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Author Topic: We're Making A List!  (Read 51964 times)
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« on: July 10, 2015, 05:00:59 pm »

We're Making A List!
....and checking it daily.....

Since T10 is about to be launched, Hate and I need to get started on our next list of things to do. We would like everyone's input on a variety of things that need to be taken care of as we are aware that multiple things have been put off in the making of T10. Some things that need to be addressed are:

  • Stuff that has been put off. As I mentioned, we are aware that multiple things have been put off in the making of T10, but what do you think should get attention first? Is there anything that you believe requires immediate attention? (Hate usually replied "After T10" to these)
  • Stuff that has not yet been mentioned. Is there any problems or suggestions that has not been mentioned that you would like to bring to our attention?
  • Things that need to be looked at. Is there anything that you simply believe just needs to be checked out? If so, please include why you believe it should get looked into.
  • Long standing problems. Obviously we want to take care of any long standing problems as soon as possible. With that being said, are there any long standing problems that you can think of?
  • Lastly... broken abilities. If there are any broken abilities then we want to fix them so you can get the most 'pewpew'. So, please let us know what you find broken.

We plan on working hard to get all of the problems fixed in a timely manner so you guys can the most out of your playtime.  Smiley

New Updates!

New Spell File Available!

  • SLS is now available to be purchased with the alternate currency 'Buzzing Berries'.
  • Call of the Hero is enabled in T6.
  • The shrink on the Illusion Mask has been removed.
  • The resist stone recipes are now available in batches.
  • The trainer in Surefall, Nexus, and Stonehive will now teach channeling up to 150 for free.
  • The Staff of Fluxing Power is now 500 plat and has a 50% focus towards channeling.
  • Casters now have a buff called 'Hunter's Wit' from the Buffbot upon hailing. This buff will Proc the same Proc that melee get on about a 33% chance upon cast.
  • The 1.0 epics have been un-nerfed. The damage on most of them should scale and most of them should be Procable/Clickable by level 10. Only exception being the mage 1.0 as the mage summons a pet...
  • Added batch gem drops to CT and have lowered numbers to keep gems on the first page.
  • ATTENTION: In the near future Druids will be losing the ability to use Icestrike in favor of using the Mana Necklace.

New Updates #2

  • Easy Experience Upgrade Tokens have been added to the Easy Rewards NPC. It works by purchasing an upgrade token and combining it with your current rank of Easy Experience. WARNING: Rank three is the final rank. If you purchase one and own rank three then you will not be refunded for the cost of the token.
  • Chilled Devil has been fixed.
  • Neither Hate or myself could find anything wrong with Black Unicorn. If there is still something wrong with him then please be specific as to what it is so that we can check it out and pinpoint the problem.
  • With reboot most city NPCs and a lot of characters should no longer glow like the surface of the sun.
  • ATTENTION: Druids have officially been gifted the use of the Mana Necklace but the use of the Icestrikes have been revoked. This should help to increase their spell damage.

New Updates #3 (by Hate)

New spell file available (07-19-15), live as of 10:00pm EST 07-19-15!

  • All spells 1-69 have had cast times normalized to EZ standard. In a nutshell, PBAoEs are pretty much instant, AoE Rains are 2.5sec max (wiz 0.9sec), and all spells with a cast time above 2.5sec (even 2.501) had their cast times HALVED. This should GREATLY help aid the leveling process.
  • Manastone and Shrimp's Manastone scale a little bit. This again should address the concern noted in the previous statement.
  • Druid and Wizard "fresh 70" spells saw damage increases, mana cost reductions, etc etc. Will get the rest of the classes during my lunch break tomorrow.
  • Harvest I now matches the rest of the set. Restores 1500 mana + (char_level * 4), 60sec recast (down from....60min 10sec)
  • As some of you may have seen, the level ranges on the intro quests have been widened, allowing for overlaps in questing areas, so it's not so 'rigid' in how one progresses.

