). And like it has been pointed out multiple times, there is 0 economy on EZ right now (I blame people hoarding things for their 12-18 box armies). Right now, there is just no incentive to trade. Anything. This kind of fucks the little guys who are still struggling their ways through the hell content, as where there used to be essence trading, and whatnot, theres just a fat round of silence.

1)  Use the goldmine you have already that is the mini. You have this amazing system set up that allows you to buy UC crystals, but nothing else of use to lower end players. They arent going to see an UW to apply those augs to until they are likely able to farm t5 fairly easily. So, the suggestion here? Add essences to the berry vendor.

Qvic - 3b
Tacvi - 4b

And so on. For characters who already have the UC, this would be a wonderful way to contribute to the group makeup. And with that, there is suddenly a decent amount of essences floating around that people are forced to work for, and the up and comers are not forced to rely on upper players for handouts.

Edit: Adding essences to vendors starting at the cost of a charm upgrade also solves the problem of tinkering with essences droprates based on amount looted.

2) Add a new item to the berry vendor - Shard of The Ages. Combine four in the magic box + 1 EoN ,to get a GSoA. Make the shards no-drop so you dont run the risk of someone dumping nine characters worth of berries into crystals and pooling them all. Each individual character needs to complete his or her own. Make the cost of each shard 100b or so. Yes, 40 days for a complete GSoA doing dranik, or 28ish for those doing the t7. Its still grindy enough to be a pain in the ass and a long term goal, but with tangible rewards that will keep people drinkin the coolaid. The other issue I could forsee with this one is the sudden spike in GSoA being made by people who have a few hundred saved already. Who cares? Theyll drain their berries and get their rewards, but the same thing happened with the release of the UW. Now, players still have to farm it. Long-term, it would even out.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 02:39:25 pm by Pyronost » Logged

Rayge Face - 73 Warrior
Surprize Face - 73 Pal
Stowic Face - 73 Cleric
Kokaine Face - 72 Berzerker
Tranquill Face - 73 Monk
Rumblepack - 73 Bard
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« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2015, 08:44:38 pm »

Another random suggestion - Would it perhaps be possible to make the essences something you could put in your "alt currency" tab?

Rayge Face - 73 Warrior
Surprize Face - 73 Pal
Stowic Face - 73 Cleric
Kokaine Face - 72 Berzerker
Tranquill Face - 73 Monk
Rumblepack - 73 Bard
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« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2015, 12:32:21 am »

OR figuring out how to turn items in stacked.... but I think that was part of CoTF expansion

Tankbeard .... and many other bearded toons
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« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2015, 08:12:02 am »


Change summoning hitpoint percentage from mid 90's to like 80.

One riposite from a high UW can make bosses start summoning and bork pulls.

Not game breaking just annoying on backfarming.
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« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2015, 08:52:45 am »


Change summoning hitpoint percentage from mid 90's to like 80.

One riposite from a high UW can make bosses start summoning and bork pulls.

Not game breaking just annoying on backfarming.

Move uw to offhand or switch weapons when you pull
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« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2015, 09:27:08 am »

I understand that is a work around, but still annoying.

I'd say most people have UW at this point and this would be a nice slight change to make life more convenient.
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