Hi all,
I have been gone for a while, and starting to play a bit in my free time.
I have several characters, in between T3 and T6. In getting back into things, I am kinda lost
My first order of business is to check out my characters for who has what gear.
The wiki helps on T3 and T4 armor names:
T3 armor will be class armor: Tarew Marr for plate classes, Fennin Ro for leather, Povar for chain and Xegony for cloth.
T4 Armor Names
Bard: Druzzil Ro; Beastlord: Veeshan; Berserker: Brell Serilis; Cleric: Tunare; Druid: Karana; Enchanter: Quellious; Magician: Prexus; Monk: Tribunal; Necromancer: Innoruuk; Paladin: Mithaniel Marr; Ranger: Erollisi Marr; Rogue: Bristlebane; Shadow Knight: Cazic Thule; Shaman: Bertoxxulous; Warrior: Rallos Zek; Wizard: Solusek Ro
T3 armor will be class armor: Tarew Marr for plate classes, Fennin Ro for leather, Povar for chain and Xegony for cloth.
T4 Armor Names
Bard: Druzzil Ro; Beastlord: Veeshan; Berserker: Brell Serilis; Cleric: Tunare; Druid: Karana; Enchanter: Quellious; Magician: Prexus; Monk: Tribunal; Necromancer: Innoruuk; Paladin: Mithaniel Marr; Ranger: Erollisi Marr; Rogue: Bristlebane; Shadow Knight: Cazic Thule; Shaman: Bertoxxulous; Warrior: Rallos Zek; Wizard: Solusek Ro
What is the T5 and T6 armor names, just adding the II or III onto the T4 names?
Sorry for newb question, but I dont see any references to armor names past T4.
Thanks for help guys