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Author Topic: New Content  (Read 134895 times)
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« Reply #90 on: October 19, 2016, 06:56:18 pm »

My biggest next question is going to be, if you guys want to keep T10 in its current form, what would make it a desirable zone to play in?

Well if it is going to stay a public zone then it would need camps for MULTIPLE groups....and that means several camps for orcs...several camps for sarnak....gnoll etc.

Kinda pointless to have the orc named spawn in a camp south of where you are fighting...and then someone else snags a named because noone knows who actually spawned it.

As much as Hate tried to make it a group-play zone people here don't play that way (as a whole) you do have a few people who will team up (brunna/Haudie/Blarr) and i raided up a few times with them...but I know them all since I used to be in Magister....but I don't like to group with people i don't know....I know that makes me a jerk but hey i have been playing that way for YEARS on this server...and now all of a sudden that changed.....

As far as future zones...I would like to see something in a newer style zone like a Brell's Rest or something like that and go back to instanced zones not public....

oh yeah and did i mention I hate traps?  Wink

Hate's Most Hateful Hater
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« Reply #91 on: October 19, 2016, 07:32:00 pm »

My biggest next question is going to be, if you guys want to keep T10 in its current form, what would make it a desirable zone to play in? I see a lot of different things in the T10/BugsProblems/Questions thread, but since discussion is queued up in here I am asking here.

1. Instancing
2. Trap re-work
3. player control of loot distribution
4. maybe look into adjustment of aoe rampage

Drep (War),  Wudd (Cleric), Mdydar (Monk)
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« Reply #92 on: October 19, 2016, 07:38:10 pm »

As much as Hate tried to make it a group-play zone people here don't play that way (as a whole) you do have a few people who will team up (brunna/Haudie/Blarr) and i raided up a few times with them...but I know them all since I used to be in Magister....but I don't like to group with people i don't know....I know that makes me a jerk but hey i have been playing that way for YEARS on this server...and now all of a sudden that changed.....

it doesn't make you a jerk Orthanos.  a whole lot of people grew up playing live mmo's grouping/raiding.  this server gave us a place where we could create our own armies and play an mmo by ourselves.   never needing anyone else unless you ask for help.  

I was here before instancing but when instancing finally landed it was the most awesome thing anyone could have ever done for me. lol
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 07:41:58 pm by Drep » Logged

Drep (War),  Wudd (Cleric), Mdydar (Monk)
« Reply #93 on: October 19, 2016, 11:30:45 pm »

-- Loot distribution via raid level RNG:  When you drop a boss that loot is distributed randomly to whatever toon in the raid that is eligible.   This pretty much goes against the concept of pretty much any mmorpg ever (to include EZ Potimea - T9).   Players need/want finite control of loot distribution, as we all know gearing up certain role players make the group stronger.   In addition, due to the "raiding" nature of the zone, the random loot distribution eliminates the use of any DKP type system, which again is typical in pretty much every mmo ever.   I mean my lazy bard gets phat loots and only shows up to raid 1/4 of the time.   The accessories are also distributed randomly.    My SK has 0 need for a healing shield, absolutely 0.  

Raid loot is not random at all... it goes in order of how you have your raid set up.....t00n 1 gets loot ....if toon1 is not ready then toon2 gets armor token....ext ext... it just goes in order... its not random at all...   you want to gear up a certain toon you make him raid leader and he gets it...every time...

I would like to see the bosses spawn from killing other triggers as they do now but NOT in a fixed location....I want them to spawn where the trigger dies.... so you cant "camp" the orc armor boss by just sitting on the hill afk why someone else kills the triggers for you.

 The description provided to Akkadius regarding boss loot was incorrect regarding RNG yes.  I wrote it hastily in between powergrinding sessions when I was running T10.  However the solution recommended solves many issues.

Potential Solution to RNG:   The RNG loot issue could be resolved by having loot dropped on the leaders,  1-X  no drop faction armor token per kill.    Those tokens could then be turned into the appropriate faction leader for eligible armor.    Seems to me that this would follow suit with the rest of EZ and allow us to use DKP and or have finite control over loot distribution.

While yes the loot is distributed to the top level raid members first, it is still quite annoying.  Multiple tokens are distributed per boss kill so you have to organize your raid different each time depending upon who you want to gear up.   If you are raiding with multiple players the annoyance is amplified.  

The recommended solution of having the boss drop loot tokens solves that problem.   In addition, if the zone is going to be kept a "raid zone", which I disagree with,  then raid tokens would also allow players to team up without having to continue to switch raid members.   I find dealing with changing raid members to be tedious, in addition I pull a ton and often and do not want to be bothered dealing with slowing down to switch raid members to accommodate a flawed design.

The accessories given in T10 are indeed random and include items that are not needed whatsoever by certain toons.   For example, my SK does not need an healing shield that it cannot use.

Personally, I cannot stomach T10, it is bile inducing, am sitting at 77/1000 PBs I think (on my MPG group), but have not played in quite some time.   That 77/1000 is after completing armor for 15 toons.   I've seen many players drop off the server, maybe due to T10, maybe due to burn out.  

« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 11:39:26 pm by Peign » Logged
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« Reply #94 on: October 20, 2016, 07:21:40 am »

I've seen many players drop off the server, maybe due to T10, maybe due to burn out.

