I get that its to "remove aggro" but why is this even in place? The dummies are rooted in place and cant chase you, they do 1 damage, and couldn't the DB be changed so that when a player disengages them they become "memblurred" or lose aggro after 20 or 30 seconds of non-melee action? The reason I am complaining about this is, once you get invizzed (on RoF2 client) you get a "buff" or an "effect" that invizzes you and it doesn't appear in your buff list. You cannot click this buff off, cant remove it in any way afaik, and therefore - cant hail any NPC's or use the buff bot or teleporter. It took me 20 minutes today to figure out what was going on and someone told me that they noticed I was invizzed...
This is a great and wonderful server, I love this server - but mechanics like this are just silly. There is no reason for anyone to be "invizzed" after disengaging from a target dummy that is perma-rooted and only does 1 damage. the dummies are great for getting melee and defense skills up, but this mechanic is not.
Is there a specific reason why this mechanic exists? Is it because of my client?
I'm not sure why that was setup that way - someone else had put those in. If they are really an issue we can tack it on the list but that's the first I've heard