New Updates #3 (by Hate)

  • Plane of Fire is now a SCALING zone, similar to the Halloween zone. It is best to attempt it instanced. As such, I will likely reduce/remove the cost for this zone alone. This will help ease the pain point of fresh 70 and no AAXP, directly into Plane of Time. Solo, 'fresh' 70s should have a tough time here, but it will help net AAXP rather quickly.
  • All "fresh 70" spells saw a hefty bit of love. They have been adjusted similarly to the 1-69 spells, to meet "EZ Standards".
  • Starting new characters will start with 2 Magic Boxes, 20 of the GOOD food/water, the Newbie Charm v1, and the class-specific epic(s).
  • As mentioned previously in OOC, Staff of Fluxing Power is ~500pp and adds +50% spell damage/healing. Manastone is ~1kpp now and scales with level (at 70, it's effectively 2x the base effect). Shrimp's Manastone scales similarly, but the gains are maybe 20-25% more HP lost and mana gained.
  • Berserker 1H epics were added to the possible turn-ins for Epic Vendor. Thanks to Tankzilla for pointing out this deficiency.
  • Many more bears and piranha can be found in Surefall Glade to assist lowbies in that initial 'gear-up'.

« Last Edit: July 21, 2015, 01:37:36 pm by hateborne » Logged
Posts: 15

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« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2015, 06:06:16 pm »

-CT doesn't drop plat, plat bags, or vendor trash.  Can only make money selling things to other players from this zone
-T1/T2 mobs still quite faster compared to other zones
-T7 trigger near 95, -2825, 358 often spawns in the wall/underground
-T7 trigger near -2133, -2509, 150 often spawns underground
-When charmed by Pushbelly, other npcs can still attack you

Wouldn't say any are high priority.  Just things I have noticed in the last week

Posts: 20

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« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2015, 10:04:50 pm »

-CT doesn't drop plat, plat bags, or vendor trash.  Can only make money selling things to other players from this zone
-T1/T2 mobs still quite faster compared to other zones
-T7 trigger near 95, -2825, 358 often spawns in the wall/underground
-T7 trigger near -2133, -2509, 150 often spawns underground
-When charmed by Pushbelly, other npcs can still attack you

  • CT should now drop a fair amount of gems with new instance or reboot.
  • T1/T2 will no longer charge at your face. I too agreed that these were a little too fast so we did slow them a bit. However, the bosses will still be flesh crazy.
  • We adjusted the way the T7 ambushes spawn. Hopefully this will fix the problems... let us know.
  • Sadly Pusbelly cannot be fixed. This is due to the way that the combat system works.

In addition, these items have also been fixed:
  • Lumberjack's Dream delay is now fixed and consistent with the rest of the 1h.
  • We also fixed a problem where epics were not properly upgrading into augs on Epic Vendor.
  • The warrior Stonewall should no longer take your health without asking first...

« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 10:17:01 pm by hateborne » Logged
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« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2015, 10:08:15 pm »

Would it be possible to set server messages into the server message chat filter? Things like GM announcements and server reset warnings all end up in the "other" filter that tends to get spammed.

Flin is alone with the grimoire. I stab it, no wait I backstab it! You can't backstab it, you can't sneak attack an inanimate object. Why not it's prone? It doesn't have a discernible anatomy. It's got a spine doesn't it? *Rolls a 1 and stabs himself.
Leis  ~  Daira  ~  Arith  ~  Laria
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« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2015, 12:42:10 am »

Beastlords are on our list and are going to be reviewed really soon.

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« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2015, 01:27:39 am »

Thanks for asking, Love Smiley I'll work off of my last post on this subject. Items in red are somewhat urgent imo:

1.) Bring T5 mini back. Disable #e invite and only allow toons to create one expedition per day. Possibly make the zone larger. Don't nerf the essence drop rate if these things are done.

2.) Add more loot to T7 mini.

3.) Increase the essence drop rate in Dranik - this was nerfed a bit too hard imo. Lightning boss should drop a charm.

4.) Add plat bags, GSoA and rainbow crystals to CT.

5.) Chunka disagrees, but I am still not seeing reasonable DPS from my casters. I've spent a great deal of resources on my T8ish wizard for caster neck and a comparatively geared melee of any kind absolutely crushes his dps. Currently has Mana Neck IX and HGG I. This discourages me from gearing out any other casters for dmg. His DPS is currently 1/3 to 1/4 of what a comparatively geared melee is doing against practice dummy, and only 1/10 in real combat. I have the logs and Gamparse to back it up. I can't speak for max geared casters.