The handful of folks who think it's fine, think otherwise.  All of us who don't play anymore just want everything handed to us.

« Reply #95 on: October 20, 2016, 08:29:24 am »

I've seen many players drop off the server, maybe due to T10, maybe due to burn out.

The handful of folks who think it's fine, think otherwise.  All of us who don't play anymore just want everything handed to us.

Interesting assertion, however it is false.   I have 15 toons finished with T10,  7 UWs,  15 UC3s, 28 toons flagged for T10 (24 actively in T10) and I do not play anymore.  Feel free to Magelo Red Horse if you are bored.  Never wanted anything handed to me.  Many who have quit have gear equivalent to that or more, Harthek for example has 24 UC3s.  

1 person has finished the epics in T10.    That one person happens to belong to Macroster a guild known for running advanced macros written by Blarr.   People will argue differently but we all know better.  Don't care either way as this is a 17 year old game so macro it all the way to kashmir, just illustrating the herculean effort required to get the epics completed.   I doubt very much that anyone not running advanced macros will finish the plagueborne quest before it is nerfed.    I think the highest count I saw, outside of Macroster, is 300 or so.  Fortunately when I did T10 the zone was rather empty so I didn't have to share with Macroster et al.  

For the handful that enjoy it, I'm sure they also enjoy sticking alcohol dipped qtips up their urethra.    There is nothing enjoyable about spending hours upon hours looking for plaguebornes in a bile inducing zone developed by a total douche of a wannabe developer.    

 Fortunately Akkadius was able to make some changes to reduce the lag and actually make the zone playable.    

« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 11:54:11 pm by Peign » Logged
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« Reply #96 on: October 20, 2016, 10:19:32 am »

For the handful that enjoy it, I'm sure they also enjoy sticking alcohol dipped qtips up their urethra.

Oh, shit! Its Thursday again already??

"When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything — you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." R.A. Heinlein
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« Reply #97 on: October 20, 2016, 03:09:09 pm »

Maslow, shit slinging isnt going to fix the issue...just makes you sound like a dick...a dick with shit on it. Just chill out and try to be constructive...and wait. That's all you have to do. Kiss

Hate's Most Hateful Hater
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« Reply #98 on: October 20, 2016, 03:48:26 pm »

Interesting assertion, however it is false.   I have 15 toons finished with T10,  7 UWs,  15 UC3s, 28 toons flagged for T10 (24 actively in T10) and I do not play anymore.  Feel free to Magelo Red Horse if you are bored.  Never wanted anything handed to me.  Many who have quit have gear equivalent to that or more, Harthek for example has 24 UC3s.  

Sorry if my post wasn't clear, I was agreeing that T10 is not in line with the server and how people play here.  There are a clear vocal group that enjoy it and like to accuse people who speak out against of simply wanting things handed to them. 

Obviously, I failed in my sarcasm, I'll try harder next time.

« Reply #99 on: October 20, 2016, 03:58:38 pm »

Interesting assertion, however it is false.   I have 15 toons finished with T10,  7 UWs,  15 UC3s, 28 toons flagged for T10 (24 actively in T10) and I do not play anymore.  Feel free to Magelo Red Horse if you are bored.  Never wanted anything handed to me.  Many who have quit have gear equivalent to that or more, Harthek for example has 24 UC3s.  

Sorry if my post wasn't clear, I was agreeing that T10 is not in line with the server and how people play here.  There are a clear vocal group that enjoy it and like to accuse people who speak out against of simply wanting things handed to them. 

Obviously, I failed in my sarcasm, I'll try harder next time.

Ahhh, I see, my bad read it wrong I guess.   Anyway, my statement stands  Smiley

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« Reply #100 on: October 21, 2016, 02:03:13 pm »

I know its not new content, but it would be nice if we could get the bazaar back.

Flin is alone with the grimoire. I stab it, no wait I backstab it! You can't backstab it, you can't sneak attack an inanimate object. Why not it's prone? It doesn't have a discernible anatomy. It's got a spine doesn't it? *Rolls a 1 and stabs himself.
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« Reply #101 on: October 28, 2016, 03:21:54 am »

How about some lootfilter options for instances, that way we can turn off the types of loot we don't want. Just give us broad options so it's not specific items. something like armor, gems, plat bags, augs. less corpse clutter would be awesome.
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« Reply #102 on: October 28, 2016, 10:47:15 am »

whats about to update spell recipe list ;P

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« Reply #103 on: October 28, 2016, 11:57:13 am »

yeah, T8+ spell recipes would be nice

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« Reply #104 on: October 30, 2016, 12:32:55 am »

Updated spell list would be amazinggggg. Also fixing the ones that are wrong like pally avenger 2 recipe....wasted so much plat on buying Velium and the recipes not working.

Anyway, two things that I realllllyyy love, and get me excited to play are.
1 those items that give you that feeling of a big jump in power such as ultimate charms. 

2  having alternate places for farm for them.  Would love an alternate to farming v2 v3 UC upgrades. It really helps to keep grinding more interesting, the expeditions for instance are an amazing addition. Another place using more a recent zone in the similar style of ToFs with different "tiers" but for higher charms maybe picking up at t7 difficulty and beyond would not only fall perfectly in line with the servers style but help break up the monotony of farming the same zones day in and out.
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