6.) Add melee haste back?

7.) Fix beastlords.

8.) Increase GSoA drop rate and add tangible scaling for tiers.

9.) Can we have some kind of boss server event? Although I missed them recently I heard the events you guys have been doing are awesome.

10.) Changes to SoT quest are awesome Smiley but I think in order to make it worthwhile, the stats for SoT X would need a bump, and the focus effect should be something powerful. I still have no incentive to do this quest even with the adjustments when we have Jeweler's Candlelight / Freeport Arc of Pain and other range items.

11.) Change server name to Extended Zones (EZ) to clear up confusion with newbs.

12.) Add a suggestion for new players when they first log in that they use MQ2 and create at least six toons for boxing.

13.) Please change druid epic click to anything else. My vote is for fastest travel group buff. Would make everyone use their druids again, would stop the infinite problem of toons dying and running slower than the group, and would bring back the old school feeling of druids being sow b*tches Smiley

14.) Bazaar?

15.) Let us buy SLS from vendors for 300k or 3 buzzing berries. If you make them too expensive here people will not buy them. This was added which is sweet, but I noticed they cost 25 buzzing berries. I imagine only people who have all UW augs and charms would consider spending this. FWIW, I have easily over 2,000 berries and wouldn't spend 25 on one SLS. Maybe 10 or 15, max. I understand this should be expensive since people can get berries on multiple toons, but there is an opportunity cost to spending berries as well. They could be used for charms or UW augs instead.

16.) Fix Leaderboards and add some guild metrics.

17.) Oshshisimaimi Spirit or whatever his name is in T6 is still exploitable.

18.) Decrease delay on Call of Companions clickie.

19.) Fix Black Unicorn and Chilled Devil effect (not sure if this was done).

20.) Add an easy experience v3 upgrade option to EZ Rewards Vendor - maybe a v2 upgrade option as well.

21.) Would be nice to see some kind of rare spawn on EZ ala Zerka except for lower tier, maybe T5 or T7ish? Could drop something uber and would be fun to camp if the item is really valuable ala Quillmane back in the day.

22.) Fix broken bard spells. My mistake these are working Smiley

23.) In the vein of the awesome change to UW essence trader, allow us to combine multiple charms prz? Smiley

24.) Allow us to hand in multiple items to v2 augment collector prz? Smiley

25.) I can't put my finger on it, but occasionally MGB buffs are not landing on everyone. Recently, nearly every time my shaman casts epic buff with MGB my warrior does not receive the buff. Similarly, my warrior buff clickie often does not land on all nearby parties.

25.) Could just be crazy RNG but I've never seen a rainbow crystal or GSoA drop in T7 - which is pretty insane considering how much time I've spent there. Quick check in ooc no one confirmed any recent drops. Literally just got a crystal after posting this, but I swear it was true!

26.) Since I have nearly all classes I thought it would be helpful to list them in order of likelihood I will log them in for the day. Should give some idea of which classes are currently useful, and which are not:

- Warrior (always)
- Paladins (always)
- Zerks (always)
- Monks (usually)
- Rogue (usually)
- Ranger (sometimes)
- Bard (sometimes)
- Shaman (sometimes)
- Enchanter (sometimes)
- Wizard (almost never)
- Shadowknight (almost never)
- Mage (almost never)
- Second Warrior (almost never, and regret creating one)
- Druid (never)
- Cleric (never)
- Necromancer (never, couldn't bring myself to make one)
- Beastlord (never created one, for obvious reasons)

27.) As for CT plat, Kiwis said in ooc today every single mob is leaving a corpse now with worthless gems like topaz, black pearl etc. Huge headache for no value. Can we change this to drop plat bags on some mobs?

28.) As a personal and unrelated request, it would be nice to have DL and/or hween on a weekend other than a major holiday once in a while. Many of us have family obligations during holiday weekends which rightfully prevent us from logging on. The temptation to play when we should be focused on family instead is hard - an occasional random weekend here or there would give us something to look forward to when we are unable to play.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2015, 04:43:55 pm by warrior5 » Logged

Posts: 2282

Don't nerf me bro!

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« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2015, 01:43:01 am »

Which broken bard songs and how are they broken?  Smiley


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2015, 02:15:23 am »

Oh, and someone suggested allowing us to combine 8 of each type of resist aug, like we can ranks 1-4. That would help reduce the click fever when farming resists in tofs.

Flin is alone with the grimoire. I stab it, no wait I backstab it! You can't backstab it, you can't sneak attack an inanimate object. Why not it's prone? It doesn't have a discernible anatomy. It's got a spine doesn't it? *Rolls a 1 and stabs himself.
Leis  ~  Daira  ~  Arith  ~  Laria
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« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2015, 07:08:56 am »

Hatestomp 4 could use 250k hate, rather then the 100k it currently has
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« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2015, 07:15:16 am »

First off, thank you both for looking at, and fixing these various issues

Please don't take this the wrong way, as this is just an observation, not a complaint  Cheesy
Adding the gems to CT is going to get very tedious for those farming essences
90% of mobs now seem to have gems, which means a lot more looting corpses, which i think is why Hunter removed all the trash loot

I know people want something positive to gain while farming, possibly adding occasional plat bags may be better solution? as was done with qvic, and gems can be bought if needed
« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 07:51:36 am by Aeryn » Logged

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« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2015, 09:00:24 am »

Can we get the hardest boss in the game fixed?  Squealing Underboss in dranik just killed my t9 tank with LV shield and UWX in 1 round AGAIN.  I hit him with voice of cazic clickie, he resisted part so he had 38% when running to me.  I clicked on crustracean riposte googles and turned on attack while he ran at me...and I died.  I have over 4million hp's and a light blue mob is killing me in 1 round.  Please help.

also, can dranikb (floor 2) be itemized beyond the 2 bosses?  As far as I can tell, in the time it has taken me to get uc1's for all my toons and hatestomp 3, I haven't seen a bag/essence drop off the trash mobs there.  Hehe, as soon as I posted this a bag literally dropped off a trash bug.

Thanks for the time and energy you guys supply to making this server such an awesome place for us to piss and moan in (and have a blast 99.9% of the time!)
« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 09:36:54 am by Waraesh » Logged

Posts: 2282

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« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2015, 09:47:43 am »

also, can dranikb (floor 2) be itemized beyond the 2 bosses?  As far as I can tell, in the time it has taken me to get uc1's for all my toons and hatestomp 3, I haven't seen a bag/essence drop off the trash mobs there.  Hehe, as soon as I posted this a bag literally dropped off a trash bug.

Dranikcatacombsb (floor 2) was fixed thanks to Kiwis mention yesterday.


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2015, 10:07:14 am »

Can we get the hardest boss in the game fixed?  Squealing Underboss in dranik just killed my t9 tank with LV shield and UWX in 1 round AGAIN.

He does 75% of someones hp randomly when hitting 75, 50 and 25 percent hp. I agree that he needs a limit on how often he can do that, something like a short cooldown. Right now the trick is to kill him slowly, wait for those hits, and heal them fast.

Flin is alone with the grimoire. I stab it, no wait I backstab it! You can't backstab it, you can't sneak attack an inanimate object. Why not it's prone? It doesn't have a discernible anatomy. It's got a spine doesn't it? *Rolls a 1 and stabs himself.
Leis  ~  Daira  ~  Arith  ~  Laria
Posts: 2282

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« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2015, 10:59:25 am »

Please don't take this the wrong way, as this is just an observation, not a complaint  Cheesy
Adding the gems to CT is going to get very tedious for those farming essences
90% of mobs now seem to have gems, which means a lot more looting corpses, which i think is why Hunter removed all the trash loot

This is because I'm an idiot and explained it to Love incorrectly. I've added a plugin function to handle it the way we wanted. Basically, the normal plugin addloot will take the number of items, roll EACH ONE, and add those that passed (which is what you are seeing now: 1, 3, 1, 6, etc). The new function will basically add a large amount or nothing at all.

Sorry about that ladies/gents/trolls.


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2015, 01:23:55 pm »

I know this is just a shot n the dark but is there anyway to change the ranger epic ? every class has a useful epic but the ranger